Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1993 Goodbye Zhao Yingzi

The audience was in an uproar.

The girls were even more stunned on the spot.

How can it be?

How could their Prince Charming be defeated?

He stopped forcibly, regardless of the shock of his internal organs, the power of blood in his body re-condensed into nine giant dragons, and it can be seen that these nine giant dragons are more ferocious than before.

But it didn't work.

Zhao Yang made a strong move.

He suppressed Huang Henglian again.

Huang Henglian retreated more than ten meters away again. At this time, his internal organs had been displaced, and the reverse blood surged up in bursts, and he was about to spurt out, but he swallowed it forcibly.


Zhao Yang delivered another earth-shattering blow.

There was a look of despair in Huang Henglian's eyes. He thought that after two consecutive peak blows, there should be not much energy left in Zhao Yang's body.

But he didn't realize that he was wrong until Zhao Yang made a move.

Zhao Yang's toughness far exceeded his expectations.

He knew he couldn't stop it.

But he still made a defensive posture.

"Give me some face." Huang Henglian quickly sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang.


The terrifying fist wind stopped when it was three meters away from him, and the huge impact made the skin on his face tremble.

Zhao Yang stopped in time.

He looked at Zhao Yang with a grateful look in his eyes, "I am not your opponent, and thank you."

After Huang Henglian conceded defeat, many girls cried and their eyes turned red. In their hearts, Huang Henglian should be invincible.

But now it was defeated by Zhao Yang.

Tianzi No. [-] Courtyard!

After Qiu Minghui came back from the game, he saw Han Jiaren reading files in the courtyard

"Miss." Qiu Minghui came to Han Jiaren and called softly.

"Is there anything interesting about today's game?" Han Jiaren put down the file in his hand and asked calmly.

Qiu Minghui told Han Jiaren all the news he heard.

"That's all?" Han Jiaren said pointedly.

"That's all I heard." Qiu Minghui nodded.

"How did I hear that Zhao Yang defeated Huang Henglian?" Han Jiaren asked calmly.

"Is there such a thing?" Qiu Minghui said pretending not to know.

"You're blaming me, aren't you?"

"Don't dare."

"It seems that you are still blaming me." Han Jiaren handed Qiu Minghui a jade bottle at this point, "Take it."

Qiu Minghui's divine sense swept over, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

what did she see?

In the jade bottle lay quietly a tenth grade blood refining pill.


"I said before that I would give you a tenth-grade blood refining pill, but fortunately it's not too late."

Qiu Minghui's heart was full of guilt.

She didn't expect that Han Jiaren didn't lie to her, and she really helped her get the tenth grade blood refining pill.

"No need to explain anything, go ahead and try to get a ranking." Han Jiaren said as she picked up the file and read it again.

Qiu Minghui hesitated for a while before bowing and leaving.

She found Zhao Yang and gave Zhao Yang the tenth-rank blood-refining pill.

"Han Jiaren got you a tenth grade blood refining pill?" Zhao Yang showed surprise.

"En." Qiu Minghui nodded.

"Then I'll accept it." Zhao Yang accepted it with a smile.

"In the future, I will not hide the news about you, Miss." Qiu Minghui said with some embarrassment.

"You don't need to hide."

"Feel sorry."

"Qiu Minghui, you don't need to feel guilty, you have to be responsible to Han Jiaren, I can understand."

"We can't get too close in the future, sorry."

Zhao Yang understood what Qiu Minghui meant.

"It's okay."

After Qiu Minghui left, Zhao Yang returned to the No. [-] courtyard of Shengzi, but he was shocked to find that Gu Dihuang was waiting for him at the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Gu Dihuang said with a smile.

"We don't know each other very well, so I think it's better to forget it. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Embarrassment appeared on Gu Dihuang's face, after all his maid Bing Qing was also here.

"I want to know why you were able to ascend to the ninth level of the blood refinement realm in just two years?" Gu Dihuang asked with a smile.

In the past two years, the Gu family has used all

The resources were used to train him, and the dean and the academy also provided a lot of resources, but even so, Gu Dihuang was still at the tenth level of the Body Refining Realm.

He believed that Zhao Yang must have tempered ten times in the body refining state, and he would never dig his own grave.

But why?

How did Zhao Yang reach the ninth level of the Blood Refining Realm?

It doesn't make sense.

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

"You shouldn't have reached the tenth level of body refining or blood refining when you entered school, right?" Gu Dihuang couldn't help but think of a possibility.

"Otherwise is there any other possibility?"

Gu Dihuang couldn't help but smiled wryly, "I've been thinking hard for the past few days, but I don't understand why you are so strong? Now I finally understand, the answer I thought of first is the real answer." After finishing speaking, he saluted Zhao Yang, " Thanks for letting me know."

As the saying goes, those who are masters are respected, Zhao Yang's cultivation base is a level higher than his, and it is reasonable for him to salute Zhao Yang.

On the way back, Bingqing noticed that Gu Dihuang's steps were much lighter.

"Why are you so happy, son?"

"Zhao Yang was at a higher realm than me when he started. To be honest, I didn't care too much, because as long as I was given time, it would be a matter of time before I caught up with him. But if he had the same level of cultivation as mine, it would be terrible, okay. This is not the case." Gudi Huang said with a smile, "Go back and celebrate."

I have to say that Gu Dihuang is very pitiful, because it won't take long for him to get sick.

Now Zhao Yang has stepped into the fifth realm, and the shock brought to him at that time is unimaginable.

After another two days, the college's selection competition finally ended.

Zhao Yang's points have reached the first place in the blood refinement realm, so he will represent the academy in the top ten academies.

At this time, the students from the other nine colleges also rushed to the Holy Light College one after another.

Zhao Yingzi needs to be mentioned here.

Zhao Yingzi's cultivation base has successfully become the top three after being promoted to the eighth level of the blood refinement realm, so this time she represented the representative of the blood refinement realm of the Holy Academy to compete in the top ten academies.

Her girlfriends Qin Qing, Mu Yu, and Yun Shuiyao also came together, and they wanted to witness Zhao Yingzi's highlight moment.

"Yingzi, is your brother also in Shengguang Academy?" Yun Shuiyao asked with a smile.

"Yeah, this time I'm here to meet this kid, who hasn't been home for two years." Zhao Yingzi nodded.

"I saw him in Shenlong City a few days ago." Mu Yu said softly.

"What?" Zhao Yingzi looked at Mu Yu anxiously and said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know how to tell you? He cheated Guo Xiaokun with a battleship worth 400 million yuan." Mu Yu said with a wry smile.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yingzi became anxious immediately.

Mu Yu told what happened.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"When I came to look for Zhao Yang in the evening, I found that he and Huang Chengzi had run away secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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