Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 282 Heading to Yingzhou

The dragon spirit beast roared.

Its body instantly returned to its normal form.

A huge body of more than ten feet.

Long Wei and Huang Wei unscrupulously released towards the four directions.

Feeling this coercion, Huo Luan subconsciously backed away.


The dragon spirit beast's tail swung fiercely towards Zhao Yang.

The terrifying power caused the roaring sound in the air, and the overwhelming aura crushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang looked like an ant in front of the dragon spirit beast.

Huo Luan's face was full of worry.

It was worried that Zhao Yang would not be able to stop the Dragon Spirit Beast's dragon wagging its tail.


The dragon spirit beast's tail slammed heavily on the wall where Zhao Yang's spirit thoughts were condensed, and the terrifying shock wave made the dragon spirit beast feel a burst of piercing pain.

It staggered back tens of meters before barely stopping.

And when it looked at Zhao Yang, its eyes were full of horror.

Zhao Yang's feet seemed to be rooted in the ground, even with his earth-shattering blow just now, he couldn't shake Zhao Yang at all.

"You... how could you be so powerful?" Dragon Spirit Beast looked at Zhao Yang tremblingly.

"Dragon Spirit Beast, your vision is too narrow." At this point, Zhao Yang grabbed the Dragon Spirit Beast with his big hands.

His big hand instantly became like a pillar of the sky.

It was as golden as if it had been poured with gold.

And the dragon spirit beast looked like a chicken in front of those big hands.

The dragon spirit beast rushed left and right, but was still caught.

"You're not the hand holding the moon." The dragon spirit beast stared at the big hand that grabbed him and said.

"This is the hand holding the moon."

"The ultimate state of the Moon Lancer is pan-silver, but yours is pan-gold?" Dragon Spirit Beast suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Have you pushed the Moon Lancer further?"

"I don't know if the ultimate state of the Moon Lancer is pan-gold, but I know that the reason why you think it is pan-silver is because the person who created the Moon Lancer is not qualified enough." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The dragon spirit beast opened its mouth to say something, but in the end it didn't say anything.

What the fuck?

How long has it been since Zhao Yang has mastered the hand of the moon?Even the next state of the hand holding the moon has been deduced.

If it is said that there is no master with such aptitude beyond the Yuntian Secret Realm, even it itself will not believe it.

"Master, I'm convinced." Dragon Spirit Beast looked at Zhao Yang and said with complicated eyes.

It was overwhelmed by Zhao Yang.

It acknowledges that its previous horizons were limited.

Is the peak of the Earth Immortal the end?

Why have I never expected to live in a real fairyland?

Zhao Yang smiled and withdrew the hand holding the moon.

"Master, have you taken the blood vessel fruit yet?" Huo Luan flew over at this time and asked.

"No." Zhao Yang said and took out a blood fruit.

To be honest, what kind of blood did Zhao Yang expect to be able to activate?

"Master's distant ancestor is probably a terrifying existence." Huo Luan said with a smile.

Zhao Yang was silent for a moment, opened his mouth and swallowed the blood fruit.

The next moment Zhao Yang felt his blood was ignited, and the ancient factors contained in his blood were being activated.

I don't know how long it took for a figure to appear behind Zhao Yang.

That figure is as majestic as a mountain.

All the gods and Buddhas bow their heads in worship.

And the moment that figure appeared, a monstrous coercion pervaded the world.

Both the Huo Luan and the Dragon Spirit Beast were all trembling.

They didn't even dare to look up.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang immediately withdrew his own blood, because he vaguely felt that this seemed to involve a taboo.

Only when that figure disappeared did Dragon Spirit Beast and Huo Luan dare to raise their heads.

"Master, who is your ancient blood?" Dragon Spirit Beast asked in horror.

"I don't know either." Zhao Yang shook his head, "I don't even know how using the ancient bloodline will help me. I just felt that my bloodline seemed to involve taboos."

"Taboo?" The face of the dragon spirit beast changed wildly.

You must know that even the level of a true immortal cannot be called a taboo.

But Zhao Yang calls it taboo now.

"The power of the bloodline cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

Taboos are no joke.

His master once warned Zhao Yang that if he touches the taboo, it may bring bad luck.

His master is arrogant and unruly, and he cares about the wrong things in this world, but he emphasizes and emphasizes the word taboo.

"Next, I'm going to set up a large formation to protect the mountain here." Zhao Yang glanced at Dragon Spirit Beast and Huo Luan and said, "You two play."

When it comes to the mountain protection formation, Zhao Yang has to thank the lions in the Cloudy Secret Realm.

If it weren't for the lion who taught him everything, how could Zhao Yang have reached such a level in such a short period of time?

Zhao Yang never dared to underestimate the Ten Great Dao Schools.

The scale of the Ten Great Dao Sects does not seem to be as large as that of the Chunyang Sect, but it has taken thousands of years to develop the Ten Great Dao Sects. God knows what is hidden behind the Ten Great Dao Sects?

Furthermore, the ten hundred years of Daoism are called a generation, and the disciples of a hundred years ago became the top leaders of the sect, but what about the disciples of 200 years ago, and the disciples of 300 years ago?

Is this why Zhao Yang is so low-key?

The number of monks at the bottom of the Pure Yang Sect is very large, but it doesn't mean that they can wrestle with the Taoist sect.

Protect the mountain formation.

In Zhao Yang's mind, there are many mountain-protecting formations, but many of these mountain-protecting formations have flaws.

Zhao Yang thought for a long time and decided to build a large mountain protection formation that can be continuously improved, and this mountain protection formation also incorporates the essence of many mountain protection formations.

After drawing out the formation diagram, Zhao Yang started to arrange it.

In the process of Zhao Yang's layout, hundreds of senior architects settled here under the arrangement of Long Qian. After the exploration, these master architects gave Long Qian how much materials, labor, machinery and so on.

Once these master architects come here, they are not allowed to leave.

However, these master builders have no complaints, because the price of Long Qian Kai is three to four times the market price.

If you live in a tent in the early stage, you will live in a tent?

After a few days, you will be able to live in a prefabricated house.

Soon a large number of construction workers and equipment came here one after another.

"Isn't it so easy to set up the mountain protection formation?" Zhao Yang said with some emotion half a month later.

Even though Zhao Yang felt that his formation was invincible among his peers, it still took a lot of effort to actually arrange it.

"Sovereign, the construction workers have already selected the site, and the preparatory work has been completed. Do you think there is anything else to add here?" Long Qian found Zhao Yang and asked softly.

"I'll take a look at the blueprint." Only then did Zhao Yang remember to look at the blueprint.

Long Qian handed the blueprint to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang looked at it for a while and nodded, "That's right, we want to build this ancient building, and we can also incorporate some modern elements into it. As long as we live in a comfortable place, there is no need to refuse modernization."

"En." Long Qian responded.

Long Qian thought so too.

Zongmen must have the appearance of Zongmen, but they cannot blindly follow the line of the ancients.

Zhao Yang confessed again and said, "I have to go to Yingzhou."

"Yingzhou? Sovereign, are you going to see Fairy Magpie Bridge?" Long Qian asked with a smile.

"There are not enough materials to build the formation." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

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