Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 529 The Sea Dragon King Appears

"Yeah, at this time, all the clans realized that if the blood demons are not controlled, the near immortals will die." Martin said solemnly, "I don't think it will take long for the blood demons to be wiped out. gone."

"I hope." Zhao Yang said softly.

"By the way, Zhao Yang, what level of pill can you refine now?"

"In the early days of the Earth Wonderland."

"I have some medicinal materials here, and I will trouble you to help refine them." Martin said and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

"No problem, I can refine it now."

The monks in the Alchemy General Pavilion are already unbearable compared to other forces, and the only thing they can rely on now is the elixir.

It is true that relying on elixir to forcibly increase the strength is generally not very good, but the realm can still crush low-level monks, not everyone can fight across the ranks.

The Hai Clan won't make a move in a short time, and even if they make a move, they won't come up to Wang Zha.

In the next few days, Zhao Yang helped Martin refine the elixir of the Earth Wonderland in the Alchemy General Pavilion, and after the refining was over, Zhao Yang got up and returned to the Divine Continent.

As a result, the Sea Clan was still gathering.

Seeing the overwhelming sea clan army, the boss of Shenzhou was terrified.

While contacting the Three Great Jiange and the Eight Great Gates, they also called on the whole people to join the war.

Of course, they did not give up contacting Chunyangzong, but Chunyangzong refused to meet anyone.

"My lord, Xu Qingfeng has been kneeling at the door for three days." Hu Subai came to Zhao Yang's side and said softly.

Zhao Yang's expression didn't change at all, "If he wants to kneel, let him continue kneeling."

Hu Subai opened his mouth to say something, but finally left.

Zhao Yang is currently concentrating on refining the pills and arrays.

He is also leaving all kinds of cards for Chunyangzong.

Lin Caihan was refining magic weapons of various levels.

Two days later, after the Sea Clan completed their assembly, they charged towards the coastline of Shenzhou.

The faces of the officers and men who watched the densely packed Sea Clan stationed became extremely dignified.

are you afraid?


But they know they cannot back down.

Because once they retreat, the people in the city behind them will become the prey of the Hai Clan.


All kinds of shells pierced the sky and poured down.

Shenzhou has been preparing its army for war these years, God knows how many shells it has stored.

At the same time, a series of mysterious weapons such as laser weapons and sonic weapons were also dispatched.

Seeing millions of sea tribes perish in a short period of time, the soldiers of the Bald Eagle Kingdom roaming in the Pacific were stunned.

"Why is Shenzhou's military strength so terrifying?"

"Yeah, none of our laser weapons have been successfully researched? How did they succeed in their research?"

"It seems to be their J-20 in the sky, but isn't there only dozens of them in Shenzhou? Why are there hundreds of them in radar monitoring?"

"The Falcon-class battleship also appeared."

"The military strength of Shenzhou has surpassed ours."

"I wonder if they can stop the Sea Clan?"

"Shut up, don't say such things in the future, don't forget that we have already pledged our allegiance to the Sea Clan."

They were horrified when countries all over the world saw this scene via satellite.

They thought that Shenzhou would be exhausted, but no one thought that Shenzhou would be so strong?

After seeing how arrogant Shenzhou was, the boss of the Sea Clan immediately ordered the masters of the Golden Core Realm to rush towards the land.

You must know that after reaching this level, it is not easy to kill.

Of course, laser weapons and falcon-class warships can deal with existences of this level, but don't forget that the Sea Clan dispatched thousands of Golden Core-level masters at once.

The bosses of the Three Great Sword Pavilions and the Eight Great Daomen immediately ordered their Gold Core Realm masters to fight. Of course, the Golden Core Realm masters from the Martial Arts Association and the military were not idle either.

Seeing the two sides fighting together, the Hai Clan was shocked.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are there so many Gold Core Realm masters in Shenzhou?"

"Let more Jindan Realm masters go, I still don't believe that Shenzhou can compete with us?"

Following the order of the Hai clan boss, thousands of Jindan masters joined the battlefield.

Hundreds of Golden Core Realm soldiers joined the battlefield on Shenzhou's side, but the Sea Clan still had a certain advantage.

"Do you want to go to Nascent Soul Realm?"

"If the Nascent Soul Realm on our side goes up, the Nascent Soul Realm on the Hai Clan's side will also make a move."

"We don't have an advantage at the level of masters."

"Should we just let these masters fall?"

"This is bound to be a war of attrition."

"What about the Pure Yang Sect? Doesn't the Pure Yang Sect have thousands of masters at the Golden Core Realm?"

"The Pure Yang Sect doesn't care about us at all, okay? Xu Qingfeng knelt at the gate of the villa for three days and three nights, but in the end he didn't even see a hair of the Pure Yang Sect."

"Chunyang Sect is too selfish."

"That's right, such a sect should be erased."

"Hehe, without the Pure Yang Sect, we wouldn't even be qualified to fight against the Sea Clan?" Long Ao said with a sneer, "Are you really a bunch of white-eyed wolves?"

Long Ao's words irritated the group of bosses.

"Long Ao, don't make sarcastic remarks at this time? If you have the ability, you can solve this crisis." A middle-aged woman said coldly.

"I'm not the leader, how can I have this ability?" Long Ao said indifferently.

Long Ao's attitude made the middle-aged woman very angry, but what can they do?

Long Ao's strength is not inferior to Huang Chenggong's, and they can't command them here.

"That's enough. I know you all have hidden golden elixir masters. Don't hide them at this time. Once the defense line is breached, we will be sinners." Huang Chenggong glanced at the audience coldly and said, "You must You have to gather a thousand masters of the Golden Core Realm for me."

"Commander, if you want to say that one hundred is still possible, where can we get a thousand?"

"That's right, Commander, it's impossible to get a thousand people."

"Commander, we can't do it at all."

Facing the complaints from everyone, Huang Chenggong said coldly, "I know you want to preserve your strength, but if we lose this battle, have you thought about the consequences? The Three Great Sword Pavilions and the Eight Great Dao Gates will not make a move. In the future, we will Fight against the Sea Clan alone."

Huang Chenggong's words made everyone feel awe-inspiring.

Soon the big bosses of all parties mobilized their subordinates one after another, and soon gathered more than 800 masters of the Jindan realm.

When these Jindan masters joined the battle circle, the decline of the human race was immediately reversed.

Seeing this scene, the Hai Clan became furious.

In their view, Shenzhou is provoking them.

They have always been the only ones who use power to suppress others, but now Shenzhou is suppressing them in reverse.

"Suppress me with all the Golden Core realms of the Sea Clan." The Sea Dragon King appeared.

The moment the Sea Dragon King appeared, the entire battlefield fell silent.

The aura on his body was really too terrifying.

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