Hearing this, his face turned green.

Are you kidding me?

He knew that if he dared to go up, he would be killed [-]%.

Zhao Zu came to Xincheng.

Zhao Zu met Zhao Yang in the new city.

"Now that the situation is critical, what should the Zhao family do?"

Zhao Zu was worried that others would poke his spine.

"The Zhao Clan sent one-tenth of the elite to the Land of Light to help the alliance build a defensive formation." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Where is Yan Huangzong?"

"Yanhuangzong won't go."


Zhao Yang handed Zhao Zu a Qiankun bag, "The Qiankun bag contains a batch of resources I gave to the Zhao family. You should keep these resources well and don't disclose them for now."

Zhao Zu's divine sense scanned, but he almost didn't pee in fear.

What did he see?

33 warships of the peak god king, 72 high-level warships of the god king, 110 million war puppets of the peak god king, and 370 million war puppets of the peak god king.In addition to these high-level warships and war puppets, there are also some high-level god kings, and war puppets and war puppets who were born in the gods.

These add up to as much as 2000 million.

"Don't these Yanhuang sects need it?"

"Yanhuangzong doesn't need resources of this level."

Zhao Zu immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.

"And tell the clansmen, don't be pessimistic, just practice with peace of mind, and the dark clan won't break through and enter after three months."

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Zu suddenly thought

realized something.

"I have the ability to suppress the Dark Race." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"Be careful." Zhao Zu said worriedly.

After Zhao Zu left, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong to continue his practice.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

On this day, Xiaoyuan sent a message to Zhao Yang that the Divine Stone of Light was about to be shattered.

Zhao Yang quickly arrived at the location of the Light God Stone.

At a glance, he saw tens of millions of monks waiting in battle, and the three solid lines of defense bloomed with amazing murderous intent.

Zhao Yang threw a universe bag to Xiao Yuan.

"This is a batch of resources for the Guardian Alliance, I hope you can use them." Zhao Yang said softly.

Xiao Yuan was shocked when he saw the resources in the universe bag.

Didn't she expect that the Yanhuangzong would create so many resources in the early days?

"The battleship of the peak of the 33 thousand god kings, and the war puppet of the peak of the 110 thousand god kings, is this true?"

"Yanhuangzong created so many resources in the early days?"

"How deep is Yan Huangzong hiding?"

"These warships and war puppets add up to nearly 2000 million."

"It's so scary."

The city lord of the holy city was a little shocked when he saw this scene.

Because the Holy City doesn't have so many warships and war puppets in the God King Realm, okay?

Who wouldn't be extravagant enough to build so many war puppets and warships?

"Who is the person in charge of the Nine Heavens Alliance?" Zhao Yang asked at this time


The nine patriarchs including the Dao clan stood up one after another.

Zhao Yang tossed them a universe bag respectively, "Distribute these resources according to the strength of your alliance. Of course, you can also do what you want."

The nine patriarchs dared not even say so.

They are the leaders of the alliance, so they get the most points.

Besides, if these resources are distributed, won't they strengthen the strength of their alliance?

"Who is the person in charge of the Eight-Party Alliance?" Zhao Yang asked again.

Eight powerhouses including Zhutian Express stepped forward.

Zhao Yang gave them another Qiankun bag, "You should also send these resources to your alliance."

The two major alliances found that the total resources in their hands were only half of Xiaoyuan's.

But they have no complaints.

After all, their relationship with Zhao Yang is not good?

"Take me to the land of the Light God Stone." Zhao Yang then looked at Xiao Yuan.

"Follow me." Xiao Yuan said hastily.

A large number of masters, including the city lord of the Holy City, followed suit.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to see a huge radiant stone, but this stone was obviously much dimmer.

There is also a killing array and a guarding array around the Guangming God Stone.

Zhao Yang stood there quietly.

As time went by, the Divine Light Stone became more and more dimmer, and when it was completely extinguished, fine cracks appeared inside the Divine Stone of Light, and then it exploded with a bang.

people's hearts are not

By a tremor.

The moment the Divine Light Stone was shattered, a depressive breath poured in, and the monks present shuddered subconsciously, and then they heard a sound of shouting to kill.

Everyone looked towards the outside world.

They saw densely packed soldiers of the Dark Race.

Their eyes were full of bloodlust, and they looked at Zhao Yang and others with cold eyes.

"Billions of dark races."

"The breath of these dark people is too fierce."

"Murderous. How many people did these dark people kill?"

"The dark people are born to like to kill."

Just when the soul clan and other old patriarchs were worried, Zhao Yang raised his feet and walked towards the cave entrance.

When he appeared at the entrance of the cave, those dark people all looked at Zhao Yang.

There was a look of astonishment on their faces.

They don't understand which guy is so strong-headed and dares to take the initiative to come to the Anzu's side?

"Who is your person in charge?"

Soldiers of the dark tribe, you look at me, I look at you, what's going on?

This guy came to negotiate?

"What do you want to talk about?" At this moment, a tall figure came out more and more.

An extremely powerful aura flows from his body, and the terrifying fluctuations shake the void.

"The strength of our heavens has not yet grown, so you can give us another 30 years." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Why should we give you another 30 years?" The figure sneered.

"Just because I can kill these soldiers

clean. "Zhao Yang pointed to the billions of soldiers standing opposite.

"It's fine if you're at the peak of the taboo. The problem is that you're just a high-ranking taboo. I want to know who gave you the courage?" The figure looked at Zhao Yang like a fool.

Zhao Yang waved his big hand forward.

A terrifying breath permeated towards the billions of monks.

The hair on that figure exploded instantly, and he felt inexplicable danger.

As soon as he moved, he appeared thousands of miles away.

At this time, a scene that frightened him happened, and he saw that billions of soldiers were shattered in an instant.

They have been erased from this piece of heaven and earth, and there is not even the slightest trace left.

"How is it possible?" His face was full of disbelief.

His cultivation has also reached the peak of taboo, but is it possible to kill so many monks at the same time?

The life source of the strong man in the taboo realm is extremely powerful, how can it be wiped out if it is wiped out?

Furthermore, how many taboo powerhouses are there?

"Don't you know the next level of Taboo Realm?" Zhao Yang said indifferently with his hands behind his back.


Zhao Yang realized that it was almost impossible for him to control this power after he stepped into the Void Realm in practice.

But he can refine the power of the void.

With the help of the Time Martial Soul, he spent 200 years refining two hundred virtual powers.

Just now Zhao Yang used one hundred virtual powers at once.

(End of this chapter)

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