Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 251 Zhao Yang Has Arrived

"No, Dad will be fine." Zhang Lan also panicked.

But then she thought of Zhao Yang.

She came to the corner and called Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, is it convenient for you now?"

"You say." Zhao Yang replied.

"My dad is still in the emergency room." Zhang Lan cried as he spoke.

"Give me a location, and I'll go right away." Zhao Yang said quickly, "It's nothing serious, don't worry."

Zhang Lan hurriedly told Zhao Yang the address.

A few minutes later, Zhao Yang appeared beside Zhang Lan.

"Why did you come so fast?" Zhang Lan asked in surprise.

"What is my identity, have you forgotten?" Zhao Yang stroked Zhang Lan's beautiful hair.

Ding Jiahui saw Zhao Yang walking over quickly, "Zhao Yang, your uncle..." Ding Jiahui burst into tears at this point.

"Auntie, it's okay." Zhao Yang comforted.

"Mom, Zhao Yang's medical skills are very good. Even if the doctors here are not good, he can still cure Dad." Zhang Lan said softly.

There was a smile on Ding Jiahui's face.

She didn't really believe Zhang Lan's words.

Where can Zhao Yang's medical skills be so good?

"Zhao Yang, how is my father's situation now?" Zhang Lan asked in a low voice after Ding Jiahui sat on the cold chair.

Zhao Yang's gaze penetrated the door of the operating room.

After watching for a while, Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "The situation is not very good."


"I'm here, don't worry."

In this way, another half an hour passed, and the door of the operating room finally opened, and two nurses walked out of the operating room pushing the hospital bed.

Ding Jiahui and Zhang Lan rushed to meet her.

"Doctor, how is my old man?" Ding Jiahui asked a doctor who had just taken off his mask.

"We have tried our best to rescue him, but unfortunately..." The doctor paused at this point.

Ding Jiahui staggered.

"Doctor, my father..." Zhang Lan's face changed drastically.

"Vegetable." The doctor sighed softly.

"Vegetable?" Ding Jiahui felt that her support collapsed in an instant.

"It's okay, there is still help." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"Who are you?" The doctor said with a bad face.

What did Zhao Yang mean by this sentence?Said he was misdiagnosed?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to target you." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Your technique is very professional, and there is no problem with the operation, but I can save him."

"Can you save one and show me?" the doctor said unconvinced.

Zhao Yang took out a silver needle.

"Wait." Dou Ta stopped Zhao Yang, "Are you a doctor?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Looking at your age, you are at most a student." Dou Ta said coldly.

"I'm a student and a doctor."

"Why haven't I heard of a medical student who got a doctor's license early?" Dou Ta warned, "Do you know that practicing medicine without a doctor's license is illegal?"

Zhao Yang reluctantly handed over his doctor's license to Dou Ta.

Dou Ta took it over and took a look, then he was stunned the next moment.

"Are you Dr. Zhao from Jiangnan Medical University?" Dou Ta asked excitedly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

There's nothing like that to deny.

"Our hospital is also studying the case you treated, but it is a pity that we still can't know the principle." Dou Ta looked at Zhao Yang with adoring eyes and said, "Can you show me today?"

"The system of traditional Chinese medicine is actually very complicated." Zhao Yang said that the silver needle in his hand pierced Zhang Conding's acupuncture point accurately.

"It seems to you that I only prick acupuncture points with silver needles, but in fact there are many techniques." Zhao Yang said that the frequency of his fingers twirling the silver needles was constantly changing.

About 2 minutes later, Zhao Yang put away the silver needle.

At this moment, Zhang Congding's pulse gradually became stronger.

"Zhang Congding's vital signs have recovered." A nurse said in shock.

"Re-examine Zhang Congding immediately." Dou Ta said hastily.

After the examination, Dou Ta and other medical workers were shocked to find that Zhang Conding was no different from a normal person.

"When the anesthetic on his body wears off, Zhang Congding will be like a normal person." Dou Ta said to Ding Jiahui.

Ding Jiahui was full of disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"You guys are lucky. If it wasn't for the genius doctor Zhao, even if it was the master, I don't think the result will change." Dou Ta said seriously.

"Hey, Dr. Zhao is my son-in-law." Ding Jiahui said in a good mood.

After arriving at the ward, Ding Jiahui's cell phone rang.

"Is it your brother?" Ding Jiahui looked at Zhang Lan and said.

"Let him fend for himself." Zhang Lan said.

Zhang Lan didn't care about Zhang Mu anymore.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang today, Zhang Conding would never have woken up.

She was completely disappointed with Zhang Mu.

Ding Jiahui hesitated for a while or walked aside to answer the phone.

"Zhang Mu gambled again?" Zhao Yang asked in a low voice.


"How much did you lose this time?"


"This kid is very courageous." Zhao Yang was stunned.

How long has it been since?

He actually lost another 3000 million?

Isn't he worried that he won't make it?

"I don't care about him this time." Zhang Lan said seriously.

"Can you really be hard-hearted?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Lan with a half-smile.

"Otherwise, what can I do? His gambling addiction can't be quit at all." Zhang Lan burst into tears as she spoke.

"If you can trust me, leave this matter to me." Zhao Yang said softly.

"What can you do?" Zhang Lan's eyes lit up immediately.

"If Zhang Mu wants to get rid of his gambling habit, first he needs to accept severe beatings from the society." Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Lan and said, "Don't answer Zhang Mu's phone calls from now on, don't worry, as long as the casino doesn't beat Zhang Mu to death , I have a way to make him recover."

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you." Zhang Lan nodded emphatically.

"As long as you don't hate me when the time comes," Zhao Yang said with a smile.

He doesn't want to do wrong things with good intentions.

"Don't worry." Zhang Lan said solemnly, "I have to deal with my younger brother. By the way, there is a second point, right?"

"The second point is to let him know that he has been set up." Zhao Yang looked at the distance with deep eyes and said.

After Zhao Yang left here, Zhang Lan asked for Ding Jiahui's cell phone.

"Zhang Lan, what are you doing?"

"Zhao Yang said that he will take full responsibility for Zhang Mu's affairs, and we will leave it alone." Zhang Lan added Zhang Mu's contact information to the blacklist while talking.

"But...?" Ding Jiahui was interrupted by Zhang Lan as soon as Ding Jiahui said this, "Mom, this time it has risen to 3000 million, what about next time? What if it rises to 800 million? Who can pay it?" Pause Dun Zhanglan continued, "My brother-in-law cheated me out of [-] million yuan before Zhao Yang and I got married. Do you think he really has no problem with me?"

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