Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 300 Deploying Innate Experts

One and a half months later, Lin Caihan found that the company's books of more than 260 billion flowers were clean.

"Boss Lin, we have no money in our account." The accountant said with a wry smile.

Since when has Suzaku Pharmaceutical Group been so poor?

Lin Caihan didn't expect to spend so much money to set up a planting base of [-] mu?

"Go to the bank for a loan." Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while.

"Boss Lin, if we go to the bank for a loan, the market value of our company will be further reduced." The accountant warned.

Hearing this, Lin Caihan fell into deep thought.

"Boss Lin, our Shangguan family has a lot of liquidity. If you need it, I can mobilize tens of billions." Shangguan Xiaoyu said softly from the side.

Lin Caihan thought about it and called Zhao Yang.

The Shangguan family's funds are not used casually, and after they are used, they will be involved.

How could Lin Caihan not know this?

"Suzaku Pharmaceutical Group has no money in its books."

"Can the company still operate normally?" Zhao Yang asked.

"No problem, the company has revenue every day, and there is no problem with normal operation." Lin Caihan said after hesitating for a while.

In fact, the company has no way to pay wages normally now.

"In this way, I will transfer one billion to you later, and you will maintain the normal operation of the company. As for the subsequent investment, Suzaku Pharmaceutical Company will not care about it." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Why do you still have so much money?" Lin Caihan asked in astonishment.

If Zhao Yang had money, he wouldn't have asked Lin Caihan for money before, would he?

"The funds on the books of the Pure Yang Sect exceed 8000 billion, and I am the only one who has the authority to use it. I have never touched this fund before, because the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect are too rich, so there is no need to use it at all." Funds." Zhao Yang explained with a smile.

"Your company has so much money in its books?" Lin Caihan stared at Zhao Yang in a daze and said.

"Yeah, if it weren't for the Longqian group of guys investing in a lot of listed companies, the funds on the company's books would have exceeded trillions." Zhao Yang said softly, "I will take 300 billion from the company's books, I think it is enough Sustain the next expenses."

Lin Caihan really didn't know what to say for a while?

"I suddenly felt that why do I have to fight, I just need you to support me." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Okay, don't do it if you're tired. Anyway, Suzaku Pharmaceutical Company is on the right track."

"I don't want it anymore, I don't want to be a vase."

"You are a unique vase in this world."

Lin Caihan's ears turned red when she heard this.

"Are you coming home tonight?"

"go home."

"Remember to go home early at night, I just learned two cooking."

"Okay." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "Is Shangguan Xiaoyu next to you?"

"Yes, do you have anything to tell Shangguan Xiaoyu?"

"Give her the phone."

Shangguan Xiaoyu called out respectfully after answering the phone, "My lord."

"Shangguan Xiaoyu, didn't the Shangguan family recommend you to go to the Martial Arts Association?" Zhao Yang asked the question in his heart, knowing that Zhao Yu'er had already left.

"The family recommended me to go, but the adults told me to take care of Miss's safety." Shangguan Xiaoyu said softly.

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"Shangguan Xiaoyu, are you sure you can get more by following me?"

Shangguan Xiaoyu's complexion suddenly changed, she did not expect Zhao Yang to see through her little thoughts.

"My lord...I..." Shangguan Xiaoyu said tremblingly.

Lin Caihan was shocked when she saw Shangguan Xiaoyu's pale face.

What did Zhao Yang say, how did he scare Shangguan Xiaoyu like this?

"Shangguan Xiaoyu, you must also know that the great world is coming." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Once the great world comes, you will be useless, so put away your small thoughts and protect Lin Caihan well. You have made a good fortune, and this good fortune is definitely more than you expected."

Zhao Yang hung up the phone when the voice fell.

Shangguan Xiaoyu's face was full of surprise.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, thank you sir." Shangguan Xiaoyu said hastily.

Only at this moment did she realize that Zhao Yang had already hung up the phone.

"Miss." Shangguan Xiaoyu still had a smile on his face when he handed the phone to Lin Caihan.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

"My lord promised to give me a good luck." Shangguan Xiaoyu replied softly.

"What am I supposed to do? You have been with me for so long, and even if you don't tell me, I will let Zhao Yang send you a fortune." Lin Caihan is clear about her position in Zhao Yang's heart, and she doesn't feel that this matter have what?

"Thank you, miss." Shangguan Xiaoyu said excitedly.

If Lin Caihan blows pillow wind here, Zhao Yang on the other side will definitely make a bigger fortune.

In fact, Shangguan Xiaoyu has been gambling.

After all, with her cultivation base and appearance, if she goes to the Martial Arts Association, it can be said that she will become a strong person in the Xiantian realm.

But Shangguan Xiaoyu finally chose to give up for greater good fortune.

At that time, the old man of the Shangguan family made it very clear that Shangguan Xiaoyu was a big gamble, and he might lose nothing in the end.

Fortunately, Shangguan Xiaoyu seems to have won the bet so far.

The outside world continues to pay attention to the actions of the Suzaku Group.

It's just that no one thought that the Suzaku Group had thousands of security personnel in addition to the wall.

They are constantly trying to infiltrate, but today they have just infiltrated, and they will be discovered tomorrow.

"How did the Suzaku Group discover our infiltrators?"

"That's right, the intelligence personnel we found last night were removed from the security team this morning."

"The more Suzaku Group does this, the more it proves that they are researching projects with amazing returns."

"Thousands of security personnel are responsible for the security work on the periphery. They have no way of getting in touch with what the Suzaku Group is planting?"

"Do whatever it takes to know what Suzaku Pharmaceutical Group is doing?"

This day, Mu Na came to Zhao Yang's office.

"Sovereign, one-third of our security personnel have been infiltrated in one month." Mu Na said this with a wry smile on his face, "Some multinational groups offer prices exceeding a thousand dollars." Wan, do you think those security personnel can't be tempted?"

"Haven't you guys thought about a solution?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"We have decided to sign a long-term contract with the security personnel, and contact with the outside world is prohibited within the next year." Mu Na pondered for a while and said slowly.

If they want not to be infiltrated, they must be prohibited from communicating with the outside world.


"Even if this is still not [-]% eradicated, we found that experts from many international organizations have come." Mu Na said in a deep voice, "I killed a high-level killer in the innate realm last night."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face became serious.

These guys are just insane.

In order to obtain information, even a high-level existence in the Xiantian Realm was invited?

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