Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 203 Soaring Chess Power

All the teachers and students in the audience were shocked by this scene.

"what is this?"

"What the hell did I see?"

"A black and white 360 ​​chess piece turned into a pair of yin and yang flounder."

"Isn't this a stunt?"

"I just want to know how Zhao Yang did it?"

Park Dingshan saw the unbelievable expression in the eyes of the yin and yang flounder, and he trembled all over and said, "Flounder, master level."

Now Pu Dingshan finally confirmed that Zhao Yang was the legendary master.

Let's talk about Chu Hongyi.

She looked closely at the yin-yang flounder, and the clarity in her eyes gradually dissipated.

I don't know how long it has passed before Chu Hongyi suddenly woke up.

"What did you realize?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I seem to understand a lot of truths, but I can't express them." Chu Hongyi thought for a while and frowned.

"Chu Hongyi, you are now playing a game with Pu Dingshan." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Teacher." Chu Hongyi's expression suddenly changed.

She winked at Zhao Yang desperately.

She wanted to tell Zhao Yang, can you stop making trouble?

"Pu Dingshan, do you have time to give advice to this student of mine?" Zhao Yang looked at Pu Dingshan and said.

Park Dingshan did not refuse, "I also want to see how much your student has enlightened just now?"

Seeing this, Chu Hongyi realized that this battle was inevitable.

She quickly adjusted her mentality.

When she made a move, the chess records she had read appeared in her mind, and the essence of those chess records were fused together in a mysterious form.

One son!

Two sons!

As time went by, Chu Hongyi felt that her chess skills were constantly improving.

Pu Dingshan also realized this.

When Chu Hongyi first started playing, she still felt green, but when Chu Hongyi played No. A nine-dan player.

Park Dingshan originally wanted to defeat Chu Hongyi within forty moves.

But after thirty moves, Chu Hongyi's going to the ground became even more exciting.

31 hands!

32 hands!

33 hands!

When Chu Hongyi reached No.40, Park Dingshan was shocked to find that Chu Hongyi was not far away from him.

Each of the following sons Park Dingshan went all out.

Fifty hands!

Sixty hands!

Seventy hands!

When it got to this point, all the Go masters present were stunned.

Because unless you are a nine-dan master, it is impossible to get down to this level with Pu Dingshan?

The question is, isn't Chu Hongyi a seventh-dan?

Eighty hands!

81 hands!

When the 85th move was reached, Chu Hongyi put down the pawn, "I lost."

Looking at the densely packed chess pieces on the chessboard, Park Dingshan looked at Chu Hongyi with complicated eyes, "If you have the chess strength behind you from the beginning, we need a hundred moves to decide the winner."

At this moment, Chu Hongyi realized that she had unknowingly played 81 moves with Pu Dingshan.

She turned around and looked at Zhao Yang not far away, "Teacher, how did my level improve so much?"

"What do you think the yin-yang flounder you saw? The flounder has integrated the chess records in your mind." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "After I pass on your ancient chess records, I think you will be able to sweep the grandmaster's chess. hand."

"Ancient chess record?" Pu Dingshan's eyes lit up when he heard these four words, "Can you let me see the ancient chess record?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at Park Dingshan playfully and said.

"I can worship you as my teacher." Park Dingshan said seriously.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Who is Park Jung-san?

The world's number one Go master.

But now he wants to worship Zhao Yang as his teacher?

If this is said, who will believe it?

"Not interested." Zhao Yang refused without even thinking about it, "Maybe you think your strength is very strong, but in my eyes it's just that." After saying this, Zhao Yang waved his hand towards Chu Hongyi, "I'll look for you when I have time, and don't bother me when I'm not looking for you."

Zhao Yang left as soon as he said.

But when he walked halfway, he was stopped by a large number of reporters.

"Student Zhao Yang, do you still remember me?" A female reporter asked with a smile.

"Your buck teeth are so obvious, how could I not remember them." Zhao Yang looked the female reporter up and down.

"I hate it, it's obviously a wisdom tooth." The female reporter pursed her mouth.

"Well, big sister, I still have something to do, can you let me go?"

"Answer me a few questions, and I'll let you go." How could the female reporter let Zhao Yang leave easily?

Goodness, she came here today to interview Liang Wenhao and Chu Hongyi.

But who would have thought that Liang Wenhao and Chu Hongyi were completely reduced to green leaves.

"You ask." Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"Are you really a Go grandmaster?"


"how did you do that?"

"I answered you that question yesterday."

"But I don't understand that your medical skills are so superb. Why are you so good at Go? It doesn't seem to make sense?"

"I'm not a reasonable boy."

"Can you give a scientific explanation for the flounder?"

"If you ask me to explain it with science, well, I can only tell you that it is magic."

"But why do I think that doesn't look like magic? We all know that magic will prepare props in advance."

"Can you girls be reasonable? Just now you asked me to give you a scientific explanation. I explained it to you, but you are not satisfied."

"Haha, girls are always unreasonable?" The female reporter said with a big laugh.

"Go and interview Chu Hongyi."


"Because you are both girls, you two are unreasonable." After speaking, Zhao Yang squeezed out of the encirclement of many reporters like a swimming fish.

Zhang Lan and Wu Huanhuan were sitting relatively far back, so after seeing Zhao Yang escape from the auditorium, the two of them chased after Zhao Yang.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

As soon as he walked out of the auditorium, he saw a smiling girl walking over with 99 roses.

"Zhao Yang, here it is for you."

Zhao Yang was a little confused, "Liu Ziqi, why are you giving me roses so nicely?"

"I admire your Go talent." Liu Ziqi looked at Zhao Yang with hot eyes, "Actually, I am also a Go lover."

"You are a Go lover, you can report to the Go club." Just after Liu Ziqi's voice fell, Wu slowly rushed over, and she knocked out the rose in Liu Ziqi's hand. "Do you know that Zhang Lan is Zhao Yang's girlfriend?"

As Zhang Lan's best friend, if Wu Huanxuan doesn't stand up at this time, when will he stand up?

"I... I don't mean anything else, I just admire Zhao Yang." Liu Ziqi said aggrievedly.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be a white lotus here." Wu Huanxuan looked like I saw through you, "In the future, you should stay away from Zhao Yang."

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