Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1972 Make up the numbers

Guo Bingkun's tone was full of ridicule.

And just when Zhao Yingzi was about to say something, the cup in front of Guo Bingkun exploded with a bang, but the broken pieces turned into nothingness in the eyes of everyone.

"Virtual power." Guo Bingkun stared at Zhao Yang and said.

The way everyone looked at Zhao Yang also changed.

"Brother, have you condensed the power of emptiness?" Zhao Yingzi said a little excitedly.

Because this means that Zhao Yang has become an existence at the Void Realm level.

"I accidentally broke through a while ago." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yingzi, look, let me just say, what if there is a miracle?" Guo Bingkun said with a smile.

So what if Zhao Yang condensed the power of emptiness?

Isn't it trash in his eyes?

"I don't know how much virtual power you have condensed?" Han Mingyu asked pretending to be unintentional.

"Just condensed." Zhao Yang said shyly, "About thirty."

When Zhao Yang said this, except for Zhao Yingzi and Yun Shuiyao, everyone was holding back their laughter.

Normally speaking, after everyone breaks through to a certain level, they can gather hundreds or even more.

But Zhao Yang said that he had condensed thirty ways?

This is not what is waste?

Everyone chatted for a while, then Zhao Yingzi took Zhao Yang and left the restaurant.

"Brother, what gift do you want? I'll give it to you."


"You broke through

Void Realm, this is a great joy. Zhao Yingzi said with a smile, "Shouldn't my sister give you a gift?" "

"No need." Zhao Yang refused, "By the way, sister, are you a student of the Holy Academy?"

Zhao Yingzi nodded.

"The Sacred Academy is quite different from the Holy Light Academy. In addition, the three of Qin Qing and the others are also from the Holy Academy. The distance between the two academies is not very far, so the two academies often socialize and interact." Zhao Yingzi said slowly, "But the Holy Light The students of the academy have high vision, and generally they look down on the Holy Academy."

There was a clear look in Zhao Yang's eyes.

"Go home, I want to practice."

"it is good."

After Zhao Yang returned to the family, he closed the door and continued to practice.

Zhao Yingzi told Zhao Cuishan about it.

Zhao Cuishan was startled by the news, but his expression became restrained immediately, "How much virtual power has he gathered?"


"Three thousand?" Zhao Cuishan thought it was a bit too much, so he changed his tune and said, "Three hundred?"

"Thirty." Zhao Yingzi said with some embarrassment.

Zhao Cuishan opened his mouth wide in astonishment, then turned and left angrily.

The next day Xiaocui pushed open the door of the room.

"Young master, this is the quenching liquid that the master gave you."

At this time, the soul in Zhao Yang's ring murmured, "Fourth Grade Quenching Liquid, boy, your father

I hurt you very much. "

In the end, what he didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly said to Xiao Cui, "Here you are."

Tianshu couldn't bear it anymore, he roared at Zhao Yang, "The source quenching liquid is divided into grades one to nine, do you know how precious the source quenching liquid of the fourth grade is?"

"I want you to take care of it." Zhao Yang said angrily.

"A bottle of source quenching liquid needs [-] virtual stones."

"Is one hundred thousand imaginary stones expensive?"

"It would be nice for a family like yours to have tens of millions of imaginary stones."

"Our Zhao family is also one of the five major families in Sky City."

"Actually, most of the monks are not qualified to touch virtual stones, that is to say, more than 90.00% of the monks do not have virtual stones. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Zhao Yang immediately contacted the mysterious girl.

"Sister, can you give me a batch of imaginary stones?"

"Okay." After her words fell, a universe bag appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

Of course Tianshu can't see it.

Zhao Yang's divine sense scanned it and found that there were 100 billion virtual stones inside.

100 million.

"Sister, don't you give too much?" Zhao Yang asked dumbfounded.

"Forget it, you will ask me later."


At this moment, Xiao Cui swallowed dryly, "My lord, are you really giving it to me?"

Of course Xiao Cui knew the value of the Quenching Source Liquid.

"Here it is for you. If the master gives you the resources for cultivation in the future, you will

Just use it yourself. "After saying this, Zhao Yang continued to practice.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

This day, Xiao Cui pushed open Zhao Yang's door again, "Young Master, Master calls you to the front hall."

"Is something wrong?"

"The top ten colleges are enrolling students today, the master calls you to try your luck."

Zhao Yang pondered for a while.

"There is still a gap between your family's spiritual power and the academy's. Besides, the academy has various resources. I suggest you go to the academy." Tianshu said to Zhao Yang at this time.

Zhao Yang thought about it and decided to go.

When he arrived at the front hall, he found that there were already a dozen men and women waiting here, but they looked at Zhao Yang with sarcasm in their eyes.

I saw Zhao Yang came in front of a young man, and slapped him with his hands.

The audience was in an uproar.

"What are you doing?" The boy who was beaten looked at Zhao Yang angrily.

"Zhao Chongrui, tell me, what did you mean when you looked at me just now?" Zhao Yang asked with cold eyes.

"I...I..." Zhao Chongrui was speechless for a while.

"Remember, you are collateral, and I am direct. You can despise me in your heart, but don't show it, or if I am narrow-minded, I will kill you secretly, believe it or not?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

The faces of Zhao Chongrui and others changed suddenly.

"Patriarch, why don't you ask?" A middle-aged man said with an unfriendly expression.

"I think what Zhao Yang said is right. These little guys should be beaten." What Zhao Cuishan didn't expect was that Zhao Cuishan actually said that, "It's nothing more than they despise the direct line of the family. If they behave like this outside, God knows what disaster it will bring to the family?"

"Okay, don't argue about this, it's time for us to go to the assessment." The first elder of the Zhao family said.

The assessment location is in the square of Sky City.

At this time, the square was already crowded with people.

However, the Zhao family is one of the five major families in Sky City, so a part of the field is reserved for the Zhao family.

After Zhao's arrival, many people looked sideways.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did that trash Zhao Yang come here?"

"That's right, did he come to make up the numbers?"

"Zhao Yang is declining more and more. Does Zhao Yang need to make up the numbers now?"

"The most amazing member of the Zhao family's direct lineage is Zhao Long, but Zhao Long's mediocre performance in Shengguang Academy soon faded away from everyone."

"Not to mention the rest of the direct descendants of the Zhao family, they didn't even enter the Holy Light Academy. As for the collateral descendants, forget it, let alone."

Everyone's discussion quickly spread to the ears of Zhao Cuishan and other high-level officials.

Zhao Cuishan's face was gloomy.

"Father, I'll go up and slap them in the face later." Zhao Yang came to Zhao Cuishan and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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