Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 209 Who made the move

"You just need to know about this matter, remember, don't leak it." Zhao Yang looked at Guo Yueru and warned.

Zhao Yang is not worried about Zhang Lan leaking.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this." Guo Yueru said solemnly.

"Well, then Zhang Lan and I went back to rest." Zhao Yang nodded.

After returning to the room, Zhang Lan asked curiously, "How do you make high-quality jadeite?"

Zhao Yang took out a gemstone exuding pure aura from his pocket.

"What is this?" Zhang Lan asked after looking at it for a while.

She could feel the gem exuding an aura that made her feel comfortable.

"Gem, of course this kind of gem is not a gem in the traditional sense." Zhao Yang explained, "If this gem is sold at the auction house, all the big families will snap up it."

"Can this gemstone enhance the strength of a congenital master?" Zhang Lan realized.

"Yes, the gem exudes pure spiritual power, which can nourish the jade in the original stone and make it transform." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "That's why I'm sure I can provide high-quality jade."

"Do you have many such gems?" Zhang Lan pointed to the gem and asked cautiously.

"You want?" Zhao Yang asked narrowly.

"If I often absorb the spiritual power emitted by this gemstone, I wonder if I will become an innate master in the future?"

"If this gemstone is exposed to the outside, it won't take long for it to dissipate." Zhao Yang put the gemstone away as he said.

"That's it." Zhang Lan's face revealed a look of frustration.

At this moment, Zhao Yang looked in the direction of the door.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Lan asked puzzled.

"Someone wants to come in." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhang Lan suddenly became tense, but when he thought of Zhao Yang by his side, his tense body relaxed.

Half a minute later, the door was gently pushed open, and then four burly men rushed in from the outside.

Some of them were carrying steel pipes, and some were carrying switchblades.

"Cooperate with us if you are sensible, or don't blame me for being cruel?" The leading man turned the switchblade in his hand and said viciously.

"Brother, that girl is very pretty." A man with green hair pointed greedily at Zhang Lan and said.

The leading man patted the green-haired man on the head, "Don't forget our business."

The green-haired man smiled mischievously.

"If this thing is done, we can get 500 million. Will there be any kind of woman to play with?" The leading man glanced at the green-haired man.

"Hey, don't I think this woman is more juicy?" the green-haired man said shyly.

"500 million? So, tell me who is going to deal with us, how about I give you 1000 million?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"1000 million?" Everyone was stunned.

"How can I trust you?" the leading man said in a deep voice.

"Give me your bank card number, and I'll transfer the money to you right now." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Boss, quickly give him the bank account number." The green-haired man said hastily.


The green-haired man held his head aggrievedly and said, "Boss, why did you hit me?"

"In our business, who have you seen bank transfer?" The leading man said angrily, "Bank transfer can be traced to us through the account number, you know?"

"You kid, want to trick us?" The green-haired man suddenly realized, and his eyes on Zhao Yang became more and more unkind.

"Just like you, do you think I'm interested in tricking you?" Zhao Yang rolled his eyes at the green-haired man.

"Brother, that kid looks down on me." The green-haired man suddenly frowned.

"Teach this kid how to behave?" the leading man snorted coldly.

The green-haired man had a smirk on his face, "Boy, how do you think you want to die?"

"If you have the ability to stab here." Zhao Yang pointed to his heart.

The green-haired man was a little confused.

what's the situation?

Why isn't this guy afraid?

Don't you look like a bad guy?

its not right!

Neighbors in the neighborhood say he is a bad guy.

"Sting." Zhao Yang said angrily when he saw the green-haired man not moving.

"I'm Cao Nima." A man couldn't stand it anymore, he took a steel pipe and slammed it hard at Zhao Yang's head.


The man felt as if the steel pipe had hit a rock, and the huge counter-shock made him almost fall out of his hand.

The next moment everyone was shocked to find that the steel pipe was bent, and Zhao Yang said like a normal person, "Just this little strength?"

"The idea is hard, let's go together." After realizing this, the leading man rushed in front of Zhao Yang, and then stabbed fiercely at Zhao Yang's heart with the dagger in his hand.

Immediately he was stunned.

The dagger didn't even go in.

Zhao Yang looked at him disdainfully and said, "Can you use some strength?"

The pupils of the leading man shrank.

He realized that he met a martial arts master this time, "Run."

"Run?" Zhao Yang snatched the dagger from his hand, and then slashed at his bright wrist.

Blood spattered, Tesuji was picked.


Zhao Yang shuttled through the crowd like a swimming dragon, and the other three men's tendons were also broken.

They screamed and covered their wrists, their eyes full of horror.

"Zhang Lan, call the police."

In less than 3 minutes, a dozen policemen rushed in.

The police were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Are you sure they are the murderers?" The policeman who handled the case asked dumbfounded.

How do these people look like victims now?

"Captain, aren't they the four brothers of the Bai family?" A policeman asked in surprise.

"It's really the four brothers of the Bai family. I didn't expect you to fall into the trap." The captain looked at his face with surprise.

The four brothers of the Bai family are wanted criminals.

Since the four brothers of the Bai family are wanted criminals, the case will be easy to hear.

"Don't worry, both of you, you are self-defense, and you caught the other four wanted criminals, and we will reward you at that time." The captain said with a smile.

"There is no need for rewards, I just want to know who sent them?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"We will try it after we bring it back, and we will give you an answer in the shortest possible time." The captain said solemnly.

"I think you can investigate Bian Ning." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Who is the mastermind behind the scenes, Zhao Yang can deduce it with a little deduction.

In fact, he can completely punish Bian Ning, but since Bian Ning did not cause any harm, let's punish him through legal means.

"Bian Ning." The police officer took down some information about Bian Ning and left.

As soon as the police left, Guo Yueru came to Zhao Yang's room in a panic.

"What happened?" Guo Yueru was relieved to see that Zhao Yang and Zhang Lan were safe and sound.

"Being watched." Zhao Yang told the story again.

"Who do you think did it secretly?" Guo Yueru asked solemnly after pondering for a while.

"Ben Ning."

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