Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2106 Using Xiaohong

After the girl left, Zhao Yang left a zodiac sign here, and he himself turned into a streamer and entered his civilization.

He also needs time to consolidate what he has gained during this period.

Half a day later, Zodiac suddenly notified Zhao Yang that Su Meng was coming, and Zhao Yang quickly walked out of his civilization.

After a few breaths, Su Meng opened the door and walked in.

Zhao Yang saw exhaustion on her face.

"Is the outside situation very bad?"

"After Yuding Palace and Tianlan Sect formed an alliance, the two sides almost became fools." Su Meng said helplessly, "Now more and more forces are involved, and the number of monks who fall every day is an astronomical number."

"Do you want to join the mysterious valley?"

"I'm afraid that the Mysterious Valley will not be able to join if the time comes." Su Meng said distressedly, "Now the envoys of the two major alliances have arrived."


“All we can do for now is delay.”

It's just that the two major alliances are not fools. How could it be possible for Mysterious Valley to delay indefinitely?

When Zhao Yang saw Su Meng in the second month, Su Meng's face became more exhausted.

Zhao Yang realized that the patience of the two alliances was running out.

During this period of time, Zhao Yang spent most of his time observing the universe map, but occasionally he would also play in the mysterious valley.

He found that this place is really like a paradise.

There is almost no intrigue here, everyone

In addition to discussing spiritual practice, they will also chat with each other all over the world.

"The Jade Cauldron Palace has given us an ultimatum. Give us another month." Su Meng came to the mansion that day and said leisurely.

"One month?" Zhao Yang murmured.

After leaving Su Meng's mansion, Zhao Yang once again came to the courtyard version of the map of heaven and earth.

He was lost in thought.

Lin Caihan quietly appeared beside Zhao Yang.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about how to change my strength within a month." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

"Our cultivation is improving every day, but it is very difficult to make a huge change within a month." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang couldn't use the hourglass of time when he was observing the map of heaven and earth.

"Sister, is there any way for me to improve my combat power in a short time?" Zhao Yang still asked the mysterious girl at the critical moment.

"First, I will teach you a forbidden technique; second, you will make a breakthrough in the formation." The mysterious girl replied.

"Why don't my sister teach me both?"

"You are greedy." The mysterious girl giggled.

However, she still taught Zhao Yang a forbidden technique and many formations of returning to one realm.

After careful study, Zhao Yang found that the forbidden technique needs to consume his own origin, and the formation method also needs the help of a lot of precious formation materials.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang decided to practice the formation first.


Because he has all those valuable array materials.

Next, Zhao Yang was enlightened in front of the map of the universe, and after a little enlightenment, Zhao Yang went to his civilization to practice.

In this way, a month passed one after another, and Zhao Yang finally comprehended a formation to improve combat effectiveness.

"Fantian Formation." Zhao Yang murmured.

Then Zhao Yang started to build this formation in his civilization.

Huang Chengzi is responsible for moving the materials for the formation.

At first, Huang Chengzi felt nothing, but as time went by, her whole body became ill.

Because Zhao Yang needed too many formation materials, a quarter of the formation materials looted in the Hunyuan civilization were consumed by Zhao Yang.

Of course, Zhao Yang consumes high-end materials.

"My lord, this formation diagram is simply a Pixiu." Huang Chengzi couldn't help but said.

"That's right, but it's worth it." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "With this formation map, my combat power can be improved to the late stage of Guiyi Realm."

He paused at this point, "In addition, there is also a formation to improve the original source in the Return to Unity Realm, which will allow you to go further in the ninth rank."

"Really?" Huang Chengzi asked in surprise.

No one will be satisfied with the current realm.

Yellow oranges are no exception.

She wants to go further.

"of course."

Zhao Yang checked the time, and then returned to Su Meng's mansion.

after a

Su Meng didn't return until hours later.

Her face was full of uneasiness, "Zhao Yang, there is only one day until the ultimatum, what do you think we should do?"

"What is the idea of ​​the mysterious valley?"

"If the two major alliances have to choose one alliance, Mysterious Valley chooses the alliance formed by Yuqiong Palace and Yunshangzong."

Jade Cauldron Palace is too evil.

Tian Lanzong is not a good thing either.

"There has never been an absolute paradise in this world." Zhao Yang looked at Su Meng with deep eyes and said, "The reason why the Mysterious Valley has been safe and sound all these years is that no one has targeted it."

Su Meng sighed deeply.

"Maybe things will turn around." Zhao Yang comforted softly.

Zhao Yang left here and went to the depths of the mysterious valley.

"Master Gu, have you made your choice?"

"The power of the Mysterious Valley is too strong. If I don't make a choice, then the two parties will join forces to get rid of me first." An old voice sounded in his ears.

"I want to contribute to the mysterious valley."

"Son, I know you have this heart, but this involves a multi-party game, you should practice here honestly." The owner of the mysterious valley refused.

"Master Gu, I am an outsider." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

"Son, I don't want you to be in danger."

"I'm sure enough."

The owner of the valley was silent for a moment before nodding.

"Then be careful."

Zhao Yang then left

Opened the mysterious valley.

He found that the surrounding area of ​​the mysterious valley was full of spies from the two major alliances.

But how could these spies have the ability to see Zhao Yang's traces.

After arriving outside, Zhao Yang summoned the battleship refined by Lin Caihan, and the battleship turned into a stream of light and headed towards a valley.

In this valley, a young man in red is cultivating silently. If the disciples of the Tianlan Sect were here, they would definitely recognize that this is Xiao Hong, the young lord of the Tianlan Sect.

At this time, Xiaohong was practicing silently. He knew that he was wanted by the Tianlan Sect, so the only way for him to do now was to practice hard and strive to step into the realm of unity as soon as possible.

He also has a treasure that can change the flow of time, because Zhao Yang noticed that the flow of time around him is different.

I don't know how long it took, the aura on his body suddenly rolled, and Zhao Yang suddenly realized that Xiaohong's combat power was about to complete the transformation.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang left quietly.

On the way, I saw a team of Tian Lan Sect, which was slaughtering a weak sect.

Zhao Yang changed his appearance into that of Xiaohong, and then killed the team of Tian Lanzong.

After beheading all of this team, Zhao Yang left.



As time went by, Zhao Yang beheaded more and more, until this day Zhao Yang encountered a hard stubble.

The Ninth Elder of Tianlan Sect.

An existence with the initial combat power of the unified state.

(End of this chapter)

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