Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 431 Bloodline Metamorphosis

"Why?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Yun Buqi said publicly that he would not interfere with the Nine Dao Sect's affairs, but if his subordinates are bullied, he will help find a place." Zhang Fan said with a wry smile, "Do you think that with the quality of the Nine Dao Sect disciples? Sex, will you miss the opportunity to find fault with you?"

"That's why they're courting death." A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

"Yun Buqi is second only to the Young Pavilion Master in Yuntianzong." Zhang Fan really wanted to ask if you listened carefully to my speech.

"I've been to Kunlun Secret Realm not once or twice." Zhao Yang said lightly, "To be honest, I don't pay much attention to Yuntianzong."

"What?" Zhang Fan exclaimed, "Have you been to the Cloud Sky Secret Realm?"

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded, "If you want to go, I'll take you for a stroll next time."

"Really?" Zhang Fan was shocked.

"When have I lied to you?" Zhao Yang asked with a slight smile.

There was a storm in Zhang Fan's heart, "Zhao Yang, I find that I can't see through you more and more now."

"It's normal if you can't see through it." Zhao Yang laughed loudly, "But I still have to thank you for telling me the news." Speaking of which, Zhao Yang handed Zhang Fan a jade bottle, "You take it."

After Zhang Fan opened the jade bottle, he found that there was a top-grade ban-breaking pill in the jade bottle.

"This... this is too precious." Zhang Fan's breathing became rapid.

"The left and right are just one forbidden pill, so it's no big deal." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"But I'm only on the eighth level of the supernatural powers." Zhang Fan said shyly.

"It's simple, you come to my room to practice." Zhao Yang brought Zhang Fan to his room while talking.

Zhao Yang's room was not only equipped with the Spirit Gathering Formation, but also a formation to help enlightenment.

As soon as Zhang Fan practiced here, he felt that his cultivation had grown rapidly, and at the same time, Zhang Fan felt that his understanding of the Dao had also become clear.

A look of shock appeared on his face.

"Zhao Yang, what's going on?"

"Zhang Fan, I brought you here as a friend." Zhao Yang said calmly, "There are some things, don't ask them, they rot in your stomach, you know?"

There was a clear look in Zhang Fan's eyes.

"I understand." Zhang Fan said with an extremely serious expression.

In less than an hour, Zhang Fan's cultivation reached the peak of the supernatural powers.

This is also normal.

Because the formation in this room was originally created for monks at the Golden Core Realm level.

Zhang Fan is only at the supernatural power level, so is it strange that his cultivation base didn't improve so quickly?

Immediately Zhang Fan took the Breaking Ban Pill.

His cultivation has successfully stepped into the realm of Jindan.

It stands to reason that with Zhang Fan's background, he doesn't know when he wants to set foot in the Golden Core Realm?

But what he took was the ultimate pill.

The medicinal properties of the top-grade pill are more than six times that of the second-grade pill.

This means that no matter how unbearable Zhang Fan is, he can successfully step into the Golden Core Realm.

This is where the charm of Ji Pin Dan lies.

"I have finally stepped into the realm of Jindan." Zhang Fan's eyes showed excitement.

"I have stabilized my cultivation here." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhang Fan nodded heavily.

"By the way, tell me about Yun Buqi's stay in Xixuanzong." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Zhang Fan told all the news he knew in detail.

"What level of exercises are you practicing?"

"Golden core realm high-level."

"I'll teach you an early-stage Earth Immortal cultivation technique." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while.

The exercises of the early stage of Earth Immortal are precious, but Zhao Yang still has a few.

These exercises came from the cosmos bags of the monks he killed.

Zhang Fan's pupils shrank fiercely, "This... this...."

Zhang Fan really didn't know what to say for a while.

As soon as Zhao Yang pointed at the center of Zhang Fan's eyebrows, a piece of exercise soon appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhang Fan browsed through it briefly and felt that the exercises he had practiced before were rubbish.

"Don't reveal the exercises easily, otherwise you won't be able to tell clearly." Zhao Yang handed Zhang Fan a jade pendant at this point, "This is a jade pendant commonly used in the Kunlun Secret Realm to cover up your cultivation. You can adjust yourself as you like. cultivation."

"What level of existence can see through my cultivation?" Zhang Fan asked after thinking about it.

"You can't see through anything higher than your five small realms. Of course, even if it's five small realms higher than you, you can't see it unless you observe carefully." Zhao Yang said lightly, "As long as you don't make a high profile, theoretically Nascent Soul Only the environment can see through."

"In this case, I can rest assured." Zhang Fan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Fan is now at the first level of the Golden Core Realm, and the elders and suzerains of the sect are only at the middle level of the Golden Core Realm.

In other words, even if they look carefully, they can't see through it.

"Thank you for your kindness." Zhang Fan didn't know how to express his gratitude to Zhao Yang.

"As long as you don't learn Magpie Bridge in the future." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I noticed that Queqiao and Yun Buqi were flirting with each other." Zhang Fan said after pondering for a while.

Zhao Yang's mentality collapsed a bit.

Why did I fall in love with Magpie Bridge in the first place?

Why is Magpie Bridge so scumbag?

"Magpie Bridge is not worth your effort, really." Zhang Fan said seriously.

"Don't mention the matter of the magpie bridge, you go, I also want to practice." Zhao Yang said a little irritably in his heart.

Zhang Fan bid farewell and left.

Zhao Yang pondered for a long time and turned back to the Chunyang Sect's residence.

He wants to take the blood fruit here.

That's right.

The bloodline fruit that Xuexian gave him.

Zhao Yang is looking forward to what kind of transformation he will have after taking the blood fruit?

After he took the pure blood fruit, Zhao Yang felt that his blood was ignited, and the ancient factors contained in the blood were constantly being activated.

Gradually Zhao Yang found that his blood was turning golden.

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Is my own blood going to be golden?

I don't know how long it took Zhao Yang to discover that one tenth of his blood had turned golden.

When he circulated the golden blood, Zhao Yang felt a burst of explosive energy, which drove Zhao Yang's cultivation to soar instantly.

First floor of Nascent Soul!

Nascent Soul Second Floor!

Nascent Soul three levels!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang was stunned.

what's the situation?

How did his cultivation grow to such a level in an instant?

Continuously raised one big realm and two small realms.

"When you use the power of your blood, your cultivation base increases so much?" Zhao Yang murmured.

After he withdrew his blood power, his cultivation level fell back to the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm.

"I don't know how far my cultivation can grow after all my blood is converted into gold?" Zhao Yang's eyes showed anticipation.

However, he vaguely felt that it was probably impossible to go further on the Earth Continent.

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