Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2023 Why Target Me

"With the Zhao family's current background, you can definitely come to the door. I don't think the Chu family would dare to turn against you, right?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"If I come to the door, there will definitely be conflicts with the Chu family, so you should go." Zhao Cuishan sighed softly.

"Okay, I'll go to Chu's house tomorrow after solving Han Jiaren's troubles." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Thank you very much." Zhao Cuishan saluted Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang avoided it.

"This is impossible." Zhao Yang said softly.

Qing Yunzong!

This is the top sect in Tianfeng Region.

Since the suzerain of the Qingyun sect set foot on the second level of the realm of creation, the disciples of the Qingyun sect have all drifted away.

But of course the young master of Qingyun Sect is the one who drifts the most.

After this guy heard that Han Jiaren was the number one beauty in Shengguang Academy, he ran to the Han family to propose marriage.

The Han family was very happy at first, but in the end he added another sentence, Han Jiaren married to be a concubine.

The Han family stopped doing it immediately, isn't this a Mai Tai person?

But what they didn't expect was that the young patriarch of Qingyun Sect killed Han Jiaren's father in a frenzy.

Han Jiaren was aggrieved.

But there is no way.

Liu Gaoming drove an eighth-rank warship and headed towards Han's house with three or five friends.

As a result, Liu Gaoming found that Han's house was hung with white cloth everywhere after arriving at Han's house.

His face suddenly became ugly.

"Han Jiaren,

Get out of here. "Liu Gaoming's voice exploded above the Han family like thunder.

Liu Gaoming is so angry.

He brought a few friends here today just to show off his might?

But what the Han family did was slap him in the face.

Han Jiaren and other senior members of the Han family came to the door one after another, and they saw Liu Gaoming in a state of rage.

"Brother Liu, it looks like Han Jiaren doesn't want to marry you?

"That's right, brother Liu, is it because you are not charming enough?"

"Brother Liu, you dare to show embarrassment to you before you are married, you have to educate yourself."

The ridicule of several friends made Liu Gaoming even more angry, "Let's play together later."

"Haha, that brother will be rude to you."

"Han Jiaren is still a baby, so she must play well."

"Today's trip was not in vain."

"Brother Liu, is this appropriate?"

Liu Gaoming said indifferently, "Han Jiaren was originally a concubine, it's okay, everyone can play whatever they want later."

Han Jiaren's expression darkened when she heard this.

"Liu Gaoming, you are too deceitful."

"I'm going to bully you, what can you do?" Liu Gaoming looked at Han Jiaren coldly and said, "It seems that you didn't take what I said before I left yesterday, okay, there is no need for your Han family to exist anymore. "

"You Qingyunzong are crazy." At this moment, a huge warship traversed the void and appeared in the Han Dynasty.

above the home, and the coercion released from that battleship made Liu Gaoming's soul tremble.

The battleship under his feet creaked even more, and it seemed to be dying.

"What class of battleship is this?" A young man in blue shirt asked anxiously.

"Creation-level." Liu Gaoming looked at a figure on the battleship in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Zhao Yang." Zhao Yang said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"I've never heard of it." Liu Gaoming really hadn't heard of it.

Of course, this is also related to the life circle of their sect disciples. Generally speaking, they don't interact with the academy.

This also led to them not knowing what happened to the Zhao family yesterday?

"Haven't heard of it?" Zhao Yang took a step forward when he said this.

The battleship under Liu Gaoming's feet exploded in an instant, and one of the young men in purple fell directly because he couldn't dodge in time.

Liu Gaoming and the remaining four youths also failed one by one.

"Do you know who I am?" Liu Gaoming pointed at Zhao Yang and shouted angrily.

"Let me take you somewhere." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"What?" Liu Gaoming was a little puzzled.

"Also, if your Han family wants to watch, you can go too." Zhao Yang looked at Han Jiaren and the others.

The members of the Han family quickly boarded Zhao Yang's warship.

Liu Gaoming hesitated and boarded the battleship.

"Young Master Zhao." Han Jiaren came with a reddish complexion.

In front of Zhao Yang.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, Han Junzi hurried over, "Brother-in-law, you want to make the decision for me?"

"Brother-in-law?" Zhao Yang couldn't help frowning.

"Brother-in-law, that bitch Qiu Minghui betrayed my sister yesterday, and even deposed me." Junzi Han said with snot and tears.

The key is that he is still holding Zhao Yang.

Huang Chengzi couldn't see it, and a dark force knocked him back.

"Stay away from my junior." Huang Chengzi said with a sullen face.

Even though Huang Chengzi became Zhao Yang's woman, she still got used to calling Zhao Yang Junior.

Han Jiaren felt a little resentful.

You must know that Han Jiaren didn't even look at Huang Chengzi in the academy before, okay?

But now Huang Chengzi embarrassed her brother in public.

Isn't this slapping Han Jiaren in the face?

"Let me see who is telling the truth?" A cold voice came from a distance, and then a peerless figure walked over.

Who else is it not Lin Caihan?

Lin Caihan's body is filled with a powerful aura, and her whole body is full of queen style.

Relatively speaking, Han Jiaren was quite lackluster.

This made the proud Han Jiaren somewhat dissatisfied.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Han Jiaren was inferior in both temperament and demeanor.

"You still dare to come?" Han Junzi roared angrily when he saw the figure behind Lin Caihan.

"Why didn't I dare to come?"

Qiu Minghui smiled slightly.

"Qiu Minghui, you're not supposed to come here." Han Jiaren's eyes were filled with coldness.

"Qiu Minghui is my maid, if she shouldn't come, then who should come?" Lin Caihan said calmly, "Is it you Han Jiaren or your brother Han Junzi?"

Han Jiaren was speechless at Lin Caihan's words.

"Qiu Minghui can betray my sister, then one day he will betray you." Han Junzi obviously didn't like Qiu Minghui.

He uncovered the scars on Qiu Minghui's body.

Qiu Minghui suddenly became nervous, she was worried that Lin Caihan would change her mind.

"Loyalty is a noble quality, but not everyone is worthy of allegiance. For example, your sister." Lin Caihan stabbed Han Jiaren again.

"I hope you won't be stabbed in the future." When Han Junzi said this, Lin Caihan's eyes burst into a gleam of coldness, "Minghui, open your mouth."

Qiu Minghui rushed to Han Junzi in an instant, and slapped him a few times.

And none of the senior members of the Han family dared to move.

"Miss Lin, I don't think I offended you, why did you target me like this?" Han Jiaren looked at Lin Caihan extremely aggrieved.

"Minghui is my maid, she has been wronged by you, shouldn't I seek justice for her?" Lin Caihan said with a cold gaze, "Besides, you don't need to worry too much, after today's matter is over, you and I It is people from two worlds, and we will never intersect in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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