Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1958 Can't Persevere

The Son of Darkness's expression suddenly darkened.

They do want to beat the heavens, but that doesn't mean they don't want a home.

"Then just watch how we penetrate your defense." The Son of Darkness pointed at the defense and said loudly, "Kill."

The existence of hundreds of taboo peaks took the lead, and the strong men from the heavens also shot one after another.

You come to me on both sides.

However, it can be seen that the taboo powerhouses on the side of the heavens have been suppressed.

"The taboo peak of the dark race is so tyrannical?"

"The war puppets of Yanhuangzong seem to be stronger than the peak taboos of our heavens?"

"How did Yanhuangzong do it?"

However, even if the existence of the taboo peak is suppressed, it is impossible to tell the winner within a period of time, unless the other party has the absolute strength to crush.

Like Zhao Yang!

A flame suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and the speed of the flame was so fast that many monks could not catch his trace.

He saw a taboo strongman of the Anzu, but at this moment he was forcibly locked by the battleship, and he didn't have the extra strength to avoid it.


The flame hit him, smashing him to pieces on the spot.

Only then did everyone see that the light was the copper furnace of heaven and earth.

But soon that figure appeared again.

He looked at Zhao Yang with disbelief, "You were clearly injured just now, why don't you

Why did you recover so quickly? "

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Of course Zhao Yang would not tell him that just now he used the critical strike mode of the Time Martial Soul.

Is this also the reason why his injury can heal so quickly?


Zhao Yang carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and killed it again.

The strong man at the peak of taboo fought Zhao Yang three times before being blown away again.

But what made Zhao Yang unhappy was that the other party recovered again.

"I have acquired the combat power to fight across ranks, but I still can't do it with my current strength if I want to kill the opponent at once." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

However, Zhao Yang's background reached 480 after all, so the opponent never appeared after the third hit.


"Zhao Yang smashed a taboo pinnacle by birth."

"As expected of the strongest hero."

"I think Zhao Yang can be called the strongest existence in the heavens."

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang had already rushed towards the second taboo peak.

And in order to kill the opponent as soon as possible, Zhao Yang can be said to be full of firepower, and he used a big move when he came up.




After Zhao Yang killed three gods in a row, the faces of the Forbidden Peak powerhouses from the Dark Clan turned green.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yang has broken the balance of power.

"Increase troops."

"Immediately recruit another [-] taboo peaks, I don't believe that Zhao Yang can keep killing him." The Son of Darkness growled.

The Son of Darkness was severely injured, and his injuries have not recovered.

It didn't take long for thirty strong men of the peak taboo to arrive. When these strong men were about to besiege Zhao Yang, who would have thought that thirty war puppets of the peak taboo appeared beside Zhao Yang.

"You..." The Son of Darkness was startled.

He didn't expect that at this time, Yanhuangzong still had a hole card in his hand.

"Zhao Yang, there are hundreds of powerhouses in the taboo peak of our Dark Clan. If you fight for your background, can you beat us?" The Son of Darkness looked at Zhao Yang with a ferocious expression.

The Son of Darkness said here that Zhao Yang sacrificed a killing formation.

This killing formation enveloped a taboo peak of the Anzu, and the sword intent all over the sky severely injured him on the spot, and then the war puppet who confronted him made up his sword and killed him.

Of course he won't be killed easily, but the killing array won't be easily annihilated either.

Everyone watched helplessly as that person was killed nine times, and finally that person turned into ashes unwillingly.

But that killing array rushed towards the forbidden peak of the No. 2 dark race.

"How many people can be killed by this killing scroll?" Son of Darkness asked coldly.

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, a hundred scrolls of formations of the peak of taboo appeared beside him.

Every scroll flashes with terrifying fluctuations, and this fluctuation makes the powerhouses of the heavens

They were all shocked.

"How many powerhouses do you think these [-] taboo pinnacle formation scrolls can kill?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

The Son of Darkness stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded, "Impossible, the heavens don't have so many resources at all, allowing you to refine so many taboo pinnacle scrolls?"

In his opinion, this is too incredible.

The monks of the heavens couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, they were desperate before, because the high-end combat power was not as good as others, and once the high-end combat power was defeated, the five lines of defense could not stop the opponent at all.

"Zhao Yang, even if you have these [-] taboo pinnacle formation scrolls, we can still crush you in terms of high-end combat power." The Dark Son said slowly after a while.

"Crush?" Zhao Yang waved his hand, and eighty war puppets appeared beside him.

These eighty war puppets are all taboo peaks.

"We still have a lot of advantages." The Son of Darkness said through gritted teeth.

Zhao Yang smiled and summoned another thirty warships.

"You must have understood the power of battleships." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Do you still have an advantage now?"

"Yes." The Son of Darkness said unwillingly.

Zhao Yang pointed to these warships and war puppets and said, "We gods don't care about their casualties, you know?" Zhao Yang just said here, only to see a war puppet suddenly turned into a raging fire, and he ignited his own origin , he not only envelops his opponent,

He also forcibly pulled a nearby Anzu statue near him.

The second Dark Clan tried his best to get out of the range of the flames, but he was severely injured and his body was covered with scars.

As for the wrapped Dark Race being burned to death and resurrected again, after repeating this more than a dozen times, they finally fell.

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the Dark Clan were secretly startled.

Zhao Yang is right.

Battle puppets and battleships don't care about casualties.

"Zhao Yang, you should know that if our high-end combat power is disregarding life and death, you will not be able to take advantage of it." At this moment, the voice of the former son of darkness sounded from the depths of the darkness, "Now neither of us How about using the combat power of the taboo taboo peak?"

Zhao Yang stared at the depths of the Anzu and pondered for a while before saying, "Yes."

The City Lord of the Holy City and others are also aware of this matter, and it is most suitable for both sides not to use high-end combat power.

Immediately, the fighting power of Taboo Peak was withdrawn one after another.

But Zhutian's side still has a disadvantage, because there are too many masters on their side.

Fortunately, there is a 400 million army of Yan Huangzong, these soldiers are well equipped, besides all kinds of killing arrays, they also have a lot of fighting equipment.

However, the number of casualties continued to rise over time.

"The battle is going on for a long time."

"In fact, this is a good thing for us."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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