Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1956 The Son of Darkness

The flags waved and covered the sky.

A large number of dark tribe soldiers are coming here continuously.

The City Lord of the Holy City and others also saw this scene.

Their faces became ugly.

But they also knew there was no other way.

But what the heavens didn't expect was that the number of dark tribes increased to 3000 billion in just three days.

Zhao Yang walked out of the cave and stood in front of tens of millions of soldiers.

"Are you all ready?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You were able to stop the dark army 30 years ago because I was retreating at that time." Zhao Yang's voice fell before a young man in a black imperial robe came out.

His eyes were as black as ink, and his long hair was draped over his shoulders. When he thought about it, the universe shook.

"Are you...?" Zhao Yang smelled a faint crisis in the young man.

"I am the son of darkness of the civilization of the Dark Race." The young man said here with fierce murderous intent in his eyes, "You heavens were defeated in the last civilization, and now you heavens are also doomed to fail."

"Not ashamed to speak."

The Son of Darkness pointed at Zhao Yang and said sharply, "Fight."

His voice was like a world-shattering voice, and it fell between the boundless heaven and earth in an instant.

Dao marks spread towards Zhao Yang like a galaxy.

Zhao Yang's whole body was glowing.

The true meaning of Taoism that is rolling like a tide is like a fire that topples the world.


When the two collided together, a violent explosion was caused, and the tyrannical shock wave

Let the strong people at the peak of the taboo look sideways.

"Is this the strength of the Son of Darkness?"

"The strength of the Son of Darkness has surpassed those of us old guys."

"The Son of Darkness's aptitude has already exceeded [-], and he was trained by the previous Son of Darkness these years. Do you think his strength may be weak? But what shocked me was Zhao Yang. Why is this guy so powerful? "

"Yeah, this guy can actually compete with the Son of Darkness!"

While the two sides were discussing, the two figures collided fiercely.

Both are existences with more than four hundred foundations.

Therefore, this battle is destined to be earth-shattering.

Seeing the scene where the City Lord of the Holy City is anxious, they are very disturbed, because they are still counting on Zhao Yang to suppress a group of dark people's forbidden peak?

Ten tricks!

Twenty strokes!

Thirty strokes!

After fighting until now, Son of Darkness saw that he could not take down Zhao Yang, and realized that it would be difficult to do so in a short time.

So the Son of Darkness ordered those strong men to lead their soldiers to attack the heavens.

At the moment when those strong men were about to give an order, Zhao Yang suddenly let out a long cry, and in his hand appeared a copper furnace of heaven and earth spewing out endless Taoist true meaning.

He carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and smashed it down on the Son of Darkness.

Even though the Son of Darkness hastily used several movement techniques, he was still staggered and retreated by the copper furnace of heaven and earth.


A series of runes suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth. These runes were like cages, imprisoning the ten gods.

The strong man at the top of the taboo was imprisoned.

"not good."

"When did Zhao Yang arrange the array runes?"

"He didn't use all his strength when he fought with the Son of Darkness?"

"He wants to kill these ten strong men who are at the peak of taboo."

"You can't let him succeed."

"Everyone join hands to break the ban."

After realizing this, the strong man of the dark race hastily made a move.

It's just that Zhao Yang will not do what they wish.

The power of hundreds of empties turned into an indestructible sickle and beheaded the existence of the ten taboo peaks on the spot.

The audience was in an uproar.

No one has such a powerful existence of the taboo pinnacle, so that it will fall if it is said to fall?

The heavens are very excited.

Zhao Yang suddenly reduced ten taboo peak opponents for the heavens.

At this moment, the hairs all over Zhao Yang's body exploded instantly, and he couldn't help but look into the distance.

He saw a pair of big hands.

Those big hands are like jade, coming from thousands of miles away from the sky.

Comes in an instant.

Zhao Yang suddenly felt that Mount Tai was pressing down on him, and his whole body was imprisoned so that he could hardly move.

"How is it possible?" Zhao Yang was startled.

How could the dark race have this level of existence?

"Shooting is my master, who is also the previous Son of Darkness." At this time, the Son of Darkness laughed in the distance, "Although my master has said that he has not taken a crucial step in these years, my master has a great deal of respect for Xu There is still some understanding of the realm of the realm."

Zhao Yang suddenly

Realized that the one in the forbidden area had definitely reached the limit.

And that person's background is also profound and terrifying.

He is not an opponent now.

"Then you just stare wide-eyed at how I defeated your master?" Zhao Yang said that Xu Zhili was summoned by him.

Ten ways.




Zhao Yang summoned two hundred Taoists in one breath.

He knew very well that such existences were not easily defeated.

So he used almost all of his virtual power.

The power of two hundred dao xu turned into invisible fluctuations, and everyone saw the jade hand hanging high in the sky, and it turned into nothingness in an instant.

And the previous Son of Darkness, who was far away in the depths of the Dark Clan, spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked in Zhao Yang's direction with resentment and said, "It's true that I haven't taken a critical step in these years, so I can only find another way, which is refining." The power of the void. I don't have the skills of the virtual realm, so I can't refine the power of the void, but I don't think I have much power of the void at this time, right?"

"There aren't many?" Zhao Yang said and shot in one direction, and tens of millions of soldiers instantly turned into bubbles.

All the soldiers in the audience were frightened.

Is the power of the void so terrifying?

For a while, no one dared to act rashly?

"Playing with mystery." The Son of Darkness stood up at this time and pointed at Zhao Yang, "If you have the ability, you use the power of the void to kill me?"


A thunderbolt transformed from mental power struck fiercely

On the body of the Son of Darkness.

The Son of Darkness was instantly split open.

"You..." In fact, the Son of Darkness was extremely anxious just now, but who would have thought that Zhao Yang would play such a trick.

Zhao Yang looked at the dense dark army and sighed softly.

He has tried his best.

At this time, the virtual power in the body has been exhausted.

He can only retreat.

After Zhao Yang retreated to the cave, he told the soldiers stationed in the cave to retreat.

"Sect Master Zhao, our duty is to guard this front." A soldier said in a deep voice.

"This battle line will be handed over to the war puppets. Our decisive battle will not be here." Zhao Yang looked at the soldier and said, "This cave is connected to the veins of the heavens and the earth. The foundation will collapse, and at that time the five fronts we have worked so hard to lay out will be useless."

The heavens need the soldiers of the Dark Race to occupy this cave.

But it can't be too obvious, so there is no need for these soldiers to stay here.

"Listen to Sect Master Zhao." The Lord of the Holy City said in a deep voice.

These soldiers retreated unwillingly.

After they retreated, Zhao Yang summoned a thousand high-ranking war puppets of the God Emperor.

"Your task is to be stationed here."

Those war puppets respectfully said yes.

Immediately, Zhao Yang summoned three taboo peak scrolls, ten taboo high-level scrolls, and thirty taboo mid-level formation scrolls.

"Use these formation scrolls to snipe and kill the incoming Dark Race as much as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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