Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1990 He is a fool

"According to what I know, your background is already at the eighth level. Didn't Han Jiaren prepare a tenth-grade blood refining pill for you?"

"Tenth-rank blood refining pills have a price but no market, how can they be so easy to grab?" Qiu Minghui said with sad eyes.

"If you invite me to dinner, let me tell you where is the tenth grade blood refining pill?"

"Really?" Qiu Minghui's eyes lit up immediately.

"If it's a fake replacement."

"Let's go."

But on the way to the restaurant, Qiu Minghui thought of something again, "Forget it."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"The blood refining pill of the tenth grade costs 50 yuan, how can I have so many imaginary stones to buy?" Qiu Minghui sighed softly.

"Do you have fifty thousand?"


Zhao Yang was stunned, "You don't even have fifty thousand?"

"Most of my imaginary stones have been used to support the family over the years." Qiu Minghui smiled wryly.

"Then how much can you take out?"

"Five thousand." Qiu Minghui said shyly.

"Do you know Dragon City?" Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.


"You go to Shenlong City to find Guo Xiaokun. As far as I know, he has a tenth-grade blood refining pill in his hand."

"But it's impossible for him to sell it to me for five thousand?"

"That guy is a fool. If you give him five thousand imaginary stones, he will definitely sell them to you."

Qiu Minghui looked at Zhao Yang firmly

Look, "Why do I feel that you are cheating on me?"

"This is related to your future, believe it or not is up to you!"

Qiu Minghui pondered for a while and then said, "I'm going to Dragon City right now. If you dare to trick me, I will definitely beat you up." After speaking, Qiu Minghui turned and left.

And when Qiu Minghui left, Zhao Yang also left in a hurry.

He took the battleship of the sixth heaven of the Void Realm and arrived at Shenlong City first.

He found Guo Xiaokun in the casino.

"Brother, you're here." Guo Xiaokun was very happy to see Zhao Yang's arrival, "Do you want to play two? I'll give you some chips."

"No need." Zhao Yang pulled Guo Xiaokun aside, "Later this girl will ask you to buy a tenth-grade blood refining pill, and then you will sell it to her for five thousand."

"Five thousand? Isn't this equivalent to giving away for nothing?" Guo Xiaokun said in a daze.

"I told that girl that you are a fool, no matter what price she asks, you just sell it."

Guo Xiaokun said with a mournful face, "Brother, don't cheat on me even if you pick up girls! If this reputation spreads, will I still be a human being in the future?"

"Are you going to do it or not?" Zhao Yang stared.


"And we just met by chance. You found this blood refining pill in the cave." Zhao Yang handed Guo Xiaokun a jade bottle while talking.

"By the way, why don't you give it to the girl directly?"

"I don't want to reveal my identity."

"it is good

Let's go. ”

It didn't take long for a slim girl to come to the casino.

Just as Guo Xiaokun wanted to go there, he suddenly thought of Zhao Yang's instructions, so the old god stood there.

After a while, the casino waiter took Qiu Minghui to find Guo Xiaokun.

"Young Sect Master, this girl is looking for you."

Guo Xiaokun looked Qiu Minghui up and down, "Is there something wrong?"

"Can you take a step to talk?" Qiu Minghui is not as brainless as Guo Xiaokun.

The two came to a corner, Qiu Minghui said carefully, "Do you have a blood refining pill in your hand?"

"Who told you?" Guo Xiaokun asked warily.

"Zhao Yang."

"So it's Brother Zhao." Guo Xiaokun suddenly realized, "Brother Zhao also introduced you to buy blood refining pills?"

"Yes, do you have a tenth grade blood refining pill?" Qiu Minghui asked very nervously.

"Yes, you want?"

"Yes, yes." Qiu Minghui said hastily, "How much is it?"

"Brother Zhao took three thousand from me, see how much you can give?" Guo Xiaokun's words made Qiu Minghui feel confused.

How many?

Three thousand?

This guy Zhao Yang bought a tenth-grade blood-refining pill for three thousand?

"That... how many tenth-rank blood refining pills do you have?"

"Two pieces, one is sold to Brother Zhao." Guo Xiaokun said in a low voice, "Why are you selling it so expensive for this thing?

? ”

Qiu Minghui didn't know what to say for a moment, "Then I'll buy it for three thousand, okay?"

"No problem." Guo Xiaokun said and handed a jade bottle to Qiu Minghui, "Check it out."

Qiu Minghui checked it and found that it was really a tenth-rank blood refining pill.

She hurriedly handed Guo Xiaokun a Qiankun bag, "There are three thousand imaginary stones in it, check it out."

"Yes, let's continue to cooperate in the future, do you want to leave a contact information?" Guo Xiaokun asked with a smile.

"Let's talk." Qiu Minghui ran away after finishing speaking.

How dare she stay here?

After Qiu Minghui left, Zhao Yang came out from the darkness.

"Brother, do I look like I'm pretending to be a fool?" Guo Xiaokun laughed.

"Do you need to pretend?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.


Qiu Minghui was very excited.

She took the tenth-grade blood refining pill, and she still couldn't calm down after returning to Tianzi No. [-] courtyard.

She was considering whether to tell Han Jiaren about this?

But in the end she decided to tell.

Because unless she is willing to hide it for the rest of her life, it will be revealed sooner or later.

in the courtyard.

Han Jiaren was chatting with a handsome young man.

This boy is her own younger brother Han Junzi.

Han Junzi is also practicing at the Holy Light Academy, and of course he got in because of Han Jiaren's relationship.

Over the years, Han Jiaren has spared no effort to help

With the help of Junzi Han, he reached the sixth level of the blood refinement realm.

"Sister, can you help me get a tenth-rank blood quenching pill?" Han Junzi asked pitifully.

Han Junzi took the eighth-rank blood refining pill when he was at the fifth level of the blood refinement realm, and now he needs to get a tenth-rank blood quenching pill if he wants to improve again.

"How can it be so easy to get the Tenth Grade Blood Tempering Pill?" Han Jiaren shook her head.

"Sister, you are a student of the Sixth Elder, don't tell me you can't get the Tenth Grade Blood Tempering Pill?"

"I'll find a chance to mention it to the teacher." Just as Han Jiaren said this, he saw Qiu Minghui approaching from a distance.

"Miss, let me tell you a great happy event." Qiu Minghui walked up to Han Jiaren and said with a smile.

"What happy event?" Han Jiaren said softly.

Qiu Minghui handed Han Jiaren a jade bottle.

Han Jiaren's divine sense swept over, and then a look of shock appeared on her face.

"Minghui, where did you get the tenth grade Blood Tempering Pill?"

"Tenth-rank Blood Tempering Pill?" Han Junzi grabbed it.

He looked at Qiu Minghui in surprise and said, "Minghui, you have made a great contribution this time."

"What?" Qiu Minghui asked in confusion.

"I was asking my sister for the tenth-grade blood-quenching pill? You sent it in the end. Didn't you make a great contribution?" Han Junzi said with a big smile.

"This... This is mine." Qiu Minghui hesitated for a while before continuing.

(End of this chapter)

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