Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 255 Lost Freedom

Only then did Zhang Mu remember this.

"How do you know this?"

"Because I was in the casino at that time." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Actually, I can spend 3000 million to save you, but you have already spent 800 million on me, why should I save you, an unrepentant bastard? Woolen cloth?"

"" Zhang Mu looked at Zhao Yang with hatred in his eyes.

That's right.


He didn't hate the boss of the casino, he hated Zhao Yang instead.

"Did you see? Zhang Lan, your brother's nature is too despicable." Zhao Yang said lightly, "His fingers were chopped off, his ears were cut off, he didn't hate the boss of the casino, but hated me for no help." he."

"Zhang Mu, apologize to your brother-in-law." Zhang Conding could still tell right from wrong.

He knew very well that Zhao Yang had already helped his family a lot.

Furthermore, even if Zhao Yang helped Zhang Mu this time, what about in the future?

Will Zhang Mu change?

Will not.

"I don't, I hate him." Zhang Mu looked at Zhao Yang fiercely and said.

"It doesn't matter whether you hate me or not, remember, you owe me 800 million now." Zhao Yang said and handed an IOU to Zhang Mu.

"Didn't you lend me the money?" Zhang Mu said without thinking.

"Zhang Mu, I transferred the 800 million to your sister's account, and your sister then transferred it to your account." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "It is impossible for you to deny this account."

"What can I do if I don't pay you back?" Zhang Mu asked with his neck stuck.

"If you don't pay me back, I won't do anything to you, but I don't know what the court will do to you." Zhao Yanggang said that two staff members of the court opened the door and walked in.

"Who is Zhang Mu?"

Zhang Mu shuddered.

Zhao Yang pointed to Zhang Mu.

"Zhang Mu, you owe Zhao Yang 800 million, and a case has been filed here. If you don't pay it back within the agreed time limit, you will be sentenced." A staff member said in a deep voice.

Zhang Mu's expression changed wildly.

"Do you have any humanity? You are my brother-in-law, and you actually went to court to sue me?" Zhang Mu roared at Zhao Yang.

"That's 800 million yuan, not 800 yuan." Zhao Yang said lightly, "According to the agreement, you will give me 2 yuan a month in the first year, and 3 yuan a month in the second year." Ten thousand yuan, and so on.”

"What will happen if I don't give it?" Zhang Mu said coldly.

"If you don't give it, we will take compulsory measures here, do you know Lao Lai?"

"I do not care."

"Do you think Lao Lai is just on the blacklist? We will invite you to the little black room regularly."

Zhang Mu was frightened.

Little black house?

Will he be arrested?

"You still think about how to fulfill the obligation of repayment?" The court staff said earnestly.

After they left, Zhang Lan pulled Zhao Yang aside.

"Zhao Yang."

"I know what you want to say?" Zhao Yang said softly, "Didn't you realize that your brother still hasn't changed much? Only after he makes money himself, does he understand how precious money is."

"But my brother can't earn 2 yuan a month at all?"

"As far as I know, my uncle's monthly salary plus performance is seven or eight thousand. Do you think uncles and aunts really don't care about Zhang Mu? I just want uncles and aunts to put money into it."


"Zhang Mu has become what he is today, and uncles and aunts have to bear the main responsibility." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Uncles and aunts should suffer for a period of time." After a pause, Zhao Yang comforted, "Don't blame me for talking. It's ugly, if I hadn't rushed over today, you would never have seen Zhang Mu in your life."

"I don't blame you, I just feel sorry for my parents." Zhang Lan said hurriedly.

"Also remember, you don't want to support your family anymore." Zhao Yang warned, "Otherwise what I do will be meaningless."

"I remember." Zhang Lan pondered for a while and nodded heavily.

"Let uncles and aunts work hard for one to two years, and then Zhang Mu can really go on the right path." Zhao Yang said softly, "As for his fingers and his ears, I will also help him heal at that time. "

"It's just that my parents will inevitably blame you." Zhang Lan smiled wryly.

"As long as Zhang Mu can turn over a new leaf, then everything is worth it." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

While Zhang Lan was whispering to Zhao Yang, Ding Jiahui was also whispering to Zhang Mu.

"Don't worry, your sister will be able to convince your brother-in-law." Ding Jiahui said in a low voice.

"Mom, I don't want him to be my brother-in-law." Zhang Mu clenched his fist and said.

"Do you think your sister has a choice now?" Ding Jiahui said with a wry smile, "If our family objects to this marriage, what if they ask us to pay off the debt now?"

"This..." Zhang Mu fell silent.

How to do?

He didn't know either.

But he knew he had no other choice.

Not long after, Zhang Lan came over.

"How's the talk going?" Ding Jiahui said expectantly.

"Our conversation broke down. Zhao Yang said that the payment must be made every month. Even if it is more than one minute overdue, he will immediately call the police." Zhang Lan said with a wry smile.

"How could he do this?" Ding Jiahui said dissatisfied.

"Mom, I understand Zhao Yang's character. He will do what he says. Let's chip in and pay it back, right?"

"Our family's savings are all spent, and relatives have borrowed them all over again." Ding Jiahui said with a sad face, "2 yuan per month, where can I get it?"

"Sister, you can't sit idly by." Zhang Mu said suddenly at this time.

"I'm still a student now. As for your affairs, I don't want to take care of them in the future." Zhang Lan turned around and left after saying this.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Because Zhang Mu still had nothing to do after returning home.

Of course he didn't gamble.

When one month was about to expire, Zhang Mu's family had no intention of repaying the loan.

Zhang Congding's monthly salary plus bonus is only 4000 to [-] yuan, and the family still has [-] to [-] yuan after eating and drinking.

How can it be enough to pay back [-]?

Zhang Congding's family was sure that Zhao Yang would not call the police, but what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang actually called the police.

When the police forcibly took Zhang Mu away, they made it very clear when the debts were paid off and when they would release him. Only then did Zhang Congding and his family realize that Zhao Yang was really playing tricks.

As a last resort, Zhang Congding borrowed more than 1 yuan from his colleagues.

After Zhang Mu was released, Zhang Conding talked to Zhang Mu, "Zhang Mu, now it seems that your cheap brother-in-law is serious, you have to work, otherwise the family really can't pay back the [-] a month debt."

"Isn't it just work? I'll look for a job tomorrow." Zhang Mu said through gritted teeth.

Zhang Mu didn't want to go in anymore.

It was only after he entered that he realized how terrible the loss of freedom was.

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