Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1986 1 battleships

Zhao Yang then went to Meng's house with Huang Chengzi.

He warned the Meng family again before asking, "Do you know where warships are sold?"

"Fanxing Pavilion." Huang Chengzi thought of something here, "Battleships are very expensive."

"What is the highest level of battleship in Fanxing Pavilion?"

"The city of the sea of ​​clouds is a city of average size, so the highest level of warships is only five heavens."

"Is there a higher level?"

"If you want to buy a higher level, you can only go to Shenlong City. The scale of Shenlong City is much larger than the City of Clouds. You may be able to buy the Seventh Heaven of Void Realm there."

"Let's go, let's go to Dragon City."

"A warship in the Seventh Heaven of Void Realm costs 200 million."

"I have."

Huang Chengzi couldn't help but widen his eyes, "You have so many?"

If the Zhao family wasted their money, they could get together 2000 million, but she didn't believe they could get 200 million.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Dragon City!

This city is much bigger than the city of sea of ​​clouds, and of course the proportion of masters is relatively higher.

"I heard that the Dragon City is jointly run by nine families, and each family has a seat in the Ninth Heaven of the Void Realm." Huang Chengzi introduced the situation of the Dragon City to Zhao Yang.

"Dragon City doesn't have a city lord?" Zhao Yang found that neither the Sky City nor the Cloud Sea City had a city lord.

"No, its

In fact, many cities adopt this model of joint management. "Huang Chengzi said softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

As Hanukkah was approaching, many monks came to Dragon City to shop.

Many of them are couples.

Zhao Yang and Huang Chengzi walked around for a while and came to the branch of Fanxing Pavilion in Shenlong City.

Fanxing Pavilion mainly sells various magic weapons.

Huang Chengzi fell in love with it at a glance.

"Boss, bring this hairpin here." Zhao Yang shouted at the boss.

The boss smiled and handed the hair grip to Huang Chengzi, "This hair grip is the magic weapon for the protection of the Second Heaven of Void Realm. If you like it, I will give you a [-]% discount."

When Huang Chengzi was playing with it, a girl pointed to the hair and said, "I want this hair."

The boss had a look of embarrassment on his face, "Miss, I'm really sorry, this hair..." The boss just said this when he was interrupted by the man next to the girl, "Why, do you think we can't afford it? "

Zhao Yang couldn't help looking at the girl, "Mu Yu, long time no see."

Mu Yu did not expect to meet Zhao Yang here.

"Why are you here?" Mu Yu looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

Shouldn't Zhao Yang be in Sky City at this time?

"I'll go shopping with my senior sister." Zhao Yang said softly.

Mu Yu glanced at Huang Chengzi.

It belongs to the sunny and beautiful type, but Huang Chengzi is a bit conservative, how is it like me?

With just one look, Goudi, the second son of the Guo family in Shenlong City, was fascinated.

"You guys know each other?" Guo Xiaokun, the second son of the Guo family, looked at Zhao Yang warily.

"His sister is my best friend." Mu Yu said lazily.

The vigilance in Guo Xiaokun's eyes eased a little.

"What do you like, I'll pay for it." Then Guo Xiaokun shouted.Said carelessly.

He did it on purpose.

He wants to show his strong financial resources in front of Mu Yu.

Little did he know that Mu Yu regarded him as a triumphant son.

"Then we won't be polite." Mu Yu pointed to the hair and said, "Wrap this hair and give it to your senior."

Huang Chengzi couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

"Let's do it." Zhao Yang declined.

He felt that he had no friendship with Guo Xiaokun, and even if this hairpin wasn't expensive, he didn't want to take advantage of him.

As a result, Guo Xiaokun got angry.

"Are you looking down on me?"

"Okay, you pay the bill, okay?" Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"That's about the same." Guo Xiaokun patted Zhao Yang's shoulder, "Go on shopping, if you see something, just pack it up, and I'll pay the bill together."


Then the two parties separated.

Originally, both Zhao Yang and Huang Chengzi wanted to buy something, but how could they buy in this situation?

Do you let Guo Xiao

Kun pay?

After wandering casually, Zhao Yang found the boss, "Boss, do you have a battleship here?"

"What level do you want in the Void Realm?"

"Is there a seventh heaven?"

"The warships from the seventh heaven haven't arrived yet, and now there are only those from the sixth heaven."

"Then prepare me a ship from the Sixth Heaven." Zhao Yang glanced at the distance as he spoke, "Don't let him notice."

The boss gave Zhao Yang a look that I understood.

Not long after, the boss came over with a Qiankun bag, and Guo Xiaokun found out when he was about to pass it to Zhao Yang secretly.

"What are you doing?" Guo Xiaokun ran over angrily while talking.

"What? Dude, are you looking down on me?" Guo Xiaokun ran up to Zhao Yang and said with a bad expression.

"No, it's mainly because it's expensive, so I'm embarrassed to ask you to pay for it?" Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"Expensive? There is no such thing as expensive here. Let me see what you bought?" Guo Xiaokun said, and his divine sense landed on the Qiankun bag in the boss's hand.

The next moment he was in a bad mood.


Do you treat me like a kid?

Mu Yu also came over at this time, and when she saw the battleship in the Qiankun bag, she couldn't help but glance at Zhao Yang.

That look seemed to be saying, can you stop being so ruthless?

The battleship of the sixth heaven of the Void Realm!

"Brother Guo just helped me buy

I'm already very grateful, how can I let Brother Guo spend more money? " Zhao Yang said softly.

"No." Guo Xiaokun blushed, "I said, I will pay for everything today, then I will have to pay for it."

"Brother Guo, this is too precious." Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

"Manly man, what you say is the water you pour out." Guo Xiaokun said sternly, "Wait a minute, I'll borrow it."

Zhao Yang still has something to say, Guo Xiaokun stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Give me some time."

Now it was Zhao Yang's turn to be surprised.

Is this guy so straightforward?

You said that if you bought it for Mu Yu, it would be fine, but what kind of battleship did you buy for me?

"What should I do?" Huang Chengzi asked in a low voice when Guo Xiaokun walked aside to borrow money.

"It seems that we can't let him pay now." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"But it's too expensive."

"I know, so I can only compensate him from other places." Zhao Yang said and looked at Mu Yu, "Mu Yu, can you tell me about the origin of his cultivation?"

"The Guo family belongs to a first-class family in Shenlong City. In the family, there is the Eighth Heaven of Void Realm sitting in the family. The assets of the Guo family are about hundreds of millions." Mu Yu introduced, "Guo Xiaokun is not favored in the Guo family, but he is in charge of The Guo family's most profitable casino, so this guy is very rich."

"But no matter how rich you are, it's impossible to get 400 million, right?" Huang Chengzi whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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