Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 541 Arriving at the General Pavilion of the Array Path

This old man is the second elder who has just accepted his fate in the Zhendao Zongge.

His mission this time is to come and explore the Kunlun Secret Realm.

In the end, it turned out that the armies of the monster race and the human race had already been stationed here.

"The Kunlun Secret Realm isn't very big, and it can't accommodate your people who are close to immortals." An old man in the Qingfeng Jiange said coldly.

"What if we have to stay here?" Bai Bo said after a while of silence.

"If that's the case, let's go to war." A soldier under Ye Xian said solemnly.

"You can't stop our lineage." Bai Bo said as three decrees appeared in his hand.

"Do you think we don't have decrees here?" Following the Golden Lion King's voice, the soldiers present at the scene even asked for nine decrees.

"We have a real immortal and three false immortals in the Zhendao Zongge Pavilion." Bai Bo said in a deep voice, "It is true that they have already ascended, but the means they left behind..."

"The methods they left behind can be compared to our human race and the demon race." Bai Ruoruo said loudly, "I'm not afraid to tell you, we have a real immortal and eight false immortals here. By the way, we also have a real dragon."

"A real dragon?" Bai Bo was stunned when he heard this, "Zhao Yang?"

"You know Zhao Yang?" Bai Ruoruo asked in a daze.

"Speaking of which, Zhao Yang is still a student of the chief pavilion master of the Taoist formation?" Bai Bo's words shocked everyone.

It was only then that they remembered that Zhao Yang still had such an identity.

At this moment, the battleship of the peak prefecture level on which Zhao Yang was riding appeared behind the Human Race and the Monster Race, and then Zhao Yang slowly walked over under the attention of the three forces.

"Zhao Yang." Bai Bo waved at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang came to the front line where the two sides were fighting, "Bai Bo, why did you come to Kunlun Secret Realm?"

"The blood demon is raging, and we are powerless to stop it." Bai Bo was silent for a while, but still told the truth.

"Don't you have a decree?" Zhao Yang frowned and said, "Now, why can't your near-immortal clan be coordinated together?"

"The Jinxian clan has developed to this day, and every faction has conflicts, and it is impossible to fight in a unified way." Bai Bo said with a wry smile, "When the real immortals are still there, coordinate with each other, but as the real immortals leave one after another After leaving, all major forces fought for power and profit, coupled with the dormant Gorefiend's quick attack, the Immortal Clan is about to collapse."

"Zhao Yang, you are the chief pavilion master's student, you can't just leave him alone." An old man said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "First, you cannot guarantee that your clansmen will not be infected; second, regarding the arrival of your near-immortal clan, neither the human race nor the demon clan agree, I, the Pure Yang Sect, I can't let you come in at the risk of the world." Zhao Yang paused and said, "So, I will go with you to the Jinxian clan."

"The blood demon has become a climate, it's useless if you go?" Bai Bo said with a wry smile.

"I have methods at the level of true immortals." Zhao Yang said calmly, "As long as you near immortals don't obstruct me, I can completely kill the blood demon."

Immortal-level means?

"Is the method you are talking about at the level of a true fairy the decree?" Bai Bo asked after thinking about it, "You also know that decrees are consumables, and if you use one, you will lose one."

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head, "Also, I have the means to identify blood demons. As long as you cooperate, I can keep you safe."

Hearing what Zhao Yang said, Bai Bo pondered for a while and said, "Okay, then we will leave with you."

"Xiaojiu, you go back on the battleship." Zhao Yang glanced at Xiaojiu in the distance.

After Xiaojiu responded, he drove the battleship away.

Zhao Yang, along with Bai Bo and other teams, encountered three waves of blood demons attacking the Jinxian clan on the way to the Zongdao Pavilion.

Bai Bo and the others were not polite, and directly slaughtered them.

After returning to the ancestral court of the Array Dao General Pavilion, Zhao Yang began to arrange the array to screen the blood demons.

"The array can be completed in about a day, and you take advantage of this time to call back all the disciples of the main pavilion of the formation." Zhao Yang looked at Bai Bo and said, "Remember, as long as it is a disciple of the main pavilion of the formation, you must Conduct a test, and anyone who is unwilling to test can be treated as a blood demon."

"I'll give the order now." Bai Bo said in a deep voice.

Bai Bo has become a high-ranking member of the sect and is being trained as the next suzerain.

He is fully qualified to give the order.

Zhao Yang's return has caused dissatisfaction among many people in the Zhendao General Pavilion. In their view, Zhao Yang is not from the Immortal family. God knows whether Zhao Yang will deceive them?

However, under the forcible intervention of Bai Bo and other Zongmen senior officials, those dissatisfied guys had to keep their mouths shut.

A day later, Zhao Yang built the detection array.

"Okay, the Zhendao General Pavilion will start testing from the elders." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Following Zhao Yang's voice, the Great Elder of Zhendao Zongge was the first to walk over.

When the brilliance of the formation shrouded the Great Elder, the Great Elder did not show any abnormality, and the Great Elder passed the detection formation as if he had nothing to do.

"Great Elder, please get ready." Zhao Yang secretly transmitted voice to the First Elder.

The Great Elder nodded without a trace.

The Great Elder understood Zhao Yang's meaning. There are so many disciples in the Zhendao Zongge, even he wouldn't believe it if they were not infected.

The second elder had nothing to do in the past, but as soon as the third elder walked in, there was a bloody smell from his body.


The third elder let out a roar, and at the same time his eyeballs turned red.

"The third elder was actually infected." After realizing this, the first elder took the lead.

The second elder was not idle either.

He followed suit.

But the two elders had no choice but to win the third elder in the first place.

"Not good, the formation is about to be destroyed." Bai Bo's face changed involuntarily.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yang took out a decree that Sercy had given him.

It is true that this is a decree at the level of a true immortal, but it is not as good as refining it by himself.

Serxi's figure appeared here at the moment when the decree unfolded. He glanced at the audience and understood what was going on.


When his eyes fell on the third elder, the third elder was wiped out.

"Continue to test." When Zhao Yang said this, he noticed that many people's eyes were flickering in the crowd.

"I advise you to test honestly, otherwise the Chief Pavilion Master will take people directly." Zhao Yang said indifferently.


"Kill one is enough."

"Kill what kill, run away quickly?"

The next moment, thousands of bloody figures suddenly appeared in the densely packed crowd.

Some figures fled towards the outside, and some figures shot at the people around them.

But they are doomed to futility.

It is true that Serxi's decree does not have the combat power of a true immortal, but it also has the strength of a false immortal.

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