Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 198 This Is Betrayal

After convincing Mo Cuiying, Zhao Yang returned to his room.

In the room, Zhang Lan was taking a shower.

Zhao Yang booked a business standard suite.

Zhao Yang knew that Zhang Lan was not ready, and everything had to be done slowly.

Half an hour later, Zhang Lan came out wearing a bathrobe, her body exuded a faint fragrance, she glanced at Zhao Yang who was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, "What are you doing?"

"Look at the school forum."

"I didn't expect you to follow the forum too?" Zhang Lan said and sat beside Zhao Yang.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional that Zhang Lan exposed a large area of ​​white snow, and even the gully inside was faintly visible.

"Being idle and boring to pass the time."

"Then why don't you practice?"

"I usually practice in the morning."

"Is that why you don't live in the dormitory?"


"Where do you live?"

Zhao Yang was startled, but still said softly, "In the south of the Yangtze River."

"Jiangnan Lane? Is that the villa area?"


"Can I go to the villa area to see?"

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Ghost?" Zhang Lan must have thought it was nonsense before, but now she knows that there must be ghosts in the world.

"Liu Xiaoxiao is at my house."

"Liu Xiaoxiao?" Zhang Lan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Liu Xiaoxiao was forced to death by her parents that day, and later I went to Huangquan to bring back her soul. Unfortunately, her parents burned Liu Xiaoxiao's body for money. " Zhao Yang explained, "So Liu Xiaoxiao is now practicing at my home."

"Can you still practice after death?"

"Ghosts can also cultivate, but they have limitations." Zhao Yang nodded.

"You and Liu Xiaoxiao...?" Zhang Lan hesitated for a while before asking the question he wanted to ask.

"Liu Xiaoxiao and I have never pierced that layer of window paper." Zhao Yang said softly, "But it is impossible for us to be together in the future."


"I practice the Chunyang Dao. Ghosts and immortals can be classified as evil spirits. If the two of us are combined, she will be burned to ashes."

"Ah!" Zhang Lan felt sorry for Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao has become a lonely ghost, and now the only person she can rely on is Zhao Yang.

But now Zhao Yang said that she couldn't be with Zhao Yang, which was definitely a big blow to Liu Xiaoxiao.

"I want to meet Xiaoxiao." Zhang Lan said after a while.

"I have time to take you there."

Talking about this topic, Zhang Lan felt a little heavy in his heart.

"There is nothing wrong with Liu Xiaoxiao's practice of ghosts in her life for a hundred years. She will live for hundreds of years without any problems. Even if she dies and goes to the underworld, she will be treated very well." Zhao Yang Slightly smiled.

"What does the underworld look like?" Zhang Lan asked curiously.

"The underworld is the same as human society, but the rules there are stricter. Liu Xiaoxiao was spotted by the judge as soon as he arrived in the underworld, and he was about to be humiliated. If I hadn't arrived in time..."

Zhang Lan was taken aback, "Is there no law in the underworld?"

"The order of the underworld used to be strict, but after some incidents, the order of the underworld is about to collapse." Zhao Yang didn't explain too much.

"What if I go to the underworld in the future?" Zhang Lan suddenly thought of this.

"The future will be discussed in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Say hello to Zhao Yang's relationship with the underworld, who would dare to make it difficult for Zhang Lan?

Besides, Zhang Lan wants to die?

It also depends on whether Zhao Yang agrees or not?

Jiangnan Medical University!

Before nine o'clock, the venue was already full of voices.

Zhao Yang and Zhang Lan came early, if Wu Huanxuan hadn't taken their seats early, they would probably have been invited out by the security guards at the venue.

"It's crazy." Zhao Yang looked around and said in a low voice.

"Today's battle is a battle of honor." Wu Huanxuan said with bright eyes, "Park Zhengxun is too crazy to say that Go originated in Korea."

"Park Zhengxun said that one person will fight against one country." Zhang Lan's face was full of resentment when he said this.

"But this guy's Go attainment is really high, otherwise he wouldn't have won 39 cities in a row." Wu said slowly, "Unfortunately, my Go attainment is too low."

"You can also go?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Who do you look down on? I'm a third-level Go player." Wu Huanxuan snorted softly.

Zhao Yang smiled and remained silent.

Half an hour later, an old man accompanied by the school leader came to the venue.

Only through the principal's introduction did people know that this old man is Du Leinuo, the president of the Jiangnan Weiqi Club.

Dureno is also today's referee.

After exchanging greetings for a while, Du Leinuo pointed to the entrance of the venue, "The one who is here to challenge today is Park Jung-hoon, a talented Go boy from South Korea." After the words fell, a man in a classic gown slowly walked into the venue amidst the exclamations of the crowd. .

This man has a height of 1.9 meters five, and he has flowing black hair.

From a distance, I don't know whose son it is?

"My goodness."

"Long-legged Oppa."

"So handsome."

"No, I've fallen."

"I don't know why I desperately hope that Obama can win?"

"Yeah, how can such a handsome Oppa lose?"

Compared with the screaming girls, the boys are very calm.

"Is this called handsome?"

"Too feminine."

"Yes, men still need to be masculine."

"You said you are a Korean, what are you doing in our Hanfu?"

"This dress can be called the Korean version of Hanfu, but of course it is actually different from Hanfu."

"I just want to know what this guy is doing in this suit?"

When Park Jung-hoon came to the players' bench, he looked around the audience and said, "Today I am wearing the traditional national costume of my Korean Empire. What I want to tell you is that Go, like this suit, originated from us. The Korean Empire."

The audience was in an uproar!

No one thought that this guy would be so arrogant?

You have come to Yanhuang University, what do you mean by saying such a thing in full view?

Can't you provoke us?

"Go is the origin of our Yanhuang, this is an indisputable fact." After Park Zhengxun's voice, a cold voice cut through the venue, and then a girl in a red sweatshirt came out from the entrance.

This girl combed a high ponytail. She couldn't say how stunning she was, but her eyes were very determined.

"Chu Hongyi." Park Zhengxun shouted in blunt Chinese, "I know you, a seventh-dan Go player, but you are not my opponent."

"Isn't it too early to say something like this before the competition?" Chu Hongyi sneered.

Park Jung-hoon shook his head.

"Park Zhengxun, don't you pretend to be profound here. You are wearing my yellow clothes and speaking my Chinese language, but now you have forgotten your ancestors. Do you know what this is?" At this moment, Liang Wenhao came from a distance. The voice rang out in the audience, "Betrayal."

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