Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 213 Fire Luan Appears

Liu Long hated it!

You must know that he has already connected with monk Long Ao.

But now Zhao Yang has destroyed his dantian and abolished his cultivation.

"Master Long Ao will not let you go." Liu Long clenched his fists and roared angrily.

"Hehe." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Now I will give you time to contact Long Ao."

There was an unbelievable look in Liu Long's eyes.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so rampant?

"Take Liu Long into custody." Xu Qingfeng said coldly at this time.

Liu Long's cultivation was abolished, in other words, he was a useless person.

Does Xu Qingfeng still need to care about him?

Even if Liu Long had something to do with Long Ao, would Long Ao offend Zhao Yang, a disciple of the Pure Yang Sect, for Liu Long at this time?

Two guards stepped forward and took Liu Long down.

"I didn't expect the Martial Arts Association to become so corrupt during my retreat." Xu Qingfeng's face was full of anger, "From today onwards, I will thoroughly investigate the members of the Martial Arts Association over the years."

Xu Qingfeng's words shocked everyone.

Is Xu Qingfeng going to swing a knife at his own people?

"Another thing I announce is to restore Ye Xiaojiu's position as Hall Master of the Southern District." Xu Qingfeng continued.

But what Xu Qingfeng didn't expect was that Xiaojiu refused, "I'm not interested. The reason why I joined the Martial Arts Association back then was just to experience it."

"This...." Xu Qingfeng showed hesitation.

The hall master in the southern area couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard Xiaojiu say that.

He wanted to scold his mother very much.

Xu Qingfeng, you want to curry favor with Xiaojiu, so why are you taking me under the knife?

"President, the vice-president was going to set up the position of inspector before, and I think Ye Xiaojiu is perfect for this position." The hall master of the southern district thought about it and said hastily.

"Inspector?" Xu Qingfeng was taken aback.

"The inspector is only responsible to the president, and its duty is to supervise the illegal activities of the Martial Arts Association." The hall master of the southern area said seriously, "In terms of status, it must be higher than the five hall masters."

The voice of the hall master in the southern area fell, and a young girl in the crowd was bleeding.

She sacrificed her body to curry favor with that old man Liu Long, just to be able to become the inspector.

But now Ye Xiaojiu is cheaper.

But she dare not say anything?

Because she was worried that Liu Long would involve her in it.

Xu Qingfeng thought about it for a while and felt that the position of inspector was very suitable for Xiaojiu, "Ye Xiaojiu, I know you don't want to get involved in worldly affairs, but since you are in the world, there are many things that cannot be avoided. This position will save you a lot of trouble.”

Xiaojiu thought for a while and then nodded, "Okay, then I will be the supervisor."

"That's great." Xu Qingfeng said excitedly.

Xu Qingfeng saw that Xiaojiu belonged to Zhao Yang, so as long as Xiaojiu joined the Martial Arts Association, it would be equivalent to being on the list as a Taoist disciple of Zhao Yang.

After Xu Qingfeng helped Xiaojiu complete the procedures, he invited Zhao Yang to his office.

"If it wasn't for my lord this time, I might still be in the dark." Xu Qingfeng expressed his gratitude to Zhao Yang.

"Okay, I don't need to say compliments. I beat you up just now, and you still don't know how to slander me in your heart?" Zhao Yang glanced at Xu Qingfeng and said indifferently.

Xu Qingfeng turned pale with shock.

How can it be?

Could it be that Zhao Yang knew what he was thinking?

This is too incredible, isn't it?

"The Supernatural Realm is not as scary as you think." Zhao Yang knocked on the table and said, "Your energy and blood are close to drying up. It can be said that it is absolutely impossible to break into the Supernatural Realm."

"I heard that there is such a panacea in Taoism." Xu Qingfeng's eyes were full of burning colors when he said these words.

"Don't you have one in Long Ao's hands?" Zhao Yang looked at Xu Qingfeng with a half-smile.

"Master Long Ao doesn't know the art of alchemy." Xu Qingfeng said with a wry smile.

"You are so naive." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Xu Qingfeng looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

"Spiritual pills like Tongshen Pill are not very precious among the top ten sects. As Long Ao, do you think you can't get Tongshen Pill?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xu Qingfeng was startled.

"You mean..." Xu Qingfeng didn't dare to continue speaking halfway through.

"To put it bluntly, Long Ao is not optimistic about you, otherwise he would have given you the magic pill." Zhao Yang said sharply.

There was pain in Xu Qingfeng's eyes.

Back then Xu Qingfeng made indirect remarks, but Long Ao was abrupt because he didn't know how to make alchemy, but now Zhao Yang unceremoniously tore off his disguise.

"You...can you give me one?" Xu Qingfeng asked courageously after not knowing how long it had passed.

Xu Qingfeng will die if he doesn't break through.

He doesn't want to die.

Not at all.

"Here." To Xu Qingfeng's surprise, Zhao Yang handed him a jade bottle directly.

Xu Qingfeng took it, and he poured out the pills in the jade bottle.

It was a dark blue pill, and the pill exuded an astonishing luster. Just by taking a sip, Xu Qingfeng felt his whole body became healthy.

"You take it now, I will help you protect the law." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I'm sorry." Xu Qingfeng said excitedly.

This is a magic pill!

Zhao Yang gave it to himself casually?

And now Zhao Yang wants to protect himself even more.

Xu Qingfeng almost didn't kneel down.

After he took the Tongshen Pill, he felt a burst of great power, which surged towards the depths of his brain under his control.

Open up the sea of ​​knowledge.

Only by opening up the sea of ​​consciousness can one gather spiritual thoughts, and only in this way can supernatural powers be born.



three times!

Fighting again and again, failing again and again.

Zhao Yang watched this scene quietly, he somewhat understood why Long Ao didn't support Xu Qingfeng?

Xu Qingfeng is too old, and his blood is almost dry.

Even if you give him the Tongshen Pill, don't think about breaking through smoothly.

"My lord, the president's situation doesn't seem to be good." Xiaojiu said from the side.

"The quality of the Tongshen Pill I gave him is pretty good, but even so, Xu Qingfeng still couldn't break through." Zhao Yang said as he took out a Zen incense.

When he lit this Zen incense, Xiaojiu found that he could enter meditation instantly.

"My lord, what kind of incense is this?" Xiaojiu exclaimed.

"This is Zen incense made from red rhino horns ground into powder, and it has the effect of enlightenment." Zhao Yang explained softly, "Don't waste this opportunity."

Xiaojiu quickly settled down cross-legged.

"You guard the surroundings." Zhao Yang's sleeves shook.

A little bird flew out from the cuff.

That little bird is very handsome.

Its eyes are full of arrogance, and it has a feeling of dominating the world.

Spirit beast, Fire Luan.

Don't underestimate this Huoluan, it has already stepped into the supernatural power realm, and even monks of the same rank may not be the opponent of this Huoluan in terms of combat power.

Zhao Yang also closed his eyes when Huo Luan was patrolling around.

Zen incense is also useful to him.

He doesn't want to waste either.

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