Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 555 Dongxuanzong

Xiaoya has been lonely all these years.

And because she practiced the Dao of Killing, no one dared to approach her.

Besides, Xiaoya is also arrogant, she is invincible in that big world, and no one can walk into her heart.

In the selection of Three Thousand Great Worlds, Zhao Yang defeated Xiaoya strongly, and it was at that time that Zhao Yang walked into Xiaoya's heart.But just when Xiaoya was about to forget Zhao Yang, that guy walked into her heart again with a playful smile.

This is also the reason why Xiaoya made Zhao Yang a condition.

"Zhao Yang." Xiaoya waved at Zhao Yang.

The monks in the crowd showed envy in their eyes.

They obviously did not expect Zhao Yang to have such good luck.

But what no one expected was that Zhao Yang refused, "Xiaoya, I thank you for your kindness, but I refuse."


Zhao Yang's words made Kang Sifang's face darken, "Do you know what will happen if you are not admitted by the Six Dynasties?"


"You will be sent to mine, unless you can dig up a hundred two-dimensional stones, you will be free." Kang Sifang stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Not to mention whether you can dig 100 yuan two-dimensional stones alive, even if you get If you are free, you can only be with monsters in the wild."

"Can't we go to the city?"

"Hehe, for example, if you want to become a member of my Kang Dynasty, then you need to pay 300 two boundary stones to be eligible to live in the city." Kang Sifang's words made the expressions of the monks present change drastically.

"And as long as you come to our Kang Dynasty with Xiaoya, you will immediately become a big man with a title." Kang Sifang continued, "Are you still refusing now?" When he said the last sentence, he looked at me. Zhao Yang's eyes were full of sarcasm.

That's right.


Zhao Yang was so arrogant, how had he ever been ridiculed like this?

"I refuse." Zhao Yang said loudly.

"You..." Kang Sifang showed a hint of anger on his face.

"Brother Kang, why bother getting angry with an ant?" Xue Hongran said lightly, "Since he doesn't appreciate it, why should we force it?"

"I want to see how long you can live?" Kang Sifang snorted coldly.

Xiaoya was about to say something when Zhao Yang interrupted, "Xiaoya, just stick to your choice, don't worry, I'll be fine."

After being silent for a while, Xiaoya came silently behind Kang Sifang.

When she raised these two conditions just now, only Kang Sifang agreed. In Xiaoya's heart, Kang Sifang will definitely not make things difficult for herself in the future.

A total of [-] people survived the triple thunder calamity in the arena, and these [-] people were also selected by Kang Sifang and others.

Now the rest of the monks were in a hurry.

Are they going to mine next?

"Those who have survived the sixth level of thunder calamity are eligible to be knighted, and those who have survived the triple thunder calamity are eligible to become bodyguards. As for you, you can only be soldiers of the dynasty." Qin Siyuan said lightly.

Become a soldier?

Hearing this, these monks are still eager to try.

Is it better than mining?

Soon Qin Siyuan and the others selected some monks one by one.

But at this time, there were still more than 700 monks left in the field.

"The selection of our six great dynasties is over." Qin Siyuan said and left the square with the selected disciples.

"Senior." Zhao Yang shouted at this time, "Where should I go?"

Everyone was stunned.

Where should you go?

Shouldn't you go mining with us?

"Go and participate in the selection of the Eastern Xuanzong in the Zhengyang Region." That icy voice rang out from the square.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Senior, why can he participate in the selection of Dongxuanzong?" A monk couldn't help asking.


"Because he survived the Nine Heavens."

The audience was in an uproar.

How can it be?

"Senior, didn't you say that the Nine Heavens Tribulation has been cancelled?" asked another monk.

"It is true that the Nine Heavens Tribulation has been cancelled, but this kid provoked the gods, so God sent down the Nine Heavens Tribulations."

The way everyone looked at Zhao Yang suddenly changed.

Zhao Yang actually survived the Nine Tribulations?

They thought that Zhao Yang was grandstanding before, but now they realized that what he said was the truth.

"Why didn't seniors remind the Six Dynasties before?" An old man couldn't help asking.

"Because the six dynasties are not qualified to accept such disciples." As the voice fell, an invisible force enveloped Zhao Yang's whole body.

When Zhao Yang opened his eyes, he had already appeared under a majestic mountain gate.

"Who is here?" A young man in white scolded.

"Junior Ascended Zhao Yang." Zhao Yang saluted respectfully, "I'm here to learn from you."

"Ascended? Shouldn't the Ascended go to the Six Great Dynasties?" The young man in white was full of doubts.

"The six dynasties don't believe that I have survived the Nine Tribulations."

The young man in white was stunned, "Could it be that you have survived the Nine Tribulations?"


"Did you know that the Nine Heavens Tribulation has been cancelled?"

"I defy God."

The young man in white stared intently, "You said you have passed the Nine Tribulations, but do you have evidence?"

Zhao Yang took out a token.

"Tiantian Champion Token." The expression of the young man in white changed suddenly when he saw the token.

"Wait here a moment." The young man in white hurried away after finishing speaking.

The young man in white came all the way to the sect's main meeting hall.

"It's been a long time since we, Dongxuanzong, have seen Tianjiao."

"That's right, what will Dongxuanzong do with the Zongmen Conference in the Zhengyang Region ten years from now?"

"Our Dongxuanzong has been at the bottom nine times in a row. If we are still at the bottom this time, our Dongxuanzong will have to be reduced to a dynasty."

"Degrading to a dynasty means that the sect is disbanded."

"Tianjiao is so rare."

Just when Dong Xuanzong and other high-level officials were worried, the young man in white broke into the hall.

"Sect Master, all elders, there is an ascendant coming down from the mountain." The young man in white saluted the senior sect first and then said.

"Accelerator? What is an Ascendant coming to our Eastern Xuanzong?" Suzerain Bai Yunfei asked puzzled.

The young man in white repeated Zhao Yang's words.

And when Bai Yunfei mentioned that Zhao Yang was holding the Tongtian Champion Token, Bai Yunfei and other senior sect leaders rushed towards the mountain gate in a swarm.

Zhao Yang waited at the foot of the mountain for about 3 minutes, and suddenly he felt a burst of powerful aura, and then he saw dozens of figures descending from the mountain.

This group of guys first looked at the Tongtian Champion Token in Zhao Yang's hand, and then looked Zhao Yang up and down.

Zhao Yang felt terrified after being watched by these guys.

"Little guy, where did you temper your body after ascension?" Bai Yunfei asked with restraint of excitement.

"Heaven-level quenching pool."

"How many days have you tempered?"

"Seven days."

"Seven days?" Everyone was shocked.

You must know that it is not bad for ordinary monks to stay there for three days.

And the higher the level of the quenching pool, the more terrifying the energy contained in it, so the less time to stay.

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