Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2005 The Powerful Zhao Family

Zhao Cuishan couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

"My sister killed my aunt, can Zhao Hu not hold grudges? Abolishing his cultivation is the best, otherwise no one can guarantee what he will do in the future?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Cuishan thought about it and found that this is also the case.

In fact, the members of the Zhao family who were present were somewhat critical of Zhao Yang's treatment.

After all, Zhao Yang is only a junior, but he has done something to the direct line of the family.

"From now on, I will be fully responsible for the Zhao family's practice." Zhao Yang continued.

"Why?" Zhao Yang's third uncle, Zhao Yunfeng.

"Why do you ask me?" Zhao Yang took a step forward at this point, and the six road marks turned into overwhelming fluctuations, imprisoning Zhao Yunfeng's east, west, north, south, and up and down.

"Liuhe Realm."

"This is the legendary Liuhe Realm."

"If the fifth realm can set foot in the Liuhe realm, it will become an existence in the realm of creation in the future."

"How did Zhao Yang step into this realm?"

Everyone in the Zhao family present was shocked.

But at this moment, a guard told the patriarch of the Ximen family in Shenlongcheng to lead a large number of experts to visit.

"The Simon family."

"The Ximen family is the seat of the Ninth Heaven of Void Realm."

"Why would an existence of this level come to our Zhao family?"

"Aren't they going to destroy our Zhao family?"

"Otherwise, why would they bring so many people?"

Just when the Zhao family was inexplicably terrified, Zhao Yang said, "Kill them, and line up their corpses."

Everyone didn't know who Zhao Yang was talking to?

But the next moment the head of the Ximen family and dozens of masters were mercilessly slaughtered.

They were killed without even stating their purpose.

The senior members of the Zhao family ran towards the gate one after another. When they saw the master of the Ximen family who had lost their vitality, they looked at Zhao Yang with shock in their eyes.

"Go to the Ximen family and bring the resources from the Ximen family's treasury."

Tianshu left in an instant.

It didn't take long for him to return to Zhao Yang's side, "It's done."

While speaking, the Patriarch of the Ma family of Shenfeng City brought a large number of strong men to the Zhao family, but when they saw the fallen master of the Ximen family, they shuddered.

"Patriarch, what should we do?" An elder asked anxiously.

"What should we do? The Ximen family's power is not weaker than ours, but they don't even have the ability to resist. The Zhao family must either have a few statues from the ninth level of the Void Realm, or have the existence of the Creation Realm." The Patriarch of the Ma family said in a deep voice, " We retreat immediately."

"Where are you going?"

"Go outside the city and send spies to monitor the Zhao family 24 hours a day."

"Since the Zhao family has top experts, what's the point of our surveillance?"

"The top ten academies and top forces will definitely not be able to sit still, when the time comes

Maybe we can grab some soup. "

The guess of the Ma family was correct.

Because it didn't take long for the suzerain of the Cold Wind Sect to come to the top of the Zhao family.

Of course, he also noticed the downfall of the Ximen clan.

"Zhao Cuishan, let's talk."

Zhao Cuishan couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

"Just talk to him, the one behind me is the fifth heaven of creation." Zhao Yang said to Zhao Cuishan.

Hearing this, Zhao Cuishan no longer had the slightest worry.

He soared into the air and kept equal with the suzerain of the Cold Wind Sect.

"What's up?"

"The Dao Crystal is too eye-catching, and your Zhao family can't defend it." The head of the Cold Wind Sect said in a deep voice, "Give me a Dao Crystal, and I can protect your Zhao family."

"Our Zhao family does not need the protection of your Cold Wind Sect." Zhao Cuishan refused without thinking.

"Zhao Cuishan, our Cold Wind Sect will discuss with you, but other sects may not be so kind." The head of the Cold Wind Sect said persuasively.

"It's okay, the Zhao family is not afraid of any forces."

The head of the Cold Wind Sect was enraged by Zhao Cuishan's words, "I've exhausted my good words, but it looks like you're not giving me face."

"You came to snatch things from my Zhao family, and you asked me to give you face?" Zhao Cuishan looked at the head of the Cold Wind Sect speechlessly and said, "Why are you so shameless?"

An inconceivable look appeared on the face of the Cold Wind Sect Master.

what's the situation


Zhao Cuishan scolding him?

And the spies hidden in the surrounding major forces were also dumbfounded.

They all felt that Zhao Cuishan was impatient.

"It's really noisy, kill it." At this moment, Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the air, and then the face of the master of the Cold Wind Sect revealed a look of horror.

He opened his mouth to say something, but finally fell powerlessly.

The spies of the various factions who saw the collapsed Cold Wind Sect's suzerain were almost scared to pee.

"Go to the Cold Wind Sect and get the resources from the Cold Wind Sect treasury." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Tianshu left in an instant.

Not long after, Tianshu came back and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, "All the resources of the Cold Wind Sect are here."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

If he wanted to improve the strength of the Zhao family as soon as possible, he needed resources.

To be honest, the resources of the Sima clan are not enough, but if the resources of the Cold Wind Sect are added, then it will be almost enough.

The fall of the master of the Cold Wind Sect shook the entire Tianfeng Region.

You must know that the suzerain of the Cold Wind Sect is an existence in the realm of creation, so why did it fall?

But at this time, no one dared to act rashly against the Zhao family.

All worried and scared!

"The strong man behind the Zhao family is definitely a strong man in the realm of creation."

"At least it must be an existence of the Third Heaven of Creation Realm or even a higher level."

"The Zhao family has completely risen."

"Don't forget that Zhao Yang has the Dao Crystal in his hand."

"Can the Zhao family not improve their strength after obtaining the Dao Crystal?"

"It seems that Zhao Yang has canceled his engagement with Han Jiaren. I wonder if the women from our Sun family have a chance?"

Soon, all major forces went to the Zhao family to sell the beautiful girls of the ethnic group.

But all were rejected.

The Zhao family even stated that the Zhao family will retreat in the future and will no longer receive guests.

"Zhao Yang, the resources you have put out now are all below the sixth level of the virtual world, and you have even taken out the Dao crystals of the fifth level of the virtual world, but what about me, the sixth level of the virtual world?" What to do?" Zhao Cuishan found Zhao Yang that day.

During this time, Zhao Yang built several formations.

Some of these formations can improve the speed of practice, and of course they can also improve the origin of the Dao.

But there was nothing suitable for Zhao Cuishan.

"You and Zhao Yingzi will practice with me when the time comes, and I will let your strength improve rapidly." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Only then did Zhao Cuishan feel relieved.

He is the patriarch of the Zhao family, but a group of elders surpassed him. How will he lead the Zhao family in the future?

In this way, half a month passed before Zhao Yang made arrangements for the training of everyone in the Zhao family, and then he let Zhao Cuishan and Zhao Yingzi go to his battleship.

In the battleship, when Zhao Yang took out the time hourglass, the flow of time in the four weeks suddenly slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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