Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1979 There is a shortcut

Qi Weilian's eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy.

Judging from Qiu Minghui's tone, she has a grudge against Zhao Yang.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Here you are." Qiu Minghui handed Zhao Yang a jade bottle.

"This is...?" Zhao Yang was startled.

While tempering his body, he was also familiar with this dimension.

Tianshu taught Zhao Yang a lot of relevant knowledge.

"Spirit Quenching Liquid." Qiu Minghui replied.

Qi Weilian was shocked.

what's the situation?

The price of quenching liquid is not cheap, ten thousand one bottle.

Furthermore, Spirit Tempering Liquid is not something you can buy whenever you want, it needs [-] merit points to buy it.

"Now I've reached the third level of body tempering, but I haven't collected enough merit points yet."

"Can I buy it with enough merit points? The virtual stones on my body are only a few hundred yuan."

"I think there is a high probability that I will not have the opportunity to buy a bottle of quenching liquid before I set foot on the third heaven." Several roommates of Zhao Yang said sourly.

Zhao Yang glanced at the quenching liquid, and frowned slightly, "Why do you want to give me the quenching liquid?"

"My lady gave it to you." Qiu Minghui said via voice transmission.

"Who is your lady?"

"Han Jiaren."

This was unexpected by Zhao Yang.

He didn't expect that Han Jiaren would give him resources?

"I don't want it." What Huang Chengzi and others didn't expect was that Zhao Yang refused.

"Are you afraid that you still don't know the value of the quenching liquid?"

In Qiu Minghui's eyes, Zhao Yang was pretending to be noble.

Zhao Yang handed Qiu Minghui a universe bag, "You give this to her."

Qiu Minghui scanned with his divine sense, and was shocked to find that there were 30 imaginary stones inside.


"Tell her, you can buy whatever you want, and if you don't have enough, you can come to me again." After saying this, Zhao Yang turned and left.

Qiu Minghui was left with a confused face.

After a while, Qiu Minghui put away the Qiankun bag, turned around and walked towards the Tianzi courtyard.

"Huang Chengzi, what's the situation?" A young man asked in a daze, "Zhao Yang gave senior sister Qiu 30 virtual stones?"

"Is Zhao Yang so rich? That's 30 imaginary stones."

"I should have asked him to borrow some."

"Zhao Yang doesn't even want the quenching liquid, what's he thinking?"

Huang Chengzi spread his hands and said helplessly, "To be honest, I don't know much about this elementary school boy, because he has never attended the teacher's class."

"Where did he live during this time?"

"I do not know either."

Everyone was stunned.

Tianzi No. [-] Courtyard.

Han Jiaren looked at the virtual stone sent by Zhao Yang and felt bad.

She originally wanted to help Zhao Yang.

"Miss, haven't you always wanted to buy Lianxu Wan? With this 30 yuan, it's almost enough." Qiu Minghui suddenly thought of something.

"How can I ask for his imaginary stone?" Han Jiaren refused without thinking.


"Miss, you should know that you are one step ahead in practice, step by step. Didn't you always want to enter the Tianzi No. [-] courtyard? If you get the Lianxu Pill before Senior Brother Zhou Shixiong, then you can surpass him in practice. .”

Hearing this, Han Jiaren fell silent.


Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

As soon as I arrived at Shengzi No. [-] Courtyard, I saw a pretty girl standing at the door.

The girl saw Zhao Yang rushing up to greet her, "Bingqing has met Mr. Zhao."

"you know me?"

"I am Mr. Gudi Huang's maid." The girl explained.

"What's up?"

"Young Master said that he has broken through to the second level of the Void Realm, and he will challenge you in three days."

"Go back and tell your son not to humiliate yourself." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"According to the rules of the academy, you can refuse." Bingqing said with a smile.

Hearing that Zhao Yang's big hand pushed towards Bingqing.

The smile on Bingqing's face froze immediately, she didn't expect Zhao Yang to attack her, but she had nothing to be afraid of.

She has been tempered for the fifth time in the second layer of the Void Realm.

But when her plain hand collided with Zhao Yang's palm, her expression changed suddenly.

An overwhelming energy surged in, drowning her on the spot.

She staggered back.

Just when she thought she would be severely injured, she found that the energy dissipated immediately.


This……? "A look of horror appeared on her face.

Send and receive freely.

Zhao Yang's achievements in body training are beyond imagination.

"Do you still think that Gu Dihuang is qualified to challenge me?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"How many times have you tempered?" Bing Qing asked after pondering for a while.

"Wait until Gu Dihuang can easily defeat you, and then let him challenge me." After saying this, Zhao Yang opened the door and walked in.

Tiandi No. [-] Courtyard!

Gudihuang has been stabilizing his cultivation since his breakthrough.

When he saw Bingqing coming in, there was a faint smile on his face, "Has the notification arrived?"

"The notice has arrived, but there are some small mistakes." Bingqing said with some embarrassment.

"What's wrong?"

"He also broke through to the second level of the Void Realm."

"He also broke through?" Gu Dihuang said in surprise, but then he said, "Break through, let's break through, so that he won't say that I bullied him."

"He defeated him with one move." Bingqing said cautiously.

"What?" Gu Dihuang was startled, then thought of something, "How many times have you tempered?"

"Five times."

Gudihuang fell silent.

Then he stopped talking about the competition with Zhao Yang.


"As long as one can set foot on the second level of the Void Realm, there is not much problem in tempering oneself twice, but it will be difficult to temper the third time.

, If the background is not enough, if it is forcibly tempered, there will be problems with the foundation. " Tianshu said, suddenly he thought of something, "How many times have you tempered now? "

"Fourth time."

Tianshu suddenly didn't want to say anything.

Do you know how long it has been since Zhao Yang entered the Holy Light Academy?

"Can the Body Refining Realm be hidden?"

"The second realm of the Void Realm is to refine the power of the Void, the second realm is to refine the body, the third realm is to refine the blood, the third realm is to refine the soul, the fourth realm is Ming Dao, and the fifth realm Realm is Dao refining." Tianshu said softly, "These five realms can't be seen, unless the other party takes the initiative to expose it."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang felt relieved.

Then he practiced silently in the No. [-] courtyard of Shengzi.

Without the disturbance from Zhao Yingzi and her family members, Zhao Yang's cultivation progress was much faster than before.

Fifth time!

Sixth time!

Seventh time!

It took Zhao Yang three months to condense to the eighth time.

"According to this schedule, I don't think I can defeat Han Jiaren within three years?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"Do you think everyone is practicing step by step like you?" Zhao Yang suddenly heard the voice of a mysterious girl.

"Is there a shortcut?"

"If there is no shortcut, how did Han Jiaren cultivate to the fifth level of the Void Realm at this age?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought you wanted to practice step by step?"

(End of this chapter)

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