Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 237 Alma's Guess

Xu Qianqian and the others gasped when they heard this number.


How much does it cost to see a doctor?

"You can't joke, right?" Xu Qianqian asked in surprise.

"With Rowell's status in the England team, what do you think they can't hire a doctor?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But I can cure him in such a short period of time. Is it expensive?"

Is it expensive?

Compared to the Rowell family, this price is not expensive at all.

But for them, 1000 million is an astronomical figure.

"You went to Alice's family before?" Li Lele suddenly thought of something.

"I helped Alice's grandfather see a doctor, and the 1000 million I gave you just now is the consultation fee." Zhao Yang said casually.

Did he say that he asked for [-] billion for a trip?

"I regret it a little." Li Lele suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

"I knew it was so easy for you to make money, how could I be polite to you?" Wang Cuicui said in agreement.

"Haha." Zhao Yang laughed loudly.

"When are you going back?" Xu Qianqian stared at Zhao Yang with her beautiful eyes.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, the phone rang suddenly.

"Alice, what's the matter?" Zhao Yang said softly after pressing the answer button.

"Zhao Yang, our dean wants to invite you to the Royal College of Medicine in England, do you have time?" Alice said softly.

"They want to experience the magic of Chinese medicine, right?" Zhao Yang understood what was going on as soon as he pondered slightly.

"Yes, this is also a rare opportunity to promote Chinese medicine, isn't it?" Alice said with a smile.

There's no need to hide this kind of thing.

"Alice, your circle is relatively wide. Now you ask your high-end circle, who has intractable diseases, and I will help them cure them."

"Are you sure?" Alice asked in surprise.

You must know that if Alice spreads the word, those who have been cured will owe her a huge favor.

"I'll give you one day of preparation time. In this way, I will go to the Royal College of Medicine in England the next morning, and you let those guys wait there." Zhao Yang responded.

"Then I'll contact the client now." Alice said excitedly.

After finishing the call, Xu Qianqian looked at Zhao Yang in a daze and said, "Do you think you haven't earned enough?"

"Haha, it's rare to come to England once. If you don't make some money to go back, how can you afford the air ticket?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"We won't go back until the day after tomorrow. Can we go and see it the day after tomorrow?" Wang Cuicui said expectantly.

"no problem."

"Then it's settled."

Several people talked and laughed here for two hours and then returned to the hotel in Zhao Yang's car.

"Open me another room." Zhao Yang said to Xu Qianqian.

"That's such a waste, we just live in the same room." Xu Qianqian said ambiguously.

"I don't care, you are not afraid of being eaten?" Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows.

"My old lady has guarded her body like jade for decades, and she doesn't want that layer of film for a long time. If you want it, I will give it to you." Xu Qianqian said carelessly.

Xu Qianqian's words were too shocking.

Zhao Yang was immediately excited, and the second brother tended to raise his head.

"No, I'm still a child." Zhao Yang realized that there was no way to continue chatting.

Being kissed by Lin Caihan is not easy now.

If something happened to Xu Qianqian again, Zhao Yang felt that he might die.

Xu Qianqian watched Zhao Yang reopen a room, feeling a little disappointed in her heart.

In fact, she was already prepared, if Zhao Yang wanted her body, she would give it to her.

It's just that Zhao Yang refused.

"Zhao Yang, you still can't forget Xiaoxiao?" Xu Qianqian murmured in her heart.

Say Alice again.

When Alice told Alma that Zhao Yang was going to the Royal College of Medicine in England, Alma felt confused.

What is Zhao Yang thinking?

Didn't you come to England to rescue Qianlong?

Why does it look like a tour of mountains and rivers?

"Go and get in touch." Alma said softly after being silent for a while, "Also tell those guys that the fees charged by adults are very high."

"I know that." Xu Qianqian smiled and nodded.

After Xu Qianqian left, John came out from the dark.

"Master, the god of death went to the Rowell family today." John said in a deep voice.

John has been sending people to follow Zhao Yang secretly.

"Talk." Alma said in a deep voice.

John told the story of what happened.

"Strange." Alma's face was full of surprise and uncertainty.

"What do you mean?"

"It stands to reason that Zhao Yang should have gone there as soon as he found out the address of Longqing Castle, but he went to Oxford Street to go shopping with his sister?" Alma felt that things were out of his control, "Zhao Yang His behavior was unreasonable."

"I noticed that Zhao Yang has been resting since he came to the castle, and he seems very tired." John said carefully, "Is Zhao Yang not injured?"

"Injured?" Elma's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes, yes, injured, Zhao Yang must have been injured, otherwise, it would be impossible for him not to go to Longqing Castle."

"If Zhao Yang was injured, why did he attack the Rowell family?" John then asked a question.

"This is a better explanation. Zhao Yang wants to cover up." Alma confirmed John's guess more and more, "Zhao Yang wants to use this method to tell the guys who spy on him secretly that he is powerful." Dun Elma said with burning eyes, "Zhao Yang, even if he is not injured, his strength is still damaged."

"Master, what should we do now?" John asked in a deep voice, "Should we tell the news to the temple and the dark hall?"

John was very disturbed.

Because of a wrong decision, the Erma family may be over.

"Tell the dark hall about this, and let the dark hall test Zhao Yang?" Alma said after a long silence.


When Zhao Yang was sleeping, a voice suddenly came into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"A big bat sneaked in." That was Huo Luan's voice.

"Killed." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Before the vampire sneaked in could react, a gleam of light appeared in its pupils, and the next moment it was burned clean.

"I noticed that there are vampires outside." Huo Luan continued.

"Kill them all." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Since Antang wanted to test his strength, he had to be prepared to be killed.


Huo Luan rushed out of the window.

It turned into a flame and flickered a few times in the sky.

And when it returned to the room, the few vampires lurking outside were all reduced to ashes.

Huo Luan is already at the second level of the Supernatural Realm, how can a few vampires at the Innate Realm be able to compete?

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