Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1982 Bright Chapter

"Where is that kid Zhao Yang?" Qi Weilian asked again.

"What does it matter to you where he is?" Huang Chengzi said angrily.

"He lied to your virtual stone, can I not ask?" Qi Weilian had just said this when he saw Zhao Yang push away from the alchemy room and come out.

He rushed in front of Zhao Yang in a few steps, grabbed Zhao Yang's collar and said, "Give her back the phantom stone of Chengzi."

Huang Chengzi hurried forward, "Qi Weilian, why are you crazy? The elementary school boy used his own imaginary stone."


"The elementary school brother gave me 2 imaginary stones before." Huang Chengzi took out a Qiankun bag as he spoke, "There are still more than [-] imaginary stones left."

Qi Weilian and the girl's spiritual thoughts swept away, and found that there were still [-] imaginary stones in the Qiankun bag.

Are these imaginary stones yellow orange?

is it possible?

It is absolutely impossible for Huang Chengzi to have so many imaginary stones.

Only then did the girl realize that she had made an own mistake.

Qi Weilian loosened Zhao Yang's collar in embarrassment, "Primary school brother, I'm sorry."

"What did the senior say?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "You are a senior, so you should teach your junior a lesson."

Zhao Yang's words made the nearby students look sideways.

"Primary school brother, you've really broken me. Just now, I was worried about Chengzi."

"I understand, I just have a question."

"You ask."


What's the relationship with senior sister Huang Chengzi?Why are words so intimate? " Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Chengzi and I..." Qi Weilian had just said this, but Huang Chengzi blurted out, "I have nothing to do with him."

Qi Weilian's face suddenly became a liver color.

"Senior Huang Chengzi said that you are okay now, so I don't know the reason for your worry just now?" Zhao Yang looked around and asked jokingly.

"You..." Qi Weilian threw his fist at Zhao Yang from embarrassment.

At this time Qi Weilian was already dazzled by anger, he didn't care at all whether this punch could kill Zhao Yang.

At the critical moment, Huang Chengzi rushed in front of Zhao Yang, and she punched Qi Weilian forcefully.

Qi Weilian only felt a turbulent wave coming towards him, he stepped back a few steps before barely stopping, his eyes were full of disbelief when he looked at Huang Chengzi.

"Chengzi, why are you so strong?" Qi Weilian exclaimed.

"Qi Weilian, are you going to kill someone in the academy?" Huang Chengzi snapped.

In fact, Huang Chengzi knew that Zhao Yang could deal with Qi Weilian, but she guessed that Zhao Yang probably didn't want to expose his cultivation, and this incident was also caused by herself, so she couldn't stand by and watch.

Qi Weilian just woke up like a dream.

If Zhao Yang had been killed just now, the academy would never let him go.

"Chengzi, thank you." Qi Weilian quickly expressed his gratitude to Huang Chengzi.

Huang Chengzi said with a cold look in his eyes, "We don't know each other that well, please call me by my full name in the future." After speaking, Huang Chengzi looked at Zhao Yang behind him, "Primary school brother, let me see you off."

Zhao Yang nodded lightly, and said calmly when passing by Qi Weilian, "Don't hold on to things that are not yours."

"You..." Qi Weilian was provoked into fury again, but this time he didn't dare to make a move.

He was worried about killing Zhao Yang.

Of course, what Qi Weilian didn't know was that Zhao Yang deliberately provoked him just now, in order to severely injure Qi Weilian, but it was a pity that Huang Chengzi interrupted him.

"Primary boy, where do you live now?" Huang Chengzi asked after walking out of the alchemy hall.


"You don't live with senior sister Qiu, do you?" Huang Chengzi suddenly thought of something.

Zhao Yang glanced at Huang Chengzi, "Where do you want to go?"

"Then I really can't think of where you live?" Huang Chengzi shook his head after thinking about it carefully.

"Will you continue to refine or break through?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

"If I want to refine it again, I will need a tenth-rank Body Tempering Pill, and that level has always been priceless." Huang Chengzi said softly, "I plan to break through to the third heaven of the Void Realm in half a year. "

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Don't be in a hurry to break through, I'll come back to you in half a year."

A look of doubt appeared on Huang Chengzi's face.

"Just send it here."

Zhao Yang continued.

Huang Chengzi looked at Zhao Yang's leaving back, and she suddenly thought of a possibility.

"No way?"

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After returning to the No. [-] courtyard of Shengzi, he continued to practice.

He relied on the Body Tempering Pill to quickly temper his body.

No. 12 times!

No. 13 times!

No. 14 times!

It took him more than three months to refine to No.18.

Then he started to break through to the third realm of the Void Realm, the Blood Refining Realm.

Now he can only catch up with Han Jiaren in three years by racing against time.

After a few days passed like this, his cultivation was finally raised to the blood refinement level, and after reaching this level, the ability of the time hourglass tripled again.

Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

The cycle of the blood refinement realm is the same as that of the body refinement realm.

In other words, Zhao Yang was able to raise his cultivation to the fourth stage of the Void Realm in a very short period of time.

Zhao Yang didn't refine Blood Quenching Pill in the early stage.

Because taking it in the early stage will affect the progress in the future, Zhao Yang spent more than two months to temper the blood eight times, you must know that he spent more than six months before.

"It's been half a year." Tianshu reminded, "You haven't forgotten the agreement with Huang Chengzi, have you?"

"No." Zhao Yang said and stood up.

Yellow Character Courtyard No. 68!

Several roommates of Huang Chengzi are cleaning up

Things, only Huang Chengzi remained indifferent.

"Chengzi, aren't you going home for Hanukkah?" a girl asked curiously.

Hanukkah is the most important festival in the Era of Light. The college will take half a month off every year. Usually, relatives will gather together at this time.

"Isn't there still two days until Hanukkah? No hurry." Huang Chengzi said softly.

"Chengzi, could it be that you waited until the last day before leaving?"

"Cheng Zi, you are not waiting for someone, are you?"

"Oh, it's possible."

Gossip suddenly ignited in the hearts of several roommates.

Qi Weilian's heart was full of anger, in fact, he vaguely guessed something.

At this moment, a figure came into his eyes, who is it not Zhao Yang?

"Sister Huang." Zhao Yang called out.

Huang Chengzi's face showed a look of surprise, and she ran towards Zhao Yang bouncing around, "I thought you forgot me."

"How can it be? I made an agreement with you, how can I let you go?" Zhao Yang asked when he saw everyone packing up, "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I'm going home for Hanukkah." Huang Chengzi nodded.

"Can I go back with you?" Zhao Yang said suddenly.

Huang Chengzi was stunned.

Qi Weilian was also stunned.

The rest of the roommates were also stunned.

Hanukkah is a time for family reunions, what do you mean by going to a girl's house?

(End of this chapter)

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