Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 538 Studying the Blood Demon

Holy Sword Pavilion!

The arrival of Zhao Yang and Ling Chong surprised the senior management of the Holy Sword Pavilion.

However, considering Zhao Yang's identity, Sheng Yang, the owner of the Holy Sword Pavilion, still met Zhao Yang.

" did your cultivation reach the third level of the Earth Wonderland?" Sheng Yang seemed to see a ghost when he saw Zhao Yang.

You must know that Bai Ruoruo, the heavenly wizard of the Holy Sword Pavilion, has just stepped into the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Today I'm here to tell you about life and death in the secret realm of Kunlun." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Sheng Yang's breathing suddenly became serious, "Say it."

"A blood demon appeared in the Jinxian clan?"

"Blood demon?" Sheng Yang looked at Zhao Yang puzzled, "What is a blood demon?"

"The blood demon is good at bewitching, as long as he is bewitched by the blood demon, he will become the puppet of the blood demon, and as long as the blood demon has a drop of blood, he can be resurrected after a period of cultivation." Zhao Yang explained briefly, "Blood demon Mo Gang first appeared in the sea area of ​​the Immortal Clan, and the Immortal Clan sent several real Immortals, dozens of False Immortals, and even more Earth Immortals, but even so, they still couldn’t kill the Blood Demon.” After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Now the blood demon has come to the land of the Immortal Clan, and it infected many monks during its dormant period. Some time ago, the real immortal strongman led the masters of the clan to fight, and they One-tenth of the tribe was lost there."

"One-tenth of the clansmen were lost?" Bai Ruoruo exclaimed, "Has the blood demon been wiped out?"

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I went to the Jinxian clan a few days ago. Under the strong suppression of the real immortals, most of the infected blood demons were killed. The Gorefiend still hasn't been found."

"With real immortals suppressing it, I don't think that blood demon can make any waves?" Lu Nantian said in a deep voice.

"What if the real immortal and false immortal ascended?" Zhao Yang looked at Lu Nantian and asked.

Lu Nantian's heart involuntarily slowed down by half a beat, "Ascension?"

"As far as I know, the rules of the lower realm will be perfected in half a year. At that time, those who are at the peak of the Earth Immortal will ascend immediately as long as they pass the tribulation." Zhao Yang said lightly, "In addition, false immortals and real immortals will also be forced to ascend. .”

Zhao Yang's words set off a storm in the hearts of Sheng Yang and the others.

Pseudo-immortal forced to ascend?

Doesn't it mean that the Holy Sword Immortal will also ascend by then?

"If the Near Immortal Clan doesn't kill the Blood Demon by then, do you think it's possible for the Near Immortal Clan to kill the Blood Demon after many powerhouses ascend?"

"Isn't there a seal there?" Lu Nantian thought for a while and said.

"The two-world talisman in my hand was given by Serge, the chief pavilion lord of the Zhendao Chief Pavilion. Do you think he only refines this two-world talisman?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Once you approach the immortal clan After the fall, if you are a descendant of Serxi, do you think you will go to the Kunlun Secret Realm through the two boundary symbols?"

Sheng Yang's face suddenly became gloomy.

It's entirely possible.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if the descendants of Serxi come here. The question is, who can guarantee that their descendants are not infected?" Zhao Yang continued, "If any monk among them is infected by the blood demon, the entire Kunlun Secret Realm will be infected." It could all be over."

"Zhao Yang, this matter is too big, I have to report to the ancestor." Sheng Yang said hastily.

After Sheng Yang reported this matter to the Holy Sword Immortal, the Holy Sword Immortal couldn't sit still anymore.

He immediately followed Sheng Yang to the main hall.

Saint Sword Immortal was also shocked when he saw Zhao Yang's cultivation.

The third floor of the Wonderland.


This guy can simply be described as cheating.

The Holy Sword Immortal asked Zhao Yang for the details and said, "I will inform Immortal Brutal, Qingfeng Sword Immortal."

It didn't take long for Bulao Xian and Qingfeng Jianxian to come here.

After the holy sword fairy narrated the incident, the two also realized the difficulty of the matter.

"The frontier of the Jinxian clan is bordered by the Jinxian clan. This matter still has to go through Yexian and the others."

"It's not too late, let's go there now." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Immortal Immortal agreed.

The three false immortals including Qingfeng Sword Immortal came to the ancestral court of the Golden Lion King.

This scared the Golden Lion King enough.

He thought that the three false immortals of the human race were going to kill him.

"Golden Lion King, we are here this time to discuss something important." The Holy Sword Immortal said flatly.

"what's up?"

"It's about the survival of the Kunlun Secret Realm."

The Golden Lion King's face changed violently, "I will notify Ye Xian, Xue Xian, Tian Diao Xian, and Purple Fox Immortal."

It didn't take long for the Four False Immortals to come to the Golden Lion Clan.

After Zhao Yang told the story of the Gorefiend, everyone's expressions became extremely dignified.

"We have to guard against this matter." Tian Diaoxian said in a deep voice, "I suggest that we form a coalition army and draw the elite from each clan."

"That's right, my suggestion is to send a quarter of the elite of the clan to go there." Immortal Purple Fox nodded and said, "The duty of this elite group is to guard the passage and prevent anyone from the Immortal clan from descending."

"In addition to drawing elites, we should also start building a killing array there." Yexian said after thinking about it.

"Whether it's a killing formation or a defensive formation, it's time to put it on the agenda." Xuexian agreed.

After haggling over the price, several strong men immediately dispatched some masters to garrison.

After they returned to their clan, they began to implement the plans they had made.

No one dared to cheat on this issue, because once the Gorefiend appeared in the Kunlun Secret Realm, the entire Kunlun Secret Realm might be ruined.

Zhao Yang then returned to Chunyangzong.

The Chunyang sect has not been made public yet, so Zhao Yang didn't bother to send experts there.

He has more important things to do now.

He was studying the characteristics of the Gorefiend.

Every creature has a unique gene, what Zhao Yang has to do now is to analyze the blood demon's gene.

There is a small room in the forbidden area of ​​Chunyangzong. In the room, there is a near immortal captured by Zhao Yang, but this near immortal has been infected by the blood demon.

Zhao Yang is currently analyzing the characteristics of the blood demon.

Zhao Yang set up two killing arrays around this room, besides, Ao Fang was still patrolling around.

Zhao Yang was also worried that something might have gone wrong.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang researched it back and forth for a month and finally figured out the characteristics of the Gorefiend.

After researching it, Zhao Yang burned the near immortal, and he repeatedly confirmed that the burn was clean before leaving.

"Ao Fang, check carefully to see if I'm infected?" Zhao Yang asked Ao Fang.

In fact, Zhao Yang was overly cautious.

One must know that the Near Immortal captured by him is the Golden Core Realm, but Zhao Yang is a majestic master of the Earth Immortal Realm?

No matter how overbearing the Gorefiend's virus was, it couldn't be so overbearing.

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