Even if he wasn't ready, even if he didn't want to.

But he has no hesitation.

"Do you want to tell your parents?"

"It's okay, I'm used to wandering outside." Ah Jian said with a grin.

Zhao Yang no longer hesitated to take Ah Jian and left Ruiyun Civilization.

Muto civilization.

This is a civilization near Ruiyun civilization.

When Ah Jian came to this civilization, he felt it for a while before saying, "There is no me in this civilization."

Generally speaking, there is only one self in the same civilization. As for which other seventh-class civilization has you, it depends on your own good fortune.

There are many grievances who have searched hundreds of civilizations but have not encountered a single one.

"Then let's go to the second civilization." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

In the end, I don't know if it was bad luck. Zhao Yang and the others searched for four civilizations in a row but failed to find them.

Floating cloud civilization.

When Ah Jian came to this civilization, surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"I sensed it, I sensed a familiar breath."

"Lead the way." Zhao Yang was also very happy.

Are you finally going to meet Jian from another civilization?

When the two saw Ah Jian, they were stunned, because he had a limped leg and was feeding medicine to his mother.

Seeing this scene, Ah Jian hesitated.

"Young master, if I kill him, what will his mother do?"

Zhao Yang was silent.

after a

Hui Ajian left the room.

His mother was lying on the bed, pale as paper, and after a while she coughed violently.

After a while, her face turned sallow and sallow, and she looked towards the door, "My child, I'm sorry."

There was a strong look of reluctance on her face, but in the end she closed her eyes powerlessly.

The death of his mother was a great blow to Ah Jian, and he borrowed a lot of money in order to let his mother have a grand burial.

Neighbors were discussing Jian at the funeral.

"Ajian is too pitiful."

"Yes, he lost his father at the age of three, and his mother is a sick child. I don't know how this child grows up so big?"

"This child has had a hard life since he was a child, and finally got a girl he likes, but the girl was snatched away by bandits."

"A few years ago when I went to the mountains to collect herbs, my hamstring was bitten off by jackals and I became lame."

"I heard that he was eroded by miasma, and he went to the deep mountains to scream in pain in the middle of the night."

"Now his last relative in this world is also leaving."

"poor child."

Ah Jian and Zhao Yang hid in the crowd. They listened to the neighbor's discussion about Ah Jian, and Ah Jian's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Young master, I won't kill you."

He couldn't bear to kill a man with such a poor fate.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

And just as the two turned to leave, Ah Jian suddenly called the two of them.

"Two, please wait a moment." At this moment, Ah Jian, who was wearing sackcloth and filial piety, called the two of them.

Zhao Yang and Ah Jian turned around in astonishment.

Of course, Ah Jian was wearing a black hat at this time, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly at all.

"My life has been rough, and I don't want to live anymore, but please wait for a few days. After I bury my mother, I will give you what you want." Jian looked calmly at wearing Ah Jian in the bamboo hat.

"You have nothing left, I can't..."

"You also said that I have nothing, so what's the point of my life?"

Ah Jian, who was wearing a bamboo hat, was silent.

But he didn't leave either.

After seven days like this, Ah Jian took care of his mother's funeral, took a bath by himself, and then came to Zhao Yang and Ah Jian.

"I've sensed you ever since you appeared in Fuyun Civilization." Ajian looked at Ajian wearing a bamboo hat without sadness or joy in his eyes, "Now I have no intention of living, so please kill me!" I."

Ah Jian, who was wearing a bamboo hat, was silent for a while and still said, "Your fate is already so bitter, I can no longer deprive you of your life."

"But what's the point of living for a person like me?" Ah Jian replied.

Ah Jian, who was wearing a bamboo hat, was silent again.

After a long time, he took out a dagger and stabbed fiercely into the opponent's chest.

Blood gushed out, Ah Jian seemed to be relieved,

With a smile on his face, his body fell back weakly.

Ah Jian, who was wearing a bamboo hat, watched the other party gradually lose his breath, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

He didn't want to, didn't want to kill the other party at all.

After Ajian's fall, his body turned into rays of divine light and poured into Ajian's body wearing a bamboo hat, and Ajian's cultivation in a bamboo hat also rose after he got the other party's fortune.

It didn't take long for his cultivation to become the second level of Guiyi Realm.

"How do you feel now?" Zhao Yang looked at Ah Jian and said.

"Maybe I will live in pain all my life." Ah Jian looked up at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang felt a sense of loss.

He also blamed himself.

Because if it weren't for him, this person might not have to die.

"Sister, is this the only way to return to One Realm?" Zhao Yang asked the mysterious girl.

"Have you ever thought that you in other civilizations have set off to hunt you down?" the mysterious girl said lightly.

"But I don't want to go down this road."

"It's fine, just stop practicing." Zhao Yang was stunned by the mysterious girl's words.

"Is there really no other way?"

"What do you think?"

Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

"I'll take you back." Zhao Yang looked at Ah Jian and said.

Ah Jian nodded slightly.

Ruiyun civilization.

Zhao Yang drives the battleship

After sending Ajian to Ruiyun Civilization, he stayed at Ajian's house.

Now his cultivation base has not yet reached the level of unity, and he wants to complete a breakthrough in the Ruiyun civilization.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Perhaps it was because the world environment of Ruiyun civilization was different, and it took Zhao Yang three months to step into the unified realm.

After reaching this realm, he felt that he was more than ten times stronger than before.

But he also knew that he would have to start beheading himself in other civilizations next.

He didn't go there immediately, but felt it in the hourglass of time, and he wanted to improve many supernatural powers.

In this way, a month passed before Zhao Yang drove the battleship to the nearby civilization.

I don't know if he was lucky this time. When he came to the Thai elephant civilization, he sensed the other party.

Zhao Yang drove the battleship to a deep mountain where a man was practicing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhao Yang descending.

"I didn't expect you to be one step ahead."

"It's useless to talk, let's do it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

He sensed that the other party's breath was also returning to the same state.

Then it's not bullying.


The other party clenched his fist with five fingers and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

The monstrous fist burst, like a tornado, directly turning the nearby mountains into dust.

(End of this chapter)

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