Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 317 Finding the Ghost Clan

"Senior, I will study hard." Xia Keke finished speaking, and then ran away.

Zhao Yang stared blankly at Xia Keke's figure.

What is she running for?

"Xia Keke is so smart." Zhang Lan sighed softly.

Xia Keke diverted Zhao Yang's attention and ran away immediately, otherwise Zhao Yang might have sealed part of her memory.

It was only at this time that Zhao Yang came to his senses.

"Forget it." Zhao Yang thought about it and said, "This is the path Xia Keke chose herself."

Zhang Lan glanced at Zhao Yang, and heaved a long sigh in his heart.

She vaguely felt that Xia Keke might be tied up with Zhao Yang.

If Zhang Lan would have clearly opposed it before, but now Zhang Lan has also looked away. Zhao Yang is so good that it is inevitable to attract beautiful girls.

"Where's the amulet I gave you earlier?" Zhao Yang asked.

"I've been wearing it all the time." Zhang Lan said, revealing the pendant.

"Yeah." Zhao Yang nodded, "I'll go and track it down."

"Be careful." Zhang Lan said hurriedly.

Zhao Yang didn't expect the ghost clan to track him down here.

But Zhao Yang has nothing to fear.

Now that his cultivation has been promoted to the fourth level of the supernatural powers, Zhao Yang is confident that he can sweep away the middle level of the supernatural powers, and he can even fight with high-level supernatural powers. Of course, if he uses the power of the golden core If so, it's another matter.

Zhao Yang followed the ghost clan for a certain distance and then stopped.


The breath left by the other party seemed to be intermittent, but in fact it never stopped, which was not difficult for a monk who mastered the tracking technique.

"On purpose?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang followed the trail left by the other party.

About half an hour later, Zhao Yang came to a cemetery.

He looked around and said, "You led me here, and you still haven't shown up?"

After Zhao Yang's words fell, shadowy figures appeared around him, and a series of tyrannical auras were undisguised.

"In order to deal with me, so many experts were dispatched?" Zhao Yang said, his eyes fell on a middle-aged man, "I have a question."

"Ask." The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Yang with ferocious killing intent in his eyes, but he still asked Zhao Yang to ask. In his opinion, this was his last words.

"Why can you track me down?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

"Back when you slaughtered our Jie clan in the ancient village, someone from the Jie clan cast a curse on you, but anyone from the Jie clan would feel it if they were within a hundred meters away." The middle-aged man said flatly.

"Curse?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

He didn't even feel it.

"This curse is invisible and qualityless. It is only beneficial for us to track and has no effect on you, so it is reasonable for you not to feel it." The middle-aged man explained, "Okay, you know what you want to know , now I will send you to accompany them."

Having said that, he waved his hand, and dozens of figures around him shot out a sword light.

It has to be said that in order to hunt Zhao Yang, this Jie tribe used almost all the high-level existences of the innate realm.

Even those with one or two layers of supernatural powers couldn't resist the attack of dozens of innate high-level powerhouses.

The problem is that Zhao Yang has already been promoted to the fourth level of the supernatural powers, not to mention his combat power far surpasses his own cultivation.

He just stood there and let the sword light cut him down.


The bright sword light slid down Zhao Yang's body, not even being three feet in front of him.

"Retreat quickly." The middle-aged man changed color after seeing this scene.

He realized he was careless.

Zhao Yang is stronger than he imagined.

"It's indecent to come and not to go." Zhao Yang also cut out a sword light as he said.

Great Sun Sword Art.

above board.

Vast and deep.

The dozens of figures screamed and retreated towards the rear desperately.

But the sword light was so hot that they were turned into ashes as they ran.

In a blink of an eye, only Zhao Yang and the middle-aged man covered in blood were left in the field.

That's right.

That middle-aged man was also hit hard.

He looked at Zhao Yang with incredible eyes.

The moment Zhao Yang made a move, he saw through Zhao Yang's cultivation.

The fourth floor of the Divine Ability Realm.

But his realm is the fifth level of the supernatural power realm.

Furthermore, what Zhao Yang used just now was a group attack sword art, so it stands to reason that its power would have declined a lot further.

But what's the situation now?

Why was he still severely injured when he was a small realm higher than Zhao Yang?

This is not in line with common sense.

"Don't you think it's incredible?" Zhao Yang appeared in front of the middle-aged man with a flash.

The middle-aged man was about to say something, only to feel a domineering divine sense piercing into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"How dare you?" The middle-aged man turned pale with shock.

Generally speaking, unless there is a huge difference in realm, no one dares to use divine sense to enter other people's sea of ​​consciousness.

You must know that the Sea of ​​Consciousness is someone's stronghold, whether it is defense or a dormant divine sense, it is enough to make people who are one or two realms higher than the other party fearful.

Furthermore, it is difficult to recover once the divine sense has been severely injured, so unless there is too much difference in the realm between each other, no one is willing to rashly spy on other people's souls.

But Zhao Yang did it.

Want to know that his cultivation base is one realm lower than this middle-aged man?

"Confused." At this moment, Zhao Yang let out a loud shout.

The clarity in the eyes of the middle-aged man dissipated instantly, and he saw the girl from his childhood.

The girl is still as pure, as cute, and as beautiful as she was back then.

The girl ran towards him with a smile on her face, and the middle-aged man embraced the girl with open arms, still feeling familiar and smelling familiar.

Gradually the middle-aged became addicted to it.

He didn't know how long it had passed before he felt a stabbing pain.

His consciousness began to sink.

This sinking made him feel extremely frightened.

It was at this moment that his eyes finally regained clarity.

Only then did he realize that Zhao Yang was looking at him jokingly, and he realized something in an instant, "You... illusion, did you use illusion on me just now?"

"I will uproot your veins." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You..." The middle-aged man just had time to say this word before falling to the ground and dying.

Zhao Yang burned up the middle-aged man with a torch.

"This Jie tribe has infiltrated so deeply?" Zhao Yang revealed a hint of worry.

If it weren't for this Jie family who came to the door on its own initiative today, Zhao Yang wouldn't know that there is a Jie family in the south of the Yangtze River?

Then Zhao Yang went to an apartment.

There is a gorgeous girl in the apartment, and that girl is taking a shower in the bathroom.

When Zhao Yang broke in, the girl subconsciously covered her chest, "You... who are you?"

Seeing the girl's restless expression, Zhao Yang showed a hint of sarcasm, "Don't say you're pretending to be too good-looking."

"Who are you, get out, or I'll call the police." The girl backed away.

"Okay, do you think I don't know that you are a ghost?" Zhao Yang looked the girl up and down and said, "I have to say that your figure is pretty good."

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