Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 560 Defeating the Zhang Family Brothers

Zhao Yang smiled and said nothing.

Then the two parties signed the contract under the witness of the ring referee.

The referee jumped off after saying some rules of the challenge.

"Boy, remember my name, the one who defeated you is..." The man just said that a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and it fell on the man's body fiercely.

The man snorted and fell to the ground.

"I'm not interested in knowing the loser's name." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

The referees in the audience watched this scene in astonishment.

This is the end?

Is it too fast?

"I declare that the winner of this competition is Zhao Yang." The referee said helplessly.

The process of the competition between the two sides is not open to the public, and only the high-level sects have the right to watch.

Therefore, Xu Huier and others did not know the process of Zhao Yang entering the competition.

Just when Yuan Jin'er guessed how long Zhao Yang could resist, she found that Zhao Yang came out of it intact.

"what happened to you?"

"That kid is too scumbag." Zhao Yang shrugged.

Yuan Jin'er and Xu Huier looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Across two small realms.

This is not something everyone can do.

At this moment, the disheveled man staggered out from inside.

As soon as he saw Zhao Yang, it was like seeing an enemy, "You are despicable."

Zhao Yang stared at the man and said, "Why am I mean?"

"You sneak attack."

"I sneak attack?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Your own strength is rubbish, so who can blame you?"

"Hmph, if it wasn't for your sneak attack, how could I have lost to you?" the man clenched his fists and roared.

"Well, I'll give you another chance." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying, "Let's fight again."

"Really?" The man's eyes lit up.

"Yes, but this time we have to gamble."

"I have no points on me."

"Won't you borrow it?"

"Say, how much do you want to bet?"

"one thousand."

"One thousand?" The man was startled.

This number is indeed a bit large.

"If you don't dare, forget it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Remember not to call me a sneak attack in the future."

"Who dares?" The man was immediately provoked, "You wait for me, I'll borrow it right away."

After the man left, Xu Huier said worriedly, "Are you sure?"

"Not sure." Zhao Yang's words made Xu Huier's face change suddenly.

"I'm not sure you're still gambling with him?"

"Didn't I think he didn't dare?"

"Will he be blamed if you provoke him so much?" Xu Huier said angrily.

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

It didn't take long for the man to rush here.

It seems that I am afraid that Zhao Yang will run away.

"I borrowed a thousand points." The man raised the token in his hand.

"Why don't we just forget about it?" Zhao Yang felt stage fright at this moment.

"Forget it? What are you kidding?" The man sneered, "Today you have to gamble, and you have to gamble if you don't."

"If my junior brother doesn't want to gamble, can you force me to try?" Xu Huier snorted coldly.

"Do you only hide behind women?" the man stared at Zhao Yang and asked.

Zhao Yang thought that you would also play the routine of stimulation?

If I wasn't worried about arousing your suspicion by agreeing too quickly, do you think I would play hard to get?

"Who are you talking about?" Zhao Yang became 'angry' immediately, "Come on, sign the contract now."

"Haha, good." The man said excitedly.

Watching the two walk into the venue, Xu Huier's face was full of worry.

"Why are you worried?" Yuan Jiner touched Xu Huier.

"I'm worried that the younger brother is not the opponent for posting?"

"Are you still worried about posting?" Yuan Jin'er said narrowly.


Returning to the arena again, posting the immortal power spread all over the body for the first time.

This post is full of attention, and Zhao Yang must be taken down.

one move!

Two strokes!

Three strokes!

Poster used many means to fight Zhao Yang in the arena, and finally after fighting hundreds of moves, the immortal power in his body was exhausted and he was defeated.

"Your strength is really strong." Post looked at Zhao Yang, who was panting across the way, with an ugly expression on his face, "As long as I get a little stronger, I can defeat you."

"Hey, I accept your one thousand points." Zhao Yang said with a big smile.

Poster's face was gloomy, "Boy, we've settled this Liangzi."

"So what if it ends?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "If you have the ability, go call someone."


Post stunned.

This kid is very arrogant!

"You wait for me." Posting angrily rushed out of the challenge room.

Zhao Yang came unhurriedly to the challenge room.

"Zhao Yang, why did you post it?" Xu Huier asked puzzled.

"I fought him a hundred times before finally defeating him." Zhao Yang said out of breath.

"But why did he run away so angry?" Xu Huier continued to ask.

"He said that the two of us settled the matter, and I said you should call someone if you have the ability." Zhao Yang said innocently.

Xu Huier staggered.

Yuan Jin'er also looked confused.

They really want to say, can you stop being so superb?

"Zhao Yang, you're finished." Yuan Jin'er giggled, "The cousin who posted it is the seventh floor of the True Wonderland."

"The seventh floor of True Wonderland?" Zhao Yang rubbed his chin and said, "It's a bit difficult."

Yuan Jin'er looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

Why doesn't this guy seem worried at all?

It didn't take long for Poster to rush to Zhao Yang with a man who was three points similar in appearance to him.

"You are Zhao Yang?" Zhang Han asked with a cold face.

Zhao Yang nodded, "What can you do?"

"Is there a way to go to the ring?"


"What?" Zhang Han originally thought that Zhao Yang would refuse, and then provoke Zhao Yang?Who would have thought that the grandson would agree?

How dare he agree?

How can he agree?

"But I have one condition?"

"What conditions?"

"I heard that you are an expert on the seventh floor of the True Wonderland. If you want to bet against me, you need [-] points." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I don't have two thousand points." Zhang Han shook his head.

"Who will fight with you if you don't have points?" Zhao Yang curled his lips.

"Do you have two thousand points?" Zhang Han stared at Zhao Yang.

"Senior sister Xu Huier is helping me." Zhao Yang pointed to Xu Huier and said, "Don't worry that I don't have any points?"

"Okay, you wait here." Zhang Han left after finishing speaking.

After a while, Zhang Han came back here, "I got two thousand points."

"Then sign the contract." Zhao Yang said provocatively.


After the two parties signed the contract, they came to the ring to start the battle.

Facing Zhang Han who was three realms higher than himself, Zhao Yang was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before.

He used many means to defeat Zhang Han with difficulty.

"I'm afraid my limit can only surpass my own three small realms." Zhao Yang murmured.

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