Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2051 Cause and Effect

Zhao Yang's words made Han Jiaren's heart drop to the bottom.

The speed of the seventh-rank warship is so fast, it didn't take long to reach the pure domain.

"I won't go to Tianmingzong anymore." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xia Jie and the others immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.

But after they got off the battleship one after another, Han Jiaren asked, "Is Minghui by your side?"

"Minghui is my wife's maid." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Can I see Minghui?" Han Jiaren asked Zhao Yang pleadingly.

Zhao Yang flashed away.

Not long after, Zhao Yang brought Qiu Minghui to Han Jiaren.

Han Jiaren immediately realized that she could no longer see through Qiu Minghui's cultivation.

"Can we chat alone?" Han Jiaren looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

Zhao Yang turned and left the room.

After Zhao Yang left, Han Jiaren sighed softly and said, "Have you reached the realm of creation?"

"The Second Heaven of Creation Realm." Qiu Minghui said frankly.

Hearing this, Han Jiaren smiled wryly.

You must know that even if she spends her entire life, she may not be able to reach this height.

"For the sake of the years we've been together, can I beg your lady, I want to stay here too." Han Jiaren stated her purpose.

Qiu Minghui instinctively wanted to refuse.

Because she knew that Han Jiaren was definitely not inferior to others.

Once she rises in the future, she will [-]% retaliate.

So after pondering for a while, he said, "Wait a minute, I will report this to Miss now."

After Qiu Minghui left, Han Jiaren's mind became active, and if Lin Caihan agreed, she could take advantage of the situation to rise.

At that time, it is not certain who will step on whom?

Lin Caihan's room!

When Qiu Minghui came to Lin Caihan's room, she found that Lin Caihan was still retreating.

So she waited quietly.

She knew that the flow of time in this courtyard was different from the outside world.

It was several days later that Lin Caihan opened her eyes.

"What's up?"

Qiu Minghui spoke out Han Jiaren's appeal.

She can have her own little thoughts, but she can't hide this matter.

This is the rule.

"Your idea."

"I'll listen to Miss." Qiu Minghui said hastily.

"It's okay, tell me what you think."

Qiu Minghui met Lin Caihan's eyes and thought for a while before saying, "I don't want Han Jiaren to follow Miss."

"What's the reason?"

"Miss only has me as a personal maid now. If there is another personal maid, the love and care for me will definitely be less, not to mention that Han Jiaren used to be my lady. It is difficult for me to live in peace with her. Besides, Han Jiaren haughty, she is willing to be your lady now

Maid, once she rises up in the future, she may do something unfavorable to the young lady. "Qiu Minghui said, considering his words.

She was apprehensive when she said this.

She was worried that she was wrong, and even more worried that Lin Caihan had opinions on her.

"Han Jiaren has small wisdom, but no big heart. Such a person will not stay under the command of a strong man for a long time." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "Go and reject Han Jiaren, just say that I am busy with work and don't have time to train the No. Two maids."

A touch of surprise welled up in Qiu Minghui's heart.

She hurried to the control room of the battleship. At this time, Han Jiaren was acting submissive, making people feel pitiful.

But Qiu Minghui knew very well that she was faking it.

"Minghui, how's it going?" Han Jiaren hurried forward and asked.

"Miss said that she is very busy with work and has no time to train a second maid."

"Busy at work?" Han Jiaren said angrily when she heard this, "This reason for rejecting people is really novel."

"Miss didn't lie to you." What Han Jiaren didn't expect was Qiu Minghui to say seriously, "Miss has taught me incomparably advanced martial arts over the years, and even taught me incomparably exquisite weapons." Speaking of this, Qiu Minghui appeared in her hands. A war sword, the moment the war sword appeared, a biting chill filled the entire space.

"Actually, the magic weapons in the realm of creation also have strengths and weaknesses, but most of the weapon masters are very powerful.

Garbage, the magic weapons they refine are all the lowest level. "Qiu Minghui looked at Han Jiaren and said softly, "The magic weapon is divided into 36 inscriptions of the third class, 72 inscriptions of the second class, and [-] inscriptions of the first class. "Speaking of which, she patted the sword lightly, and the inscription on the sword suddenly bloomed.

Han Jiaren looked at the 72 runes above and her pupils shrank severely.

"It took me many years to barely refine 72 runes. The lady has been teaching me hand in hand these years. She has devoted a lot of energy to me." Qiu Minghui's words made Han Jiaren feel more and more jealous.

"Miss Lin is so busy, doesn't she need more maids?" Han Jiaren said unwillingly, "When I achieve something in the future, I can also help Miss Lin."

"In Miss's heart, I am not just a maid." Qiu Minghui shook his head, "Miss and I are like sisters, we eat and sleep together, and are intimate."

Han Jiaren was stunned.


Qiu Minghui, is this still a maid?

But when Qiu Minghui said this, his eyes were full of sincerity.

She realized that Qiu Minghui was not lying.

"The mountain is high and the road is far away. See you in the future." Qiu Minghui issued the order to evict the guest.

Han Jiaren took a deep look at Qiu Minghui and turned to leave.

Zhao Yang avoided seeing him.

Lin Caihan is unwilling to accept her, and she has no face to stay here any longer.


The battleship cut through the sky and headed for the distance.

Dark Domain!

This is the zone where light civilization and dark civilization meet.

Many forces were born in this area, and these forces wander between light and darkness. It is difficult for you to define which force is good, and it is also difficult to define which force is bad.

Among the battleships.

Zhao Yang's mood is a bit complicated.

Huang Chengzi came to Zhao Yang.

"what happened?"

Zhao Yang handed Huang Chengzi the painting he got at the auction.

Huang Chengzi stared at the painting, and suddenly her heart shook.

"Isn't this Caihan?"

"But this painting was dug out from a secret place in the Dark Realm." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

Huang Chengzi understood immediately.

"You mean Caihan from this dimension?"

"So what do you say I should do?"

Huang Chengzi smiled wryly.

It's fine if you haven't encountered such a thing, but if you encounter it now, you can't justify not going to see it.

But what about after reading it?

How does Zhao Yang face Cai Han?

"Sister, what's going on?" Zhao Yang still asked the mysterious girl after a long time.

"When time and space were reversed and Cai Han was brought from that dimension to this dimension, many things changed." The mysterious girl said lightly, "You can also understand that this is cause and effect."

(End of this chapter)

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