Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2031 You Don't Trust Me

"How far are you going to raise them?" Zhao Yingzi asked softly.

"Two of the fourth rank, four of the third rank, eight of the second rank, and sixteen of the first rank." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Zhao Cuishan and Zhao Yingzi looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"Many of Zhao's children have been promoted to the fifth and sixth heavens of the Void Realm. Can you still let them rise to this level at this time?" Zhao Cuishan suddenly thought of something?

"Normally, it's difficult, but my alchemy is top-notch like martial arts. I can refine the creation pill that can make the realm of creation continue to improve." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "so you don't need any Worry."

"And me?"

"At least you have to be promoted to the fifth heaven."

Only then did Zhao Cuishan heave a sigh of relief.

"And me." Zhao Yingzi said with a smile.

"Six Heavens."

Zhao Yingzi was shocked, "Really?"

What is the concept of the sixth heaven?

It has almost reached the bottleneck of the pure domain!

"Of course this is a long-term process. You may not be able to reach it before I leave." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"It's okay, I can wait." Zhao Yingzi said hurriedly.

"The older generation has deep feelings for the ethnic group. My father, Zhao Jingzhong, is fair. He is also the previous patriarch and second uncle.

The fourth rank can be given to both of them. "Zhao Cuishan pondered for a while before saying, "The three places for the third grade are for the third uncle Zhao Jingmu, the second brother Zhao Cuiliu, and the third brother Zhao Cuiyun..."

After Zhao Cuishan announced the quota, Zhao Yang silently remembered it in his heart.

Then Zhao Yang brought the 48 Zhao disciples into the battleship.

"You guys will practice here for the rest of the time." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "First of all, I want to declare that what you see and hear here, you are not allowed to disclose it after you go out. will be executed."

Zhao Yang's words made everyone's expressions change drastically.

"What Zhao Yang said is also what I said. If you escape by chance, the Zhao family will pursue and kill you at all costs until you are killed."

Everyone's expressions became serious.

"Of course anyone who wants to quit now can quit now."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, none of them quit.

"In the future, you will practice here for decades until your cultivation level reaches the level I am satisfied with, otherwise you must not leave here." Zhao Yang continued.

This time made everyone look shocked.

Practice for decades?

Although they were horrified in their hearts, they still didn't say anything.

Then Zhao Yang began to teach them more profound martial arts. Of course, Zhao Yang also selected some of his disciples to learn array and alchemy.

Appeared to teach the number to practice alchemy.

Time passed slowly like this.

As Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the Third Heaven of Creation Realm, the time flow rate of the time hourglass also increased to three years.

In fact, as early as Zhao Yang reached the first level of the Creation Realm, the hourglass of time no longer improved. According to the mysterious girl's words, if he continued to improve, this dimension would be affected.

Three years is the highest authority.

Zhao Yang was also very satisfied.

This means that staying here for one year is like thousands of years!

Of course, this group of Zhao's children are not clear.

As time goes by, their cultivation level continues to improve, but of course this improvement is actually not very rapid.

This is also Zhao Yang's intention.

Time has passed.

Is it necessary to be so hasty?

Furthermore, if there is not enough accumulation, it is also a moon in the mirror.

Three months later, Zhao Yang began to count everyone's cultivation.

"Thirty people from the first level of the Creation Realm, ten from the Ninth Level of the Void Realm, and eight from the Eighth Level of the Void Realm." Zhao Yang ordered the people from the Ninth Level of the Void Realm and the eighth level of the Void Realm to leave here.

Hearing the words, the eighteen disciples in Xujing suddenly begged.

They thought Zhao Yang was trying to show fairness, but in fact Zhao Yang had his own priorities.

They were not selected from the very beginning, so it is normal for their strength not to reach the realm of creation.

"Teacher, I feel that I am far away from the realm of creation.

Not far away. "

"Teacher, please, can you give me another chance."

"Teacher, give me another year, I believe I can break through."

Facing the begging of these guys, Zhao Yang said calmly, "You don't need to underestimate yourselves if you haven't set foot in the realm of creation this time." Speaking of this, a first-grade creation pill appeared in Zhao Yang's hands, "In the future, as long as you perform well, then the suzerain I will give you Creation Pill."

Seeing Zhuo Dan, their eyes immediately burned.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you. It has only been three months from the outside world."

"Three months?"

"how is this possible?"

"The speed of time."

"Could it be that we are deep in the Time Treasure?"

"Is there a treasure of time in the hands of the teacher?"

Just when the group of guys were shocked, Zhao Yang said frankly, "Yes, I have the treasure of time in my hand, but you just need to know about it. After you go out, even the people next to your pillow must not reveal it, otherwise once If it is leaked, Zhao Clan will be wiped out in an instant."

"I don't care, because I will leave Zhaomen soon, and there is a high probability that I will not come back in the future, but those top forces will definitely persecute you. It is true that Zhaomen's current strength is good, but facing those top forces power……"

Zhao Yang didn't say anything next, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.


I won't even say it to death. "

"This matter is related to the survival of the Zhao family, and I will never reveal a word."

"If the news is leaked from me, without the suzerain's punishment, I will kill myself."

These eighteen disciples expressed their opinions one after another.

Then they left the battleship under the leadership of Zhao Cuishan.

"The Realm of Creation is a brand-new realm. You need to settle in this realm so that you can break through to a higher level." Zhao Yang looked at the thirty clansmen present and said lightly.

These [-] clansmen realized that Zhao Yang's expectations for them were definitely not just in the first level of the Creation Realm.

They will go further in the future.

Let's talk about Zhao Cuishan.

He ran into Chu Ruoxi on the way to send the eighteen clansmen out of the battleship.

Chu Ruoxi was shocked when she saw the eighteen clansmen.

"What's going on? We haven't seen each other for three months. How did their cultivation reach such a level?" Chu Ruoxi pointed at a young girl and said, "Your name is Zhao Meizi. I remember you were three months ago. The fourth level of the Void Realm."

"Go and do your business." Zhao Cuishan said hastily when he saw the situation was not good.

Zhao Meizi and the others withdrew quickly.

"Aren't you going to give me an explanation?" Chu Ruoxi stared at Zhao Cuishan and said.

"I don't know how to explain it to you?" Zhao Cuishan said with a wry smile.

"Do you think I can't be trusted in your heart?" Chu Ruoxi said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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