Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2042 Landing on the 7th Floor

"That's right." Jiang Ruoxu nodded.

"Isn't this embarrassing?" Han Jiaren said helplessly.

Ninth Heaven of Creation Realm!

How many existences of this level exist in the entire bright civilization?

"Then you can only go to our Haotian School." Jiang Ruoxu said with a smile.

"How many floors are there in the pagoda?"

"Nine floors."

"Has any monk reached the eighth floor?"


"Then what's the point of setting up the eighth and ninth floors?" Lin Caihan raised her doubts.

"I don't know about that either." Jiang Ruoxu shrugged.

"Go and have a look." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Jiang Ruoxu's eyes flickered.

He was watching from the crowd when Zhao Yang made his move just now, and at that time he realized that Zhao Yang's strength is not simple.

Now it seems that Zhao Yang is really not easy.

Han Jiaren also followed Zhao Yang, she was worried that something would happen if she placed an order.

Many monks below the pagoda are queuing up to sign up.

Jiang Ruoxu led Zhao Yang directly across the crowd to the front.

"Sign him up."

After recognizing Jiang Ruoxu's identity, the deacon in charge of registration registered Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan without hesitation.

Han Jiaren didn't sign up.

Because she has no money to sign up.

That's right.

Registration costs money.

Ten thousand source stones.

"Passing the first test can get one hundred source stones, passing the second test

You can get [-] origin stones for the assessment of the third level, and [-] origin stones for passing the third level of assessment, which means that you can only get back your money if you pass the third level. " Zhao Yang introduced Jiang Ruoxu on the way to the pagoda.

"What's the next reward?"

"The reward for the fourth level is a sixth-level magic weapon, the reward for the fifth level is a seventh-level magic weapon, the sixth level reward is a seventh-level warship, and the seventh level reward is a time fruit and a Token."


"The token engraved by the old man Guangming himself is also called the order of light. With this token, no one in the entire bright civilization dares to touch you, otherwise the old man Guangming will be angry."

"What about the reward for the eighth level?"

"No one has ever been to the eighth floor, so I don't know what it is?"

Zhao Yang glanced at Lin Caihan beside him, and then walked into the pagoda.

The moment he walked into the pagoda, he found that he was teleported into a void space.

"Inheritance determines a monk's combat effectiveness. Of course, this is not absolute, but a monk without an intellect is destined to not be able to go far." At this moment, an old voice sounded in the empty space.

"Senior said it makes sense, but how do you test it?" Zhao Yang looked around and said softly.

"The easiest way is to fight." When the other party said this, a figure appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

It was a young man with a crazy expression.

His eyes are like stars,

A powerful aura permeated his body.

"This is the state I was in when I was young. Of course, his current strength is not high. You can fight against him with confidence, as long as you can fight against a hundred moves without losing... What?" The fist blasted his youthful state into scum.

"What did the senior say?"

The other party didn't want to say anything.

"Go directly to the second floor."

As soon as Zhao Yang appeared on the second floor, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him.

He dodged the thunderbolt with a flicker, and then grabbed the opponent's throat with a strike, and then directly twisted his neck.

"Senior, what's going on? How did it sneak attack?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

Of course he didn't know that old man Guangming did it on purpose, he wanted to give Zhao Yang a bad start.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Zhao Yang's fighting power was so tyrannical?

"Maybe there are some problems with the system." The other party could only say ambiguously, "Congratulations, you have passed the test on the second floor. Now you can go to the third floor."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Jiang Ruoxu at the bottom of the pagoda looked at the figure appearing on the third floor in astonishment, his face was full of bewilderment.

"how is this possible?"

"What's wrong?" Han Jiaren asked puzzled.

"His advancing speed is too fast, even faster than I was at that time." Jiang Ruoxu found that Zhao Yang had already gone to the fourth floor while speaking.

He fell silent, his eyes fixed on

On the fourth floor.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to go to the fifth floor of the pagoda.

Seeing this scene, Han Jiaren felt a turmoil in her heart. She knew that the fifth floor meant that Zhao Yang would reach the seventh floor of the Creation Realm in the future.

It's ridiculous that I still wanted to compete with Zhao Yang.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

When Jiang Ruoxu saw Zhao Yang staying in the fifth level for 3 minutes, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

If Zhao Yang breaks through in a very short time, then Zhao Yang's background may be higher than his.

What he doesn't know is that Zhao Yang has been asking questions to the Qi Ling in the pagoda.

"What is the level of the pagoda?"

"Nine grades."

"Is the pagoda naturally formed or refined by the old man Guangming?"

"Have both."

"Are you the opponent of the Sect Master of Light Source?"

"I haven't fought, and I don't know."

"What if the sect of the Light Source Sect wants to attack me?"

"As long as you get the Order of Light, he won't dare to attack you."

"What's the reward for the eighth level?"

"I can't tell you this now."

Zhao Yang wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by the other party, "Can you concentrate on fighting?"

Only then did Zhao Yang wake up like a dream, and both of them severely injured the boy opposite him.

"You can go to the sixth floor."

When the lights on the sixth floor were turned on, Jiang Ruoxu's eyes lit up

I got up, "I knew I was right, this guy is really a master."

Han Jiaren didn't know what to say at this moment.

She thought that Zhao Yang would stop at the seventh floor, but now it seems that she still underestimated him.

It's just that the lights on the sixth floor went out within a minute of turning on.

"Did you lose?" Jiang Ruoxu murmured.

But the next moment he was shocked to find that the lights on the seventh floor were on.

The audience was in an uproar.

"The lights on the seventh floor are on."

"This means that the person who just entered has the background of the ninth floor of the creation realm?"

"The words are not so absolute. Hasn't Hua Taiyu of Zhenzong also set foot on the ninth floor, but Hua Dao's foundation is on the eighth floor of the Creation Realm."

"But being able to get to this point is already very strong."

The moment the ninth floor of the pagoda lit up, the senior officials of the Light Source Sect also received the news.

So the senior officials of Guangyuanzong looked in the direction of the pagoda.

"Who is going in at this time?"

"It's already under investigation."

Soon the intelligence personnel of Guangyuanzong submitted the information.

"Have you ever had a conflict with Long Shaoqi? Jiang Ruoxu stepped forward to protect it."

"The reason for the conflict turned out to be because a commander's brother-in-law did something wrong?"

"Is Long Shaoqi so immature?"

"Can such a peerless arrogance be easily offended?"

After learning what had happened, some of the top management of the Guangyuan sect immediately expressed their dissatisfaction with Long Shaoqi.

(End of this chapter)

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