Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2108 Magic Diagram

"She's just a passerby." At this moment, Zhao Yang's voice sounded.

His voice was soft and calm, tearing apart Zi Yue'er's murderous intent in an instant.

Zi Yue'er looked at Zhao Yang with a little surprise, "I didn't expect you to improve so fast?"

"I didn't expect that the peerless strongman who came out of the restricted area would follow me?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"You shouldn't have pointed out my identity." Zi Yue'er said lightly.

Fang Xiaoyu's pupils shrank severely.

Forbidden creatures.

Ziyue'er turned out to be a peerless existence who came out of the restricted area?

"So what if you point it out?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"You will die." Zi Yue'er said here that a short blade appeared in her palm, and when the short blade swung towards Zhao Yang, murderous intent exploded.

This murderous intent was more than a hundred times stronger than the one she emitted just now.

Can you stop it?

Can't stop!

After Zhao Yang judged that it was unstoppable, a taboo force in his body exploded.

His combat power instantly increased from the middle stage of the unified state to the late stage of the unified state.

His two fingers clamped the short blade at the moment, no matter how Zi Yue'er pushed the short blade, he still couldn't take a step beyond the thunder.

Seeing Zhao Yang, Ziyue'er's face suddenly changed.

"You... how could you have such a strong combat power?" Zi Yue'er looked at Zhao Yang in shock.

She thought she knew Zhao Yang's strength, but only now did she realize

I was deceived myself.

Zhao Yang is stronger than she imagined.

"Guess." Zhao Yang's eyes burst out with Zhou Tian's divine light when he said this.

This side of the sky fell into collapse, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Zi Yue'er's complexion suddenly changed, and she exited the courtyard with lightning speed.

She stood outside the courtyard and looked at Zhao Yang, "You... what kind of exercises do you practice?"

"You haven't reached the peak yet." Zhao Yang closed his eyes at this moment and said indifferently.

Through the test just now, Zhao Yang found that Ziyue'er had reached the late stage of Unity Realm, but she hadn't reached the limit of Unity Realm yet.

"You surprised me." Zi Yue'er said after being silent for a while.

"Can you tell me now why you follow me?"

"Because you are not a monk from Hunyuan Continent." Zi Yue'er stared at Zhao Yang and said, "I want to know your purpose."

"How did you tell?" Zhao Yang looked at Ziyue'er in surprise.

"I smelled it." Zi Yue'er pointed to her nose.

"You dog."

Ziyue'er raised her eyebrows when she heard this, "How do you talk?"

"I just came to Hunyuan Continent by chance." Zhao Yang wouldn't reveal his purpose?

"Do you think I believe it?" Zi Yue'er acted like I saw through you.

"Now that Mysterious Valley is being forced by two major alliances, what should you do?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

"I'm from the restricted area."

"Isn't the mysterious valley worth protecting?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Sorry, but in my opinion, Mystic Valley is no different from the two major alliances."

"What if I owe you a favor?"

Zi Yueer stared at Zhao Yang for a while before showing a smile, "Remember what you said."

"I don't make fun of my reputation."

Zi Yue'er took a deep look at Zhao Yang, and then her figure disappeared.

Only then did Fang Xiaoyu struggle to get up, and she trotted to Zhao Yang's side, "Mr. Zhao, Ziyue'er is...?"

"Don't reveal a single word of what happened today." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Even your brother can't reveal it, you understand?"

Fang Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Yang's expression and nodded hurriedly.

"There are some things you shouldn't inquire about. Forget what happened just now. What happened before and what will happen in the future?"


Only then did Zhao Yang head to the depths of the mysterious valley.

"Friend Daoist, you are hiding very deeply." The owner of the mysterious valley appeared at this moment, and he looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes.

"It's just using a forbidden technique." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

During these three months, Zhao Yang still learned the forbidden technique taught to him by the mysterious girl.

Just using the forbidden technique for a while, his original source was damaged by one-tenth.

From this, one can imagine how much the price of the forbidden technique is?

Zhao Yangzhi

So he dared to use the forbidden technique because he still had the power of good fortune.

The power of creation can supplement his origin.

"The price of the forbidden technique?" Gu Zhu hurriedly asked.

"It's still bearable." Zhao Yang entered into his civilization after replying this sentence.

Zhao Yang still kept a part of the power of good fortune he had obtained from the Jade Cauldron Palace.

When Zhao Yang supplemented his original source to the peak, he found that there was not much left.

In fact, Zhao Yang could use the refined formation map, but who made Ziyue'er move too fast, Zhao Yang didn't even have time to use the formation scroll.

"We still have to practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough." Zhao Yang murmured.

Soon there was a news from the outside world.

The peerless powerhouse in the restricted area appeared.

This is undoubtedly a breaking news.

For a while, the entire Hunyuan civilization was in panic, and at this time they had no intention of persecuting the mysterious valley.

Mysterious Valley has gained another rare breathing time.

Zhao Yang hurriedly cultivated in the mysterious valley.

In this way, about half a year passed, and Zhao Yang's gaze was withdrawn from the map of the universe.

"What's wrong?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"There is something wrong with the map of the universe." Zhao Yang said with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Lin Caihan was puzzled.

Zhao Yang didn't answer, but asked the mysterious girl.

"Sister, is there something wrong with the Qiankun Fortune Map?"

"what is the problem?"

"My practice is improving every day, but I feel that I am doing useless work." Zhao Yang said after a long silence.


"For example, from one point to another, there are actually many paths to take, and I seem to be trying every path now."

"That's right." The mysterious girl said lightly, "The higher your cultivation base, the more branches you will face, and after reaching your level, the branches have reached an unimaginable level."

"My diligence is actually an illusion." Zhao Yang suddenly realized, "It is almost impossible for the owner of the Mystic Valley to break through to the real unity state by relying on the map of creation."


"Then what is the map of heaven and earth?"

"It's just a magic painting of the seventh dimension." The mysterious girl said lazily, "or it's just to tease the creatures of lower dimensions."

Anger appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

Because the map of heaven and earth wasted the youth of too many monks.

"Why are you angry?" The mysterious girl asked a question.


"You have practiced to this point today, why are you still angry at this kind of thing?"


The next moment a ray of light appeared in his civilization, and then a picture scroll fell in front of him from an unknown place.

"This is...?" Although Zhao Yang had guesses in his heart, he still asked subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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