Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1996 Going to the Secret Realm

The students who came from the Holy Academy this time were almost all Yae, while the students from the Holy Light Academy were all Kunou, which means that normally speaking, the top three students are almost all from the Holy Light Academy.

This time, there was a ninth-level statue in Yunguang Academy, but it was still defeated by the top three of Shengguang Academy, so it still missed the top three in the end.

When the quota was determined, the students of the nine colleges suddenly became dissatisfied.

"The Body Refining Realm, the Blood Refining Realm, the Soul Refining Realm, and the Ming Dao Realm are all from the Holy Light Academy, which is unreasonable."

"If things go on like this, the strength of our nine colleges will become weaker and weaker. I strongly demand that this rule be changed."

"This kind of rule was jointly formulated by the top ten academies, and our Shengguang Academy also worked out it step by step. Why am I revising it?"

"That's right, who is to blame for my lack of strength?"

"If you say that, we won't take out the key, and everyone will not enter the secret realm at worst."

"According to the development of this momentum, our nine colleges will never have a bright future."

The students of the Nine Colleges made a fuss.

This gave Dean Mozart a headache.

In the office, Mozart called Zhao Yang and Gu Dihuang over.

"Tell me how to solve the current situation?"

"If our academy takes a step back today, they will make progress in the future, so my suggestion is not to give up an inch.

. "Gudi Huang said, considering his words.

"If Tianfengyu only needs the Holy Light Academy, then there is no need for the Holy Light Academy to give in, but if it still needs the Nine Academies, then it needs to make concessions." Zhao Yang said calmly, "It is undeniable that the Holy Light Academy has The Nine Great Academies have long been dissatisfied with eating alone, and if we let this emotion ferment, the Nine Great Academies will become hostile to us in the future, and it will be very difficult for the Ten Great Academies to join forces in the event of another big domain invasion in the future.”

Mozart's eyes suddenly lit up, he didn't expect Zhao Yang to have such a view.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

"The number of places is limited. From the next year onwards, each college can only dispatch two students. In this way, no matter how good our college is, we have to give up one place. In this way, the nine colleges will compete for that place."

Mozart immediately felt that Zhao Yang's method was very good.

"But have you ever thought that after we give up one spot, they will force us to give up two spots in the future?" Gu Dihuang was a little displeased with Zhao Yang's performance in front of the dean, so he deliberately found fault.

"First, they won't force us to make another concession in a short period of time; second, is the brilliance of the Holy Light Academy supported by the resources of the Secret Realm; It's required."

Mozart nodded lightly, "Yes, back then

The Holy Light Academy can stand out among the top ten academies, so is the Holy Light Academy afraid of today? "

"Holy Light Academy seeking defeat alone is actually not a good thing, because they have lost momentum and have no opponents."

"That's right." Mozart said and stood up. "I've been hesitating all these years. In fact, hesitation means fear. Think about it carefully, why is there any fear in the Holy Light Academy?"

Mozart left the office, and then announced the news in front of the students of the top ten colleges.

In fact, the nine academies are still not very satisfied with the result, but they also know that the result is already very good, at least they have achieved a staged victory, right?

The next step is to go to the Secret Realm. As one after another of the cloud boats rowed, students from the top ten colleges went there one after another.

They also want to witness this historic scene.

Secret Realm!

When Zhao Yang and others came to the secret realm, the deans of the top ten colleges showed up. They threw the keys in their hands towards the secret realm one after another, and soon an ancient portal appeared in front of everyone. .

"The Secret Realm will send you to different areas according to your cultivation level." Mozart said at this time, "There are chances and dangers in the Secret Realm. All you have to do is watch and help each other, you know?"

After Mozart's voice fell, Zhao Yang and others walked in one after another.

secret environment.

The moment Zhao Yang stepped into this gate, he felt dizzy, and when he got used to it, he found that he was standing at a fork in the road.

There are two figures beside him, they are Huang Henglian and Jiao Taiyu who are at the ninth level of the Blood Refining Realm.

And these two were defeated by Zhao Yang.

"Which way should we go?" Huang Henglian frowned.

"I don't know either." Jiao Taiyu looked and didn't know which way to go?

Zhao Yang contacted Tianshu.

"The person who built this secret realm must at least be the existence of the fifth heaven of creation, because my current soul power has been greatly suppressed. You must know that my soul power has recovered to the fourth heaven of creation. .”

"Can you figure out what's going on here?"

"Go to the left." Tianshu said softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang looked at Huang Henglian and Jiao Taiyu, "Let's take the road on the left."

"Why?" Jiao Taiyu asked.


"Intuition?" Jiao Taiyu hesitated for a moment and chose to trust Zhao Yang.

Huang Henglian also chose to trust Zhao Yang.

But they didn't go far and found that there were two forked roads ahead.

"Left." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Huang Henglian and Jiao Taiyu looked at each other and followed Zhao Yang.

But when there was a third fork in the road, Zhao Yang still decided to take the left, when Huang Henglian and Jiao Taiyu

But he hesitated.

"what happened?"

"What if your choice is wrong?" Huang Henglian said in a deep voice.

"That's right, if your choice is wrong, then the three of us may not get anything." Jiao Taiyu also said aside.

"What you said makes sense." Zhao Yang nodded approvingly, "We can't put all our eggs in one basket."

So then Huang Henglian and Jiao Taiyu chose the left path.

"What's so special about the road here?" Zhao Yang asked Tianshu.

"Each intersection corresponds to a fork, and only the most correct fork can reach the deepest part of the secret realm." Tianshu explained, "The more forks they go wrong, the more treasures they get. It will be lower."

Only then did Zhao Yang understand.

And at every intersection that left him speechless, Tianshu made him choose the left side.

After half a quarter of an hour passed like this, a door came into view. When he pushed open the door that had been covered in dust for a long time, he saw a figure.

That figure was carrying a battle sword on his back, and looked at Zhao Yang with piercing eyes.

"I'm surprised that you can come here."

"You are……?"

"I am Master Guanghui's waiter Feng." The figure threw a Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang at this point, "This is left to you by the master."

Zhao Yang's divine sense swept over, and a look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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