Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 259 Extremely Satisfied

"Get in the car." Xu Qianqian smiled and got into the car and sat beside Zhao Yang.

After Han Tong got in the car, she looked at this and that. Her thinking had not changed yet.

rolls royce.

One day I will also sit in a Rolls-Royce?

Xu Hu's complexion became ugly, "For the sake of my sister, are you really worth your money?"

"What do you mean?" Han Tong asked puzzled.

"Isn't it a lot of money to rent this Rolls Royce?" Xu Hu sneered.

"Rented?" Zhao Yang laughed loudly.

"Don't tell me this Rolls-Royce is yours?" Xu Hu said with disbelief.

"I'm sorry, this Rolls-Royce really belongs to me." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Hehe." Xu Hu was too lazy to say anything.

"Xiao Xu, give me the driving license." Zhao Yang shouted to the driver.

The driver immediately handed the driving license to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang threw it to Xu Hu directly, "Look."

Xu Hu flipped open the driving license, and when he saw the photo of the driving license, his face showed an incredulous expression, ""

Han Tong also saw the front side of the driving license.

There was surprise in her eyes.

Zhao Yang turned out to be a super rich second generation.

Why didn't I see it before?

I hope she didn't leave a bad impression on Zhao Yang before?

At this time, Han Tong had already left Xu Hu out of the blue.

In Jiangnan!

When the Rolls-Royce drove to Zhao Yang's villa, Xu Hu was stunned.

"Is this your other villa?" Xu Hu asked in astonishment.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Isn't this villa too big?" Standing outside the villa, Han Tong thought it was like a palace.

"The villas in Jiangnan are divided into three grades. Zhao Yang's villa is platinum grade, and the market price is about 8000 million or more." Xu Qianqian said with a smile, holding Zhao Yang's arm.

"More than 8000 million?" Han Tong felt dizzy when he heard this number.

How much money does Zhao Yang have to be able to afford more than 8000 million villas?

Han Tong couldn't imagine it anymore.

She understands that Xu Hu is far from being able to compare with Zhao Yang?

At this time, several women in servant clothes came over, "Master, do you want to start cooking now?"

"Let's start." Zhao Yang nodded.

After Zhao Yang and the others washed their hands, they came to the dining table.

Han Tong had the most authentic French meal here.

"Zhao Yang, these cooks are more professional than those in French restaurants." Han Tong said excitedly, "I haven't had such a pure meal for a long time."

"Auntie, haven't you ever thought that Zhao Yang rented this house?" Xu Hu said with an ugly face.

He wanted to slap Han Tong very much now.

look at your face.

Don't you feel sick?

Didn't you just say you didn't like Zhao Yang?But now it's like a licking dog.

Han Tong looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"Qianqian, the title certificate is in the second drawer in my room." Zhao Yang looked at Xu Qianqian and said softly.

Xu Qianqian bounced to Zhao Yang's room, and soon Xu Qianqian came down with a certificate of property rights.

Han Tong opened it and took a look. If the owner is not Zhao Yang, who else could it be?

Xu Hu fell silent.

He knew he had lost, and he had lost badly.

At this moment, his mobile phone vibrated, and when he saw the reply on it, he looked at Zhao Yang with mocking eyes, "Zhao Yang, I asked a friend to check just now, the Rolls Royce But it’s registered under the Fuyun Hotel, so I really want to know how it became your personal one.”

Zhao Yang smiled and said nothing.

"Don't dare to admit it?" Xu Hu felt that he had grasped Zhao Yang's weakness, "Whether it is the property right certificate of this villa or the driving book of Rolls Royce, you forged it, right?"

Han Tong became a little nervous when he heard this.

"I'll explain this to you later. As for now, can you have a quiet meal?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I want to see how you refute it later?" Xu Hu snorted coldly and stopped muttering.

After drinking and eating, Zhao Yang looked at Han Tong and said, "Auntie, where are you staying tonight?"

"I've booked a hotel for my aunt." Xu Hu said at this time.

"Retire." Zhao Yang said calmly.

"I booked a river view room, 800 yuan per room." Xu Hu frowned.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to say anything more.

After everyone got into the Rolls-Royce, Zhao Yang said to the driver, "Go back to the hotel."

"Okay, boss." The driver said respectfully.

Ten minutes later, Les Lais came to the Fuyun Hotel.

"Here we are." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Zhao Yang, I also booked a five-star hotel." Xu Hu said with an ugly face.

"Is the five-star hotel you booked more luxurious than Fuyun Hotel?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xu Hu couldn't answer these words.

The group of people had just arrived at the lobby, and the two rows of executives in the hotel shouted in unison, "Hi, boss."

Xu Hu and the others were taken aback.

"What?" Xu Qianqian was also taken aback.

Why is the executive of the hotel called Executive Zhao Yang?

"Xu Hu, weren't you curious that the Rolls-Royce was registered under the name of the Fuyun Hotel, but now it is registered under my name?" Zhao Yang looked at Xu Hu jokingly and said, "This is because the hotel is going to buy another one." A new Rolls-Royce, and this Rolls-Royce is registered in my name, by the way, we just registered it today, the system probably hasn't been updated yet?"

"Boss, the presidential suite is ready." Nie Shuangxi walked over and said respectfully.

"Auntie, please." Zhao Yang looked at Han Tong beside him and said softly.

"This hotel has a Japanese background, when did it become yours?" Xu Hu was still struggling at this moment.

"Half a year ago, this hotel no longer had a Japanese background." Nie Shuangxi looked at Xu Hu with a hostile expression and said.

"I don't believe it." Xu Hu clenched his fists and said.

"There are so many things you don't believe?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "The reason why I prove it to you today is because I am boring, otherwise do you think I will talk to you?"

Zhao Yang's words gave Xu Hu a deep blow.

"Is the supreme membership card ready?" Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Nie Shuangxi and asked.

"It's done." Nie Shuangxi said as he took out two black cards and handed them to Han Tong and Xu Qianqian respectively.

"This is the supreme membership card of Fuyun Hotel. With the supreme membership card, everything you spend in the hotel is free." Nie Shuangxi explained.

Han Tong's breathing became rapid, "Even if I live in the presidential suite, is it free?"


"What if I live here for a year or so?"

"It's also free."

Only then did Han Tong realize how precious this supreme membership card is?

"Zhao Yang, you have a heart." Han Tong looked at Zhao Yang like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law.

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