Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 221 Hearing about the Arrival of Muyue

Liu Yong's mentality was about to collapse.

Who can tell me why?

Zhao Yang is so unfriendly to Wenren's family, but why did Wenren Qingyue rush to get to know Zhao Yang?

Zhao Houxun and Yu Lixia became excited.

Could it be that Wenren Qingyue has a crush on Zhao Yang?

"It's better not to know each other anymore, I'm not interested in you." Zhao Yang glanced at Wenren Qingyue and said indifferently.

Everyone fell into a state of petrification.

you listen.

Is what Zhao Yang said human?

Wenren Qingyue was stunned on the spot.

Her outstretched hand was hanging in the air awkwardly.

Zhao Yu'er glared at Zhao Yang, "You bastard, can you be a gentleman?"

Zhao Yang stood up helplessly and shook hands with Wenren Qingyue.

"You are so strange." Wenren Qingyue asked softly.

"Okay, I shook hands with you too, where should you go now?" Zhao Yang waved his hand.

Wenren Qingyue became more and more embarrassed.

"How could you treat Miss Wenren like this?" Liu Yong couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but said.

Wenren Qingyue glanced at Liu Yong, "What happened to your legs?"

"His subordinates beat him up." Liu Yong gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Wenren, don't be fooled by him. Let me tell you that he is not a good person."

"But why do I think you are not a good person?" Wenren Qingyue said thoughtfully.

Liu Yong felt that his heart had been stabbed severely.

For Mao?

Can you give me an explanation?

"Qingyue, don't be unreasonable to Mr. Liu." Wenren Ranchen scolded at this time.

"Father." Wenren Qingyue looked at Wenren Ranchen in puzzlement.

"This time I brought you to the Zhao family to bring you to meet your fiancé Liu Yong." Wenren Ranchen said softly.

"Father, you want me to marry this cripple?" Wenren Qingyue pointed at Liu Yong with a dumbfounded expression, "I won't marry."

"Nonsense, it's not up to you whether you marry or not." Wen Ren Ranchen frowned involuntarily.

"I would rather marry him." Wenren Qingyue pointed at Zhao Yang.

Liu Yong's eyes turned red when he heard this, "Zhao Yang, I will never be with you in this life."

Zhao Yang looked at Liu Yong speechlessly and said, "I have always refused to hear Qingyue." He really wanted to say what does this have to do with me?

Shouldn't you hate Wenren Qingyue?

"This is a marriage contracted by the family and cannot be changed." Wenren Ranchen said solemnly.

Wenren Qingyue can indulge Wenren Qingyue's nonsense, but the principled things cannot be violated.

"I don't want to marry." Wenren Qingyue said with tears rolling in her eyes.

Seeing Wenren Qingyue's appearance, Zhao Yu'er also felt uncomfortable.

Because she thought of herself.

Will I also be arranged by my family to marry someone I don't like in the future?

"Wenren Ranchen, since Wenren Qingyue doesn't want to marry, why do you have to force others?" Zhao Yang decided to ask this matter after being silent for a while.

"This is a family matter of my Wenren family, Mr. Zhao, you don't seem to be qualified to take care of it?" Wenren Ranchen looked at Zhao Yang displeased.

He really wants to say that you don't know your own identity?

"Third Uncle, since Qingyue doesn't want to marry, why don't you?" Wenren Ranchen's voice was followed by a light voice that resounded in the audience.

Immediately, a graceful figure walked into the hall amidst the attention of the audience.

"Muyue." Wenren Ranchen was startled.

Although it is said that Wenren Ruchen is also a congenital realm, Wenren Muyue's status is very high.


Wenren Muyue went to Yaowang Cave, and she was accepted as a disciple by an elder of Yaowang Cave.

Her identity and status are comparable to that of the old man of the Wenren family.

"Muyue, if you say you don't want to marry, then don't marry." Wen Ren Ranchen pondered for a while and said with a smile.

Liu Zhen looked at Wenren Ranchen unkindly and said, "Brother Wenren, this matter was decided before, how could you change it at will?"

"Things happen for a reason." Wenren Ranchen smiled wryly, "Wenren's family will give you an explanation."

Wenren Ranchen had already said this, so Liu Zhen couldn't say anything more.

"I heard that there is a genius girl in the Wenren family who entered the medicine king's cave at a young age. I wonder if it's you?" Zhao Boyun was very excited when he said this.

He didn't expect that an existence like Wenren Muyue would also come?

"My teacher is the elder of Yaowangdong." Wenren Muyue said as she turned out a jade bottle in her palm, "In the jade bottle is the second-grade advanced pill refined by my Yaowangdong. After reaching the peak level, taking this pill can break the self-imprisonment and step onto the second level of the Xiantian Realm."

Zhao Boyun was moved.

You must know that Zhao Boyun has been stuck at the first level of the Xiantian Realm all these years.

But now he has a chance to break through.

How can he not be excited?

The eyes of Wang Yongxun and Bei Mingcheng were burning.

This is an advanced pill.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Zhao Boyun was a little incoherent.

After hearing that Muyue handed the Advanced Pill to Zhao Boyun, she walked towards Zhao Yang.

Everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

Wenren Muyue was invited by Zhao Houxun's lineage?

How can it be?

When did Zhao Houxun have such connections?

Soon Wenren Muyue came to Zhao Yang, "It's not too late, is it?"

"A few minutes later than I expected." Zhao Yang looked at his watch and said with a smile.

"It's rare for you to invite me once. I can't come without makeup?" Wenren Muyue said and sat beside Zhao Yang with an intimate manner.

Zhao Houxun and Yu Lixia looked at each other.

Did Zhao Yang really know Wenren Muyue?And depending on the situation, the relationship between the two is not normal?

Zhao Ban's whole body is not well.

How could this guy Zhao Yang get Wenren Muyue's favor?

One must know that Beiming Qingyou is not as good as Wenren Muyue in terms of family background or appearance?

"Since everyone is here, let's start the banquet." Zhao Boyun said with a smile after collecting the advanced pill.

"Wait." Just after Zhao Boyun's voice fell, an old voice rang out in the audience, and then a hale and hearty old man walked in with a beautiful girl.

This girl's appearance is even better than that of Wenren Muyue.

She seems to be the fairy in the painting, Chanjuan in the moon.

"Shangguan Xiaoyu."

"The number one beauty in the family."

"Why did Shangguan Xiaoyu come here?"

"I think what you should pay attention to is the old man. That old man is Shangguan Shouming, the patriarch of the Shangguan family."

"The patriarch of the Shangguan family came to celebrate his birthday in person? Are you sure you are not joking?"

"The patriarch of the Shangguan family is a middle-level existence in the Xiantian realm. It stands to reason that he shouldn't congratulate Zhao Boyun on his birthday no matter what?"

Don't say that everyone can't understand it at this moment, even Zhao Boyun can't understand it.

"Brother Shangguan, are you...?" Zhao Boyun hurried to Shangguan Shouming and asked tentatively.

Zhao Boyun felt that he had to figure out Shangguan Shouming's purpose.

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