Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1944 What are you afraid of?

Zhao Yang knew very well that Shengcheng was challenging him.

It depends on whether Yan Huangzong will follow or not?

"It seems that what you said is right, the holy city is indeed quite powerful." Zhao Yang said lightly, "but the taboo high-level divine fruit, the holy city will not give it randomly, right?"

"Don't talk about taboo high-level, even if it's taboo middle-level, if you want to get it, you have to be loyal to the Holy City." Ye Hui nodded and said, "Of course you can have your own sect, usually the Holy City will not interfere , but when it comes to major events, you must obey the holy city."

"Let me just say, there are no conditions, how is it possible?" Zhao Yang's face showed a look of relief, "When will the Holy City announce this news?"

"It will be announced soon." Seeing Zhao Yang's pensive expression, Ye Hui hurriedly asked, "Are you going to follow up?"

"Why didn't you follow up?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Since your holy city wants to slap me in the face, of course I can't give it this chance."

Yanhuangzong now has twenty longevity peaches and eighty treasure trees.

Among them, the longevity peach tree blooms every 800 years, and bears fruit every 800 years. Each time, it can bear three birthday peaches for three times, thirty peaches for two years, and three hundred peaches for one year.

Today's energy multiplier can only increase the level of the two-kalpa birthday peach, that is to say, [-] one-kalpa birthday peaches can be upgraded to the second kalpa, and thirty two-kalpa birthday peaches can be upgraded to the third kalpa.

Zhao Yang can now condense twenty times more time crystals

In other words, in 80 years, Zhao Yang could get [-] birthday peaches for the second robbery and [-] peaches for the third robbery.

As for the original Three Tribulations Birthday Peach, Zhao Yang kept it to no avail.

When Zhao Yang got these longevity peaches, he harvested a wave, and now the second wave of longevity peaches is ripening one after another.

It can be said that the longevity peach in Zhao Yang's hand is far beyond Ye Hui's imagination.

Let's talk about Bamboo Fruit.

Each Baibaoguo blooms every ten years and bears fruit every ten years. With the help of time crystals, it has already bloomed every six months and fruited every six months.

That is to say, Yan Huangzong can harvest 24 half-step taboo fruits, [-] god emperor peak fruits, and [-] god emperor high-level fruits in one year.

Under the irradiation of the energy multiplier mirror, you can actually get 24 fruits of the early stage of taboo, [-] fruits of half-step taboo, and [-] fruits of the peak of the emperor.

This is also the real reason why Lin Caihan dared to recruit a million monks?

"You're crazy." Ye Hui stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

"It's okay to be slapped in the face if you don't have the strength. If you say you have the strength to be slapped in the face, there is no reason for that?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You..." Ye Hui didn't know what to say.

I have to say that the holy city is very chicken thief.

Because just the day before the second Enlightenment Conference in Xincheng was about to be held, Holy City announced a big news.

"The invasion of the dark tribe is imminent, and the holy city is deeply terrified. For the safety of the heavens, the holy city is preparing to form an alliance. All members of the alliance can obtain advanced exercises and resources within the alliance, such as half-step Taboo, taboo early stage, taboo mid-stage, and even taboo high-level divine fruit."

After the holy city announced the news, the forces of the heavens were shocked.

What does the holy city want to do?

In fact, no force wants to join the so-called alliance, because once it joins the alliance, it will be restricted by the alliance.

Just when the forces of the heavens were a little uneasy, the holy city announced the second big news.

"The alliance will provide three high-level taboos, ten middle-level taboos, thirty early-stage taboos, and one hundred half-step taboo god fruits to the forces that join the alliance within the next ten years."

This news quickly detonated the heavens.

"Three high-level taboos, ten mid-level taboos, thirty early-stage taboos, and one hundred half-step taboo divine fruits. This is too big a deal."

"I guess those top forces may not be tempted."

"The top forces may not be tempted, but more than 90.00% of the forces will be tempted."

"Do you think Yanhuangzong will follow up?"

"Do you think Yanhuangzong has so many resources? You must know that these resources are all top-notch."

"What if Yanhuangzong also has these resources?"

While discussing with many parties, there was another news from the holy city.

"The number of places in the alliance is limited, those who want to sign up come tomorrow."

After seeing this, everyone became more and more sure that the holy city was targeting Yanhuangzong.

Xiaoyuan heard about this and came to Zhao Yang's study.

"There is a longevity peach tree in the holy city."

"Shou Taoshu?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

He didn't expect that the holy city also had longevity peach trees.

"The holy city is the longevity peach tree obtained in the previous civilization." Xiao Yuan explained, "In addition, the deputy city lord Huang Shang has awakened the power of time, so they have actually harvested fifty waves of fruit."

"Fifty waves." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

Fifty waves means that they have harvested 150 taboo high-level birthday peaches, [-] taboo mid-stage birthday peaches, and [-] taboo early-stage birthday peaches.

But don't forget that Zhao Yang owns ten longevity peach trees.

With the help of the energy multiplier, one wave consists of [-] taboo peak birthday peaches (the ability has not been improved yet), [-] taboo high-level birthday peaches, and [-] taboo mid-stage birthday peaches.

"How far has Huang Shang's power of time reached?"

"Eight times."

"Eight times?" Zhao Yang murmured.

In this way, Huang Shang's power of time is still far behind his own.

But the reason why Zhao Yang's power of time is so tyrannical

Mainly because of the time spirit.

"Yanhuangzong will announce follow-up in the early morning."

"You're crazy." Xiao Yuan exclaimed.

"I also have longevity peach trees." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"What?" Xiao Yuan stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

It is impossible for the nine top powers outside the territory and the eight top powers of the Forbidden Road to join the alliance of the Holy City, but it does not mean that other forces are unwilling to join the alliance of the Holy City.

After the holy city released three news before and after, those forces rushed towards the holy city after discussion.

As a result, Zhao Yang also released a message in the name of Xincheng in the early morning.

"The catastrophe of immortality is coming, and Xincheng can't bear the loss of life, so it decided to form an alliance, and everyone will watch and help each other."

When Xincheng issued this statement, it quickly detonated the heavens.

Everyone realized that Xincheng was going to challenge Holy City.

As a result, many forces rushing towards the holy city also stopped.

"In order to enhance the strength of the members of the alliance, Yanhuangzong decided to provide a batch of resources."

"The alliance will provide six high-level taboos, [-] middle-level taboos, [-] early-stage taboos, and [-] half-step taboo god fruits to the forces that join the alliance in the next ten years."

When this news was released, the forces of the heavens went crazy.

No one expected that Yanhuangzong would have doubled the resources.

(End of this chapter)

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