Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1998 Zhao Long was robbed

Qiu Minghui looked at the strong confidence on Zhao Yang's face, and her confidence in Han Jiaren was suddenly shaken.

"We'll see in a year, won't we?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Okay, I should go."

Qiu Minghui looked at Zhao Yang's back with complicated expressions in his eyes.

She knew that she had to hide Han Jiaren again.

Zhao Yang did not disclose the matter of the Twelve Grade Blood Refining Pill, so how could she tell?

If she told her, there would be a problem with her character.

Holy Word No. [-] Courtyard!

After returning here, Zhao Yang started to break through the Soul Refining Realm.

In fact, he was able to break through a few days ago, but for the sake of this competition, he was holding back.

But only a few days later, his cultivation level broke through. After reaching the Soul Refining Realm, his soul shackles were unlocked, and he could then unscrupulously increase his soul power.

"The ability of the time hourglass has improved again." Zhao Yang's eyes brightened.

One year has passed outside the current hourglass, but Zhao Yang has only passed one day in the hourglass.

Soul Refining Level [-]!

Soul refinement level double!

Soul Refining Level [-]!

Zhao Yang didn't deliberately improve his cultivation, but even so, he quickly raised his cultivation to the eighth level of the Soul Refining Realm.

At this time, Huang Chengzi had reached the ninth level of the blood refinement realm. If she hadn't practiced the exercises taught by Tianshu, her practice progress would have further improved.

"Is my current strength about the same as that of Qiu Minghui?" Huang

Cheng Zi asked with a smile.

"Qiu Minghui can reach the ninth level of the blood refining realm at most, and the ninth level is just a stage for you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Who would have thought that I would reach this point in such a short period of time." Huang Chengzi didn't know what came to mind when she said this.

"What are you thinking?"

"I wonder if the Huang family regrets their original decision now?" Huang Chengzi said leisurely.

"If you're homesick, you can go back and have a look."

"Now is not the time." Huang Chengzi shook his head, "It is difficult to expect the Huang family to change their minds. Even if I go back in the future, I will just visit my parents."

"Then continue to practice. When you become stronger in the future, no matter what schemes the Huang family has, you don't need to care."

"En." Huang Chengzi nodded heavily.

Soul Refining Realm No.13 heavy!

Soul Refining Realm No.14 heavy!

Soul Refining Realm No.15 heavy!

When Zhao Yang was practicing that day, the token suddenly rang.

When he saw the content in the token, his expression became serious.

"What's wrong?" Huang Chengzi asked quickly.

"Something happened to my cousin Zhao Long." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Ah!" Huang Chengzi was startled.

"You practice here." Zhao Yang said as he left the No. [-] courtyard of Shengzi, and he came to a pavilion where Qiu Minghui was already waiting.

"I want the details of what happened."

"Your cousin's strength in the academy is greater than that of

The reality is mediocre, so in order to become stronger, he joined the academy's reclamation team. "Qiu Minghui said succinctly, "They opened up a wasteland that no monk has ever set foot on. There are dangers in the wasteland, but of course there are also opportunities.Their team got a lot of opportunities in the past two years, but just three days ago, the team suddenly lost contact. The academy sent an elite team to search for it, but the whole army was wiped out. "

"Give me the spatial coordinates." Zhao Yang said immediately.

"The elite team sent by the academy has an intermediate mentor from the seventh heaven of the Void Realm."

"Don't worry, I won't joke about my life."

Only then did Qiu Minghui give Zhao Yang a spatial coordinate.

After Zhao Yang wrote it down in his heart, he thanked Qiu Minghui.

"Thank you."

"I just provided a message. If you say thank you, you will kill me."

"I go first."

After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

After leaving the Holy Light Academy, Zhao Yang summoned the battleship of the Nine Heavens of the Void Realm obtained in the Secret Realm.

"Go at the limit speed." Zhao Yang gave an order to the battleship.


The battleship broke through the vast void and headed towards the wasteland like lightning.

After reaching the wasteland area, Zhao Yang felt a deep depression.

"What's going on here?"

"This area was once destroyed by the existence of a creation realm. The depression you feel is the dao mark that permeates this world." Tianshu explained at this time.

"Can you feel what level of creation environment this place is?"

"Five Heavens of Creation Realm."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

He believed that Tianshu could handle such existence.

It didn't take long for him to see some monks in the wilderness. These monks were fighting with a giant crocodile in a pond.

He didn't stop, but continued to go deeper.

Soon arrived at the place where Zhao Long had an accident.

"Battleship, search for traces." Zhao Yang issued an order.

The warships of the Void Realm Nine Heavens quickly found some traces after searching with all their strength.

Zhao Yang searched all the way along the traces, but he couldn't move anymore.

"The area in front has not been opened up, you need to use your soul power to forcibly break through." Zhao Yang realized this, and the domineering soul power blasted towards the front.

Now he has gone fifteen steps in the realm of soul refining.

The power of his soul can be described as choppy.

He keeps opening up.

I don't know how long it has passed. He saw a tree with twelve students hanging on it.

The twelve students were penetrated into their bodies by the branches, and they looked like they were about to be sucked dry.

Zhao Yang saw Zhao Long at a glance.

Zhao Long was on his deathbed.

When Zhao Yang saw him, Zhao Long also saw Zhao Yang.

He was stunned.

How can it be?

How could Zhao Yang be here?


The next moment, the domineering soul power turned into a steel knife

He chopped towards the tree.

"No." Zhao Long changed color.

This tree must at least belong to the Eighth Layer of Void Realm.

Where is Zhao Yang able to contend?

The same is true.

Zhao Yang's soul power didn't even break a single branch of this tree.


The giant tree was enraged.

Its branches covered the sky and covered Zhao Yang, but when it was three meters away from Zhao Yang, it was blocked by an invisible force.

"Broken." Following Tianshu's voice, the towering tree was blown to pieces.

His body and soul were instantly wiped out by Tianshu.

"Isn't your soul power too terrifying?" Zhao Yang said in astonishment.

"You can do it when you reach my level." Tianshu said with a smile.

Zhao Long and other students also fell down one after another.

Zhao Yang stepped forward and came to Zhao Long's side, "How are you doing?"

Zhao Long's eyes widened involuntarily, "How did you do it?"

"Don't ask me this, how are you doing now?" Zhao Yang changed the subject after speaking.

"Ninety percent of my origin has been extracted, and this life is useless." Zhao Long felt bitterness on his face after feeling it for a while.

"It's not a big deal to be missing the original source, as long as you can get the original source pill."

"Original pills can only be refined by alchemists of the tenth rank, and the success rate is said to be very poor. Given our family's situation, we can't get it at all." Zhao Long shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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