Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 327 1 nest of snakes and rats

"Let's make a price." Liu Xingui said lightly, "I'll buy your girlfriend."

"Really?" Zhao Yang looked at Liu Xingui narrowly and said.

"It's guaranteed to be fake." Liu Xingui said jokingly.

Anyway, it was the old man of the Chu family who paid the bill.

"I want 1000 billion." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said a number.

Liu Xingui's face suddenly darkened.

If Zhao Yang offers 100 million, 1000 million, or even [-] million, Liu Xingui will ask Chu Zhongli to give it.

But now Zhao Yang actually offered 1000 billion?

Are you kidding me?

The Chu family doesn't even have that much liquidity, okay?

"Do you know how much 1000 billion is?" Liu Xingui asked sullenly.

"Then what kind of big-tailed wolf were you just now?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Since you can't get 1000 billion, what kind of price do you want me to offer?"

When Chu Zhongli was about to teach Zhao Yang a lesson, Chu Zhengxiong quickly winked at Chu Zhongli.

Chu Zhongli was stunned.

Chu Zhengxiong asked himself not to care about this matter!

Could it be that this man has an amazing background?


How could he speak nonsense to Liu Xingui if he had no background?

"Patriarch Chu, throw this kid into the river and feed the fish." Liu Xingui looked at Chu Zhongli and said.

Chu Zhongli fell silent.

He has been looking at Chu Zhengxiong from the corner of his eye, and Chu Zhengxiong is trying his best to make himself look good, and the anxiety on his face is beyond words.

Chu Zhongli pondered slightly and said, "President Liu, I think it's better to give young people a chance."

"Huh?" Liu Xingui looked at Chu Zhongli with an unfriendly expression and said, "Patriarch Chu thinks my words are not easy to use?"

How could Chu Zhongli fail to recognize that this was a threat?

But seeing Chu Zhengxiong's restless expression, Chu Zhongli finally chose to believe in Chu Zhengxiong.

Chu Zhengxiong can still be trusted, he will not joke about such things.

"President Liu, since this young man has come to our Chu family, he is a distinguished guest of our Chu family." Chu Zhongli said boldly.

Liu Xingui's eyes burst into cold light.

"Patriarch Chu, do you think I can't touch you?" Liu Xingui was furious.

"My Chu family has been an aristocratic family for a hundred years, and it is not without roots in the Martial Arts Association." Chu Zhongli said lightly.

"Then let's wait and see." Liu Xingui snorted coldly.

Just when Liu Xingui was about to leave, Zhao Yang asked again, "Aren't you going to take my girlfriend with you?"

"Boy, do you think Chu Zhongli can really keep you?" Liu Xingui had a hideous look on his face.

"Otherwise? Since I have come to the Chu family, then I am the distinguished guest of the Chu family." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "The Chu family will definitely protect me, right?" At the end, Zhao Yang looked at Chu Zhongli .

Chu Zhongli's face was full of confusion.

How the hell did he answer?

He has already broken his face with Liu Xingui, so is there any further grudge?

"Did you see? Chu Zhongli didn't dare to answer?" Liu Xingui laughed and said, "Boy, I didn't want to target you anymore, but since you want to die, don't blame me for taking your girlfriend away." The voice fell At the same time, Liu Xingui appeared next to Jiang Tingyu in a blink of an eye, and then grabbed Jiang Tingyu's shoulder blades with his big hand.

Liu Xingui's speed was so fast that no one present except Zhao Yang could react.

But Zhao Yang didn't move, allowing Liu Xingui to attack Jiang Tingyu.


The moment Liu Xingui's big hand was about to catch Jiang Tingyu, the bodyguard pendant on Jiang Tingyu's neck burst into a ray of light, knocking Liu Xingui back.

"Baby, how could you have a magic weapon?" Looking at the golden light blooming on Jiang Tingyu's body, Liu Xingui's eyes showed disbelief.

Jiang Tingyu looked at Zhao Yang involuntarily, "My magic weapon can even be blocked by an innate master?"

"Even if his cultivation is ten or eight times stronger, he still can't move you." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Listening to Zhao Yang's words, Liu Xingui felt uneasy.

"Who are you……?"

Chu Zhongli finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he was carrying his whole heart, but now this heart has finally let go.

Zhao Yang is indeed a real person who does not show his face.

Liu Xingui's face turned blue and white, "Who is your Excellency?"

"You will know who I am after waiting here for a while?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Liu Xingui realizes that it is very difficult to deal with this matter today.

But he didn't think about leaving either, there was no way he could hide from this matter.

"You still don't serve tea to this young master?" Chu Zhongli hurriedly yelled at the nanny after inviting Zhao Yang to sit down.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a helicopter arrived above the Chu family, and then Liu Zhengyang rushed to the hall with several powerful figures.

When Chu Zhongli saw Liu Zhengyang, his heart sank.

Liu Zhengyang is his immediate boss, and Liu Zhengyang didn't call out, so the answer is ready to come out.

Zhao Yang!

Zhao Yang must have called Liu Zhengyang over.

"Young Master Zhao." Liu Zhengyang came to Zhao Yang and saluted respectfully.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Liu Zhengyang is the head of the Southern Martial Arts Association,

Not to mention the high position and weight are almost the same.

But now he actually saluted Zhao Yang?

Just how high is Zhao Yang's status?

"Liu Zhengyang, your subordinates are very powerful." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Come to the Chu family to grab the women of the people openly and squarely."

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Zhengyang was furious.

Liu Xingui is slapping him in the face.

"President Liu, this is a misunderstanding." Liu Xingui said cautiously.

"Misunderstanding?" How could Liu Zhengyang believe that it was a misunderstanding? "I have already brought the people from the Law Enforcement Hall, did you misunderstand that you told the people from the Law Enforcement Hall?"

Liu Xingui fell silent.

"Take it away." Liu Zhengyang said seriously.

The staff of the Law Enforcement Hall immediately took Liu Xingui away.

"Master Zhao, I will definitely investigate this matter and give you a satisfactory answer." Liu Zhengyang said solemnly.

"If you want to investigate, you can investigate here." Zhao Yang said lightly, "The Chu family is the party involved, and my friend is also the party involved."

Liu Zhengyang was startled, and then adjusted his mood, "Okay, then investigate here."

While Liu Zhengyang was investigating, Chu Hongyi quietly came to Zhao Yang's side and said, "The old man just told me that Liu Zhengyang is Liu Xingui's uncle."

Zhao Yang glanced at Liu Zhengyang indiscriminately.

It's no wonder that Liu Zhengyang's behavior just now has the disgust of protecting Liu Xingui.

"I see." After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he sent a text message to Xiaojiu.

After detailed evidence collection, Liu Zhengyang finally determined that Liu Xingui was at fault, but he wanted to remove Liu Xingui from his position as the president of the Jiangbei District Martial Arts Association on the premise that it was his first offense and that there were no consequences.

"Master Zhao, what do you think of this?" Liu Zhengyang asked tentatively.

To be honest, Liu Zhengyang doesn't know where Zhao Yang's bottom line is?

"I think this is a bit inappropriate." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Liu Xingui's criminal facts are clear, and now he is only dismissed from his position, which is really unconvincing." Zhao Yang pointed at Chu Zhongli and said, "For example I don't think the old man of the Chu family will be convinced."

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