Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2147 Can You Attach

"So you don't care about you?"

"I have been guarding this small mountain village for ten years. Even if I die here today, I have no regrets." The young man stood up while speaking.

In an instant, his aura changed. He was no longer the village guard who could be bullied by anyone, but a peerless sword that would show its sharpness.


His figure disappeared instantly.

His speed is faster than Thunder.

When he appeared beside Zhao Yang, his sword intent neighed, and the whole small mountain village was illuminated by dazzling brilliance.


"Crazy Zhao is so powerful?"

"I told you a long time ago that Crazy Zhao is a village guard. He is very powerful. Do you believe me now?"

"It's no wonder other villages have accidents every now and then, but our village has never had any accidents."

The people in the village were shocked when they saw this scene, but they were also emotional.

It's just that they had a bad premonition in their hearts when they saw Zhao Yang block Zhao Yang's earth-shattering attack.

Could it be that Crazy Zhao will lose?

Crazy Zhao watched Zhao Yang block his blow calmly, with a look of shock in his eyes.

He claims to be invincible at the same level, but what's the situation now?

Why would I be blocked?

There is no reason!

"Take a punch from me, too." Zhao Yang clenched his fist with five fingers and blasted towards Crazy Zhao.

The punch was like a tide, drowning Crazy Zhao's whole body.

But Zhao Yang was very measured, he did not harm the small mountain village.

A small mountain village is Zhao Feng

He is guarded by his son, and secondly, he is not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base has reached the third level of Guiyi Realm, so his understanding of Zhou Tian Shen Jue is even deeper.

And the more he practiced, the more he could feel the horror of this technique.


The sound of this punch was as loud as thunder, and even the sky was panicked.

Crazy Zhao staggered back, his face was very pale, and the blood in his viscera kept surging up.

Come again.

Even though Crazy Zhao was suppressed, he was still not afraid.

He ignited his own blood, he wanted to sublimate to the utmost, and he wanted to push his combat power to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, the people in the small mountain village wept bitterly, and they could tell that Crazy Zhao didn't hold anything back, that is to say, even if he won by chance after this battle, he would still be a useless person.

"Crazy Zhao, I will never tease you again."

"Crazy Zhao, if you win, I'll be your wife."

"Crazy Zhao, I will never steal your wine again."

"Crazy Zhao, you must win."

It is a pity that the villagers' prayers did not have any effect.

Crazy Zhao was still so severely injured by Zhao Yang that he was powerless to fight again.

Crazy Zhao struggled to get up. He looked back at the small village with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"I'm leaving." He growled.

In the next moment, his body turned into streaks of divine light and entered Zhao Yang's body, and Zhao Yang's cultivation base also increased dramatically.

But Zhao Yang didn't have the slightest smile on his face.

Crazy Zhao is a pure person, otherwise

I won't stay here anymore.

But now he killed him.

"You killed Crazy Zhao." A child looked at Zhao Yang with deep hatred.

"Why did you kill him? What did he do wrong?" An old man trembled angrily.

Zhao Yang was silent.

If you say why?

That is destiny!

But tell this group of people, will they understand?

Of course, if they put themselves in the situation, even if they understand, they don't want to understand.

Zhao Yang took out a formation scroll, and as the formation scroll slowly opened, the entire small mountain village was enveloped by the formation.

"This is the formation scroll I refined, which can block the existence of the fourth heaven." Zhao Yang said softly.

Then Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan turned and left.

"Where are we going next?" Lin Caihan on the battleship asked softly.

"Once you set foot on this road, there is no turning back." Zhao Yang said after a long silence.

"Whether there are mountains of swords or seas of fire, I will always be with you." Lin Caihan held Zhao Yang's hand and said solemnly.

Next, Zhao Yang went to more than a dozen civilizations. After he killed three of himself in a row, his cultivation finally set foot on the fourth level of Guiyi Realm.

In these civilizations, Lin Caihan met two of herself, and her cultivation reached the third level of Guiyi Realm.

The two did not continue to fight, but returned to the flame civilization.

Zhao Yang contacted Muzi.

Muzi quickly took Zhao Yang to the dessert shop.

The dessert shop is opened by Ah Jian.

The boss is Ah Jian, and the waiter is both of Ah Jian's parents.There are a few more shops next to the dessert shop

, Muzi arranged all the relatives in.

"When I arranged them, I made it very clear that those who are capable will work harder, and they will be assessed every year. If they fail to pass, they will be kicked out, and they will find their own way of life." Muzi introduced, "In addition, I took out 15.00% of the profits. As long as they work hard, they will never have to worry about food and clothing here."

"How much is left of [-] million?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"There are 200 million left." Muzi replied.

"What about you, what are your plans?"

"I'll just live with Ah Jian honestly. After all, my cultivation is not very high, is it?"

"After a while, we will conquer ourselves across other civilizations. If you are interested, you can go with us."

"But I'm not sure I can beat the opponent."

"Some things can be cheated."

"Okay, young master and miss will inform me then." Muzi thought for a while and replied.

Muzi was a city guard in Ruiyun Civilization, after all he was wearing tiger skin.

But when you come to the flame civilization, you don't have this layer of protection.

So she needs stronger strength.

After separating from Muzi, Zhao Yang wandered around the Lieyan Civilization. He wanted to see what the Lieyan Civilization was like.

He saw a lot of injustices along the way, but the local law enforcement agencies dealt with them very sloppily, which made Zhao Yang realize that this civilization is rotten, but it has not reached the point of being incurable.

In fact, this is also normal.

After any civilization has developed to a certain stage, as long as there is no talented and general civilization master

appear, then the decay of this civilization is doomed.

Suddenly Zhao Yang saw a dark-skinned figure.

It was Jesse from Zamby Civilization.

"Jesse." Zhao Yang greeted Jesse.

As a result, several guards around Jesse blocked Jesse's way.

They wanted to ensure Jesse's safety, and they were worried that Zhao Yang's whereabouts were unknown.

"Get out." Jesse gasped for a guard's foot, and then trotted to Zhao Yang, "Master Zhao, are you here to participate in the auction?"


Jesse looked at Zhao Yang's stunned look and knew that Zhao Yang didn't know about it, "The auctions held by Lie Yan Civilization have always been of a very high standard, even the war puppets of the sixth heaven of return to one realm will be auctioned. .”

"The war puppets of the Sixth Heaven will also be put up for auction?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"There are only [-] war puppets in the Eastern Territory who have mastered the middle stage of Guiyi Realm, but only ten have mastered the sixth heaven of Guiyi Realm, and Raging Flame Civilization is one of them." Jesse explained, "This time I am here as well. I want to try my luck."

"Do you want to buy a war puppet from the Sixth Heaven of the One Realm?"

"No, no, no." Jesse shook his head hastily, "The war puppets of the Sixth Heaven of Return to One Realm are not something a weak civilization like ours can buy."

"Is there something special about it?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"Civilizations have their own set of codes of conduct. A weak civilization like ours can't touch it randomly, otherwise it will be wiped out somehow." Jessie said here looking at Zhao Yang with burning eyes, "Master Zhao, we Can Zambi civilization attach to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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