Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 378: Alchemy in Public

"He is not stubborn." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "He is not particular."

"I believe that after this incident, Tianya will definitely turn over a new leaf." Wei Tianya could only bite the bullet and say.

Only then did Zhao Yang withdraw his divine sense.

Wei Tianya staggered to his feet.

He didn't say a word, stood up and was about to leave here.

But Zhao Yang stretched out his hand to stop him, "Aren't you from the auction? The auction hasn't started yet, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Wei Tianya felt aggrieved right now.

Can he still stay here?

But Zhao Yang refused to let him leave now, so he could only sit back in his original position.

But the mentality at this time is different from before.

He sat here before to humiliate Zhao Yang, but now he is fine.

Got slapped in the face.

The owner of Tianjian Pavilion had no choice but to leave when he saw this scene.

This guy Zhao Yang probably won't take further drastic actions, but it seems that he still wants to continue humiliating Wei Tianya.

Fairy Magpie Bridge was restless.

She always felt that the monks present were looking at her with mocking eyes.

Long Ao seemed to be meeting Zhao Yang for the first time.

Before, he felt that Zhao Yang was a little arrogant, but now he realized that Zhao Yang had restrained himself a lot when facing him.

When the Three Great Sword Pavilions were first born, they couldn't even catch their breath against the Nine Dao Gates, but now when they face Zhao Yang, they obediently put away their minions.

Half an hour later the auction officially started.

After looking at the items for auction, Zhao Yang showed a lack of interest.

These things really didn't interest him.

"You Jiange Secret Realm are auctioning all these things?" Zhao Yang looked at Leng Wufeng beside him and said.

Leng Wufeng asked with some embarrassment, "The auctions are all magical treasures, medicinal materials, and exercises of the supernatural power realm."

"I don't comment on the magic weapon, just talk about the spirit pills. You even auctioned the third-grade spirit pills. Don't you know that the third-grade spirit pills contain toxins?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Even our sect doesn't have many supernatural power pills of the second rank." Leng Wufeng said with a wry smile.

"Your alchemy level is really too low." Zhao Yanggang said that an auctioneer on the high platform smiled and said, "The next auction is a forbidden pill."

Hearing this, everyone's breathing became rapid.

"Presumably everyone knows the value of the Ban-Breaking Pill, so this Ban-Breaking Pill is a third-grade one." The auctioneer looked around the audience and said, "The starting price of this Ban-Breaking Pill is [-] spirit stones."

Hearing this number, Long Ao was stunned.

This time he only prepared 300 Yuan Lingshi.

He thought this forbidden pill was only 500 yuan of spirit stones?As a result, the starting price here was only [-] spirit stones.

And how much is the final transaction price?




Prices continued to climb.

However, the main bidders are the disciples of the Nine Daomen.

"One thousand 230 fast spirit stones."

"240 spirit stones."

In the end, this ban-breaking pill was won by Maoshan Daozong with 320 spirit stones.

"You Maoshan paid such a high price for a poisonous panacea?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Tianlai and said calmly.

"No way, with this ban-breaking pill, our Maoshan Taoist sect can have a strong man at the Golden Core Realm." Zhang Tianlai said softly.

"Forgive me, the refining of this ban-breaking pill is really not very good? Moreover, the toxin contained in it has seriously exceeded the standard. If you rashly give it to your sect disciples, even if the other party breaks through the Jindan realm by chance, I don't think there are many years left to live." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Master Zhao, you are humiliating my alchemy." A middle-aged man in a white alchemy robe said displeasedly.

"Humiliate you?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "To be honest, I don't even bother to humiliate you, okay? How dare you call yourself an alchemist after refining such rubbish?"

"Master Zhao, I admit that your martial arts are very strong, but you are not qualified to judge my alchemy." The middle-aged man said sternly.

His words attracted the approval of many alchemists.

At this moment, a ball of flames appeared in Zhao Yang's palm.

"Today I will let you see what is the real way of alchemy?" Zhao Yang's voice fell at the same time as a pill furnace appeared in front of him.

Leng Wufeng and the others dispersed one after another.

Zhao Yang took out the herbs one after another and threw them in.

Everyone was stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"Zhao Yang is still an alchemist?"

"how is this possible?"

"Zhao Yang's alchemy technique is very professional, I think it is better than the elders of the sect."

"I just think that his condensed seal seems to contain the truth of alchemy, but I can't understand it at all."

"Zhao Yang's alchemy is far above ours."

All the alchemists present, whether they were the alchemists of the older generation or the younger generation, were all shocked.

About two hours later, Zhao Yang slapped the pill furnace, and nine pills exuding violent fluctuations shot up into the sky, but they were blocked by divine sense just after they rushed to about three meters in the air.

"Strange, why are there two rays of light shining on the panacea refined by Zhao Yang?"

"Two rays of light mean that it is a first-grade pill."

"Why are there three panaceas that contain three kinds of rays?"

"Three glows? How is it possible?"

"Extreme panacea."

"Zhao Yang refined three top-grade pills and six first-grade pills at once."

"This... Who will believe this if it is said?"

The alchemists present were all crazy.

They didn't expect that Zhao Yang, who was so difficult to refine the panacea, could still refine the best pill?

Fairy Magpie Bridge set off a turbulent sea in her heart.

She knew very well that even if her cultivation reached the ninth level of the Divine Ability Realm, whether she could refine a second-grade pill would depend on chance?

But now Zhao Yang has refined three top-grade pills and six first-grade pills?

What does this mean?

This shows that Zhao Yang's alchemy is far superior to hers.

"Zhao Yang, why didn't you tell me about your great alchemy?" Fairy Queqiao felt that she had been deceived.

"Am I familiar with you?" Zhao Yang took out a first-grade pill and threw it to Long Ao, "I'll give it to you."

Long Ao's whole body trembled with excitement, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I'm destined to meet you today, and I'll give you one too." Zhao Yang said as he threw a first-grade pill to Leng Wufeng.

"Thank you." Leng Wufeng quickly expressed his gratitude to Zhao Yang.

Leng Wufeng didn't need the banning pill, but he could give it away.

He knows the value of this first-grade pill, how many people in the sect want it?

"It seems that there will be no good things in the auction house. If so, I will leave." Zhao Yang waved at Leng Wufeng, and strode towards the distance.

Long Ao hurriedly followed behind Zhao Yang.

"Mr. Zhao, I wonder if the first-grade pill in your hand is for sale? My Maoshan Taoist sect is willing to spend three thousand pills to buy it." Zhang Tianlai shouted towards Zhao Yang.

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