Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 322 The abbot is gone

All the monks from the top ten Taoist sects looked at Zhao Yang, including the strong men of the golden core stage they dispatched.

"Zhao Yang."

"I don't know what benefits Zhao Yang got from it?"

"Ask if you don't know."

When the younger generation of the top ten Taoist sects muttered, Zhang Tianlai pondered for a moment and asked, "Brother Zhao, do you know what treasures are in this fairy mountain?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you this." Zhao Yang glanced at Zhang Tianlai and said.

"Brother Zhao, we are doomed to miss the treasure in the fairy mountain, so you should let us know what we missed." Zhang Tianlai asked unwillingly.

"Don't you really know what there is?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "There are alchemists among you."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Fairy Queqiao and several other monks who also practiced alchemy.

"Fairy Queqiao, why are you hiding like this?" Zhang Tianlai asked angrily.

"Actually, I'm not sure if that ancient tree is the ancient Brahma tree." Fairy Queqiao said in a deep voice.

"Ancient Brahma tree?" The eyes of the Jindan stage powerhouses present almost popped out.

"Could it be the one in the legend?"

"If it's the ancient Brahma tree, let's cancel the arrest warrant for Shaoyao as soon as possible, right?"

"I think it's better to ask Zhao Yang."

After the masters of the Jindan stage exchanged a bit, the strong man of Maoshan Daozong asked, "Little friend, I don't know which ancient Brahma tree in this fairy mountain is it?"

"I don't know which ancient Brahma tree you are talking about, but this ancient Brahma tree bears the fruit of the earth fairy level." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hearing this, the pupils of the golden core stage master shrank severely.

Bearing the fruit of the earth fairy level?

what does this mean?

How do they not know?

"I don't know what level of fruit you got?" asked the Jindan Stage expert of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Dao Sect.

"Yuanying class." Zhao Yang said calmly.

"Yuanying level? If there is no accident, my friend, you will be able to reach the Yuanying level in the future, right? It stands to reason that you should get the Brahma spirit fruit of the earth fairy level, right?" Penglai's Jindan stage powerhouse asked tentatively.

"Is it important to be an Earth Immortal?" Zhao Yang glanced at the other party and asked.

Is it important?


Regardless of whether Zhao Yang got the Nascent Soul-level or the Earth Immortal-level one, he probably had already eaten it.

It's pointless to pursue this any longer.

"I don't know if there are any other Brahma spirit fruits on my little friend?" the abbot's Jindan stage powerhouse looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes.

"Is there, why don't you search yourself?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The abbot's Jindan stage strong man was a little moved, but he didn't take any action.

After they had a brief exchange, the abbot's Jindan Stage powerhouse asked, "Little friend, our ten major sects paid a lot of money to buy the Brahma Spirit Fruit on your body."

"I want to know if I have the Brahma Spirit Fruit on me, you just come and search." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Who dares to do anything?

The major powerhouses discussed again.

After a while, the abbot's Golden Core stage expert said, "Little friend, my abbot really wants to buy the Brahma Spirit Fruit on your body." As he said this, his spiritual thoughts turned to the Qiankun bag on Zhao Yang's body. come shrouded.

The restriction built by Zhao Yang's divine sense was broken in an instant, and just when his divine sense wanted to drive straight to find out, a thunderous sound exploded in the boundless sky.

"My Chunyangzi's disciple can also be moved by a small golden core of yours?"

This voice is very arrogant and domineering.

The abbot's Golden Core realm powerhouse exploded on the spot, turning into a puddle of blood.

The rest of the Golden Core Realm powerhouses also sprayed blood and sat paralyzed in mid-air.

Their faces were full of horror.

Pure Yoko!

Chun Yangzi has been paying attention to Zhao Yang.

How can it be?

"It seems that I didn't kill enough people back then." Chun Yangzi said here and everyone saw a sword light.

This sword light seemed to fall from nine days away, making everything in the world eclipsed.

"not good."

"This sword light is in the direction of the abbot."

"Is Chun Yangzi going to attack Zhang Zhang?"

The abbot's two strong men at the Golden Core Realm saw this scene so frightened that their faces turned pale.

They didn't expect to be the top bird for a while, but they would get such a result.

Everyone rushed towards the abbot.

After arriving at the abbot, he found that the abbot had become a ruin.

"how is this possible?"

"Has Abbot Xianshan been destroyed?"

"All dead?"

The abbot's two strong Golden Core Stages trembled all over, and they searched for survivors over and over again.

Gradually their hearts became cold.

There are no survivors.

All the monks of the abbot died.

They looked at each other and rushed towards Zhao Yang in unison.

They want to avenge the sect.

Just as soon as he jumped into the air, his body exploded with a bang.

"If I didn't need you guys to show off, today I would uproot the ten major sects and kill them all." Chun Yangzi's voice rumbled in midair.

This scared the monks of the nine sects.

Did Chun Yangzi originally plan to kill all the monks from the nine sects?

How dare he?

How can he?

But Chun Yangzi really destroyed the abbot.

He made it very clear that if they hadn't needed them to show off, they would have uprooted the top ten sects this time.

For a moment, they looked at Zhao Yang with fear in their eyes.

The abbot's Jindanqi elder ruined his own sect just because he was an early bird.

"Do you want to search again?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile at this time.

Everyone quickly shook their heads.

What are you kidding?

"Actually, I prepared a big gift for you, but it's a pity that you didn't fall for it?" Zhao Yang's face was full of regret.

The crowd was startled.


Zhao Yang, the turtle grandson, also has a hole card?


Since Zhao Yang said so, he must have a trump card in his hand.

"Since the seniors don't do anything, then I will leave." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

And just when Zhao Yang was about to leave, Fairy Queqiao called Zhao Yang.

"and many more."

Zhao Yang turned around and looked at Fairy Queqiao, with a smile on his face, he said, "What's the matter?"

"I want to talk to you." Fairy Magpie Bridge bit her lip and said.

"I don't have time now." Zhao Yang refused.

"I know you're blaming me, but there's nothing I can do about it." Fairy Magpie Bridge's eyes turned red as she spoke.

"It doesn't matter whether there is a way or not, we are just ordinary friends." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Just like Zhang Fan, I used to think he was also my friend, but later found out that he is not." cloud boat.

Yun Zhou broke out at the limit speed in an instant and left in an instant.

"So fast."

"The instantaneous speed has reached ten times the speed of sound."

"Zhao Yang has such a treasure on his body."

"Pure Yang Sect can't be provoked."

"Yeah, the abbot disappeared like that."

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