Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2085 tell you a secret

Xia Jie thought for a while and found out that this is really the case.

He really couldn't stop Zhao Yang.

On the way to Bitong's study, Xia Jie asked cautiously, "History of Law Enforcement, what is your cultivation level now?"

"What do you think?"

"You can't treat it with common sense, have you reached the sixth rank?"


"Then you are not You Long's opponent yet."

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

Even if there are ten Youlongs now, they are no match for him.

Bitong's study.

When Bitong saw Zhao Yang, her tender body trembled slightly.

This is also the first time Zhao Yang saw Bitong.

His eyebrows are picturesque, gentle and pleasant.

No wonder Tianshu was reluctant to kill her.

"Bi Tong." Zhao Yang looked at Bi Tong and called faintly.

"What should I call you? Mr. Zhao or Law Enforcement History?" Bitong looked at Zhao Yang with deep eyes and said.

"It's not suitable for me to have anything to do with Tianmingzong now, so you should call me Mr. Zhao." Zhao Yang said after a little thought.

Xia Jie was startled, and then said dissatisfiedly, "Master Zhao, do you despise Tianmingzong?"

"Do you know about Zhaomen being uprooted?"


"Then do you know who did it?"

"A master of dark civilization."

"Then do you know what level it is?"



? "Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing, "I personally refined the formation for protecting the mountain in the City of Light, even if it is an eighth-rank master, it would take some effort.In addition, both Zhao Cuishan and Zhao Yingzi have set foot in the seventh-rank realm, and I left them a seventh-rank battleship, a seventh-rank magic weapon, and a seventh-rank formation scroll. "Zhao Yang paused at this point, "But Guangming City was taken away in an instant. Do you think it might be an eighth-rank powerhouse?" "

Xia Jie's face suddenly changed.

"A ninth-rank powerhouse of a dark civilization."

"How did a strong man of this level come to Guangming Civilization without knowing the truth, and how did he pass through the defense line laid down by Guangming Civilization?" Zhao Yang's words made Xia Jie and Bitong's faces turn pale.

They thought of that possibility.

"In the future, Tianmingzong may have an accident because of me." Zhao Yang said lightly, "This is why I deny that I have anything to do with Tianmingzong."

After a pause, Zhao Yang looked at Bitong, "Do you know how to find Tianshu?"

"I don't know." Wen Yan Bitong's heart was full of bitterness, "He must hate me now, how can I find out?"

"Then I'll kill Long You first, I believe Master will show up." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Longyou's strength is at the peak level among the eighth rank, so don't take any risks." Bi Tong said hastily.

"Which kind of peak is he in front of me?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Young Master Zhao,

I suggest you wait a few more years. "Xia Jie also persuaded from the side.

"I killed more than one eighth-rank statue in the dark civilization." Zhao Yang said, looking at Bitong after finishing his sentence, "Would you like to say goodbye to Longyou?"

Bitong looked at Zhao Yang's confident appearance, and after pondering for a while, she still said, "I can help with the sneak attack."

"No need." Zhao Yang refused.

Longyou's study.

When Long You heard that Bitong was coming, his face showed surprise.

He remembered that Bitong never took the initiative to find him.

As for Bitong killing herself?

Does she have that ability?

As for Bitong looking for someone, whom?

In the entire Guangming civilization, except for the Guangming old man, there are only four members of the ninth rank who can kill him.

And those four are also Bitong who can please move?

When Bi Tong's figure appeared in the study, Long You had a playful look on his face, "Did you miss me?"

"I'm here to kill you this time." Bi Tong raised her head to look at Long You, her face full of ferocious killing intent.

She hates it.

I have endured humiliation for so many years!

The resentment in her heart can already be described as overwhelming.

"It's up to you?" Long You laughed loudly.

"Maybe she can't, but I can." Zhao Yang's figure came out from the shadows.

Long You's pupils shrank severely.

Because he didn't find any trace of Zhao Yang just now.

This makes him

My mind was shocked.

"who are you?"

"Zhao Yang."

"You... aren't you in the dark civilization?"

"I'm back from the dark civilization."

"How is it possible? How could you come back before your time?"

"This is not your concern."

Long You calmed down for a while before he said, "I remember that I don't have any grudges with you?"

"Tianshu is mine."

"Zhao Yang, you didn't alarm anyone when you came back, so you must have guessed something." Long You stared into Zhao Yang's eyes and said, "I'll tell you a secret, you are not only targeting those four."

"Are you trying to tell me that the Light Order is useless?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

Bi Tong was frightened.

Before, she naively thought that the one targeting Zhao Yang might be one of the four Ninth Ranks, but now she realized that Old Man Guangming was also involved, or it could be said that Old Man Guangming was the instigator behind it.

In other words, Zhao Yang was targeted by the entire Bright Civilization.

"Zhao Yang, you have amazing potential, I don't want to offend you, so you go." Long You said in a deep voice, "In return, I won't have anything to do with Bitong again."

It has to be said that Long You's posture is very low, it can even be said to be humble.

"Longyou, if my strength is not as good as yours, I might give you a step up today, and everyone will be happy, but it's a pity that my strength is stronger than yours." Zhao Yang's eyes widened at this point

It was as heavy as a mountain and fell on Longyou's body.

Longyou has reached the peak of the eighth-rank realm.

But he was still trembling all over his body suppressed by Zhao Yang's gaze.

He raised his head and looked at Zhao Yang with a shocked expression, "Pin Jiu, how is it possible?"

Bi Tong stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

Nine products?

Has Zhao Yang's strength reached this level?

Zhao Yang squeezed the Yin Jue with both hands, and mobilized the power of the mountains and rivers of Longyou Sect. Those mountains and rivers turned into a huge talisman, which swooped towards Longyou like a flood of beasts.

Just as Long You was about to resist, he was shocked to find that the space around him was imprisoned, and he was immobilized by the spell just in this moment of distraction.

Only then did he realize that Zhao Yang was more terrifying than he imagined.

"and many more."

"Do you have any last words?" Zhao Yang asked indifferently.

"I'll tell a secret about you."

"About my secret?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.


"Go ahead."

"But you have to promise to let me go."

Zhao Yang was silent for a while but still nodded, "Yes."

"Our Longyou Sect is actually a subsidiary force of the Guangyuan Sect, but it has not been made public." Longyou said in a deep voice, "A few days ago, Han Jiaren went around telling everyone about the accident in the Zhao Clan, but was protected by the Guangyuan Sect. Detained in the light source sect for safety reasons."

"Han Jiaren?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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