Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1961 The elite of the elite

"It's not easy to train these elites, even the Holy City can produce them."

"That's right, that's why I'm curious? By the way, Yanhuangzong isn't trying to fool us, is it?"

"Zhao Yang won't joke about such things."

The monks of the heavens doubted it, but they were still fighting bravely.

Nine months later, Lin Caihan came to the alliance headquarters.

"The army of Yanhuangzong is already preparing, and it will arrive at the alliance headquarters in three months." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"Excuse me, how many troops will the Yanhuang Sect send?" the Lord of the Holy City asked, staring into Lin Caihan's eyes.

"Yan Huang Sect will send [-] million troops." After Lin Caihan's voice fell, the audience was in an uproar.

They guessed that Yanhuangzong should have 2000 million to 3000 million.

It's just that no one would have imagined that [-] million could still be dispatched.

"[-] million?" The old Taoist patriarch said in a deep voice, "Forgive me, even if the Yanhuang Sect sends [-] million soldiers, we may not have the ability to counterattack."

"Every time Yan Huangzong comes, he sends four different types of legions, do you know?"

"The King's Legion, the Zijin Legion, the Gold Legion, the Silver Legion and the Reserve Legion." The old Taoist patriarch replied.

"How many do you think the King's Legion Yanhuangzong should have?"

"Eight out of ten, I think."

"Yanhuangzong has thirty branches."

What came to mind was that Lin Caihan actually said this number, "This time the Yanhuang Sect will leave two guarding sects, and the remaining 28 will be dispatched."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Because everyone has seen the amazing fighting power of the king's army.

"Wait, what is the configuration of your King's Legion?" The old patriarch of the Soul Clan asked hurriedly, "Are these 28 branches all composed of two high-level taboos, [-] mid-level taboos, and [-] early-stage taboos?" Woolen cloth?"

"Now the configuration of Yanhuangzong king's legion has been further improved." Lin Caihan glanced at the old patriarch of the soul clan and said, "Each legion is composed of three high-level taboos, three hundred early taboos, and nine thousand early taboos."

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

Before, everyone was worried that Yanhuangzong couldn't get such a luxurious configuration, but who would have thought that Yanhuangzong's configuration was even more luxurious than before.

"Everyone, prepare for it too. You only need to leave a small part of the garrison sect, and push the rest of the elite up." Lin Caihan said and distributed a batch of resources to everyone, "These are the mid-level battleships and warships of the Emperor God , Let’s take a look and divide it up.”

Everyone was stunned.

"Did the Yanhuang Sect no longer need the resources of the mid-term of the Emperor?" The lord of the holy city seemed to realize something.

"That's right, the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect have the lowest level of cultivation, and they are all high-level god emperors." Lin Caihan nodded and said.


Lin Caihan's high-level executives were frightened.

They immediately understood why Lin Caihan didn't want the mid-level warships and puppets of the God Emperor.

Because it is not needed.

After Lin Caihan left, all ethnic groups dispatched the elite of the sect one after another.

Everyone knows this is the ultimate battle.

After the victory of this battle, the heavens will no longer face the threat of the dark race.

Three months passed quickly.

The disciples of Yanhuangzong were ready to go as early as three days ago.

Every soldier is equipped with what can be called luxurious equipment, and the captains are protected by war puppets.

They stood on the battleship with solemn and terrifying expressions.

"Qingqiu, the sect will be handed over to you." Zhao Yang looked at Leng Qingqiu and said softly.

Yanhuangzong could not be without guards.

This time Zhao Yang left behind one Supreme Legion, two King Legions, four Purple Gold Legions, eight Gold Legions, sixteen Silver Legions, 32 Reserves, and three warships at the peak of the God Emperor. Six war puppets at the peak of the god emperor, and ten scrolls at the peak of taboo.

These are the last details of Yanhuangzong.

"Be careful all the way." Leng Qingqiu said with some worry.

Leng Qingqiu really wanted to go out with the army, but she also knew that the sect needed someone to guard it.

And Zhao Yang's ability to hand over the sect to her also proved his trust in her.

"Go out." Following Zhao Yang's order, hundreds of millions of monks headed for the battlefield in tens of thousands of battleships.


The sixth line of defense!

This line of defense was in jeopardy under the attack of the dark race, but under the fearlessness of the disciples of Yan Huangzong, this line of defense could not be broken through.

Suddenly a warship appeared above this line of defense, followed by a second, and then a third.

When the No. 20 fifth battleship appeared, 25 soldiers rushed towards the Anzu on the sixth line of defense like wolves and tigers.

These 25 soldiers belonged to the Yanhuangzong King Legion.

Their combat power is extremely powerful, and their cultivation base is also very high.

Hundreds of millions of Anzu who rushed to the front were killed in an instant.


There is absolutely no way for the Anzu to stop them.

Just when both sides were stunned, more than 90 soldiers of the Zijin Legion of Yanhuangzong also arrived.

More than 90 soldiers immediately used combat equipment.

After more than 90 spears blasted into the Anzu group, it caused a shocking explosion, and immediately billions of Anzu people were directly submerged in the battlefield.

Then came the Golden Legion, the Silver Legion, and the Reserve Legion.

The monks of the heavens watched the hundreds of millions of monks of the Yanhuang Sect appear in an instant, and then annihilated the tens of billions of monks of the Dark Clan in a very short period of time, all of them showed incredible expressions on their faces.

"The fifth line of defense."

"The hundreds of millions of monks of the Yanhuang Sect pushed them back to the fifth line of defense in an instant."


Is it the true background of Yanhuangzong? "

At this time, the Dark Son and other high-level officials of the Dark Clan were alarmed.

"Where did such a large army come from?"

"They are all the best of the best."

"We can't stop it here."

"Drop masters from the major legions, and we must snipe and kill this legion."

When the Anzu was acting on the other side, the legions of the heavens also reacted and joined the battlefield one after another.

The fourth line of defense!

Yan Huangzong's fighting power is too amazing.

As long as there is an obstacle ahead, they push all the way.

The Dark Clan couldn't stop it at all.

"Kill." At this moment, the Dark Clan managed to assemble one hundred thousand elites, and all of these one hundred thousand troops were formed by taboo powerhouses.

Seeing the high-level faces of this elite group of heavens, there was a look of shock.

They didn't expect that the Dark Race could put together such a powerful lineup at this time.

When they were rushing towards the Yanhuangzong King's Army, what neither side expected was that the King's Army didn't even make any defensive gestures.

They didn't seem to take this elite team seriously, they just killed their opponents for their own sake.


At this moment, the void split open, and tens of thousands of figures walked out of the void.

And when the tens of thousands of figures stood in the sky, the whole world shook violently.

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