Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1923 Almost dug through

And when the night cat saw the person coming, it was so scared that it was about to pee its pants.

Who in the heavens doesn't know that Zhao Yang has stepped into the forbidden realm.


You must know that the night cat is only in the early days of the emperor.


"I didn't expect that after all these years, you are still stubborn." Zhao Yang stared at the night cat at this point, "Let me see how many people you have harmed in these years?"

Ye Mao couldn't help but shuddered.

He quickly sent a distress signal to Ye Mei and Night King.

Soon Zhao Yang calculated Ye Mao's life.

"The number of women who have been persecuted by you in these years has reached more than 700, Ye Mao, you really deserve to die." At this point, Zhao Yang grabbed Ye Mao's neck, "Tell me, how do you want to die? "

"I...I..." Ye Mao wanted to say that he didn't want to die.

"Sect Master Zhao, show mercy." A figure in the distance rushed towards this side.

Who is it but the Night King?

"Should I call you Night King or Night Emperor now?" Zhao Yang said while twisting Night Cat's neck, and then threw him aside like trash.

Yehuang looked at the breathless night cat, feeling bitter in his heart.

But he didn't dare to express anything on his face.

"Zhao Zongzhu, you are polite, you can call me Xiao Ye." Ye Wang said quickly.

Back then he called himself the Night King because he had reached the peak of the God King.

But now he is only in the middle stage of the God Emperor, how can he have the right to ask for the proper name of the God Emperor?

Does he fit?

"How many nasty things have been done in the city that never sleeps these years, don't you know?"

The Night King shuddered.

What is Zhao Yang going to do?

"I don't want to delve into some things, but if you are still obsessed with it, then there is no need for the city that never sleeps." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The Night King heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, "From now on, the city that never sleeps will be devoted to goodness, and will never do such nasty things again."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"Let's go." He looked at Piao Miao and said.

And just as they were about to leave, a wonderful sound came from a restaurant.

"It's hard to come to the city that never sleeps once, don't you want to meet your friends?"

Zhao Yang thought about it and decided to meet him.

Ye Mei was still wearing a cat face mask.

Her figure is arrogant and small, giving people a feeling of pity for me.

"Why do you keep wearing this cat face mask?"

"Do you want to see my real face?" Ye Mei asked jokingly.

"Not yet." Zhao Yang shook his head, "I'm afraid that if you see your face, you will make me responsible again."

Zhao Yang had suffered such a loss before, and he didn't want to suffer it again.

Hearing this, Ye Mei took the initiative to take off the mask of the cat face, and as a result, the face under the mask was riddled with holes, which was horrible.

"This..." Zhao Yang was stunned.

Piao Miao was also stunned.

"Actually, my body also looks like this." Ye Mei said as she was about to untie her dress.

"Don't." Zhao Yang hastily stopped him.

"Sore body." Piao Miao said at this time.

It's a physique!

"Do you want to change?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering for a while.

"In this world of the weak and the strong, how long can I live if I give up my sore body?" Ye Mei smiled wryly, "Besides, I'm used to it."

Ye Mei chattered a lot with Zhao Yang.

Her childhood was unfortunate.

Awakening the sore body was both lucky and unfortunate for her.

Fortunately, she is no longer being bullied by others, but she has never been able to show her true colors in her life.

"Sorry, I talked so much without realizing it." Ye Mei suddenly realized that she had said enough.

Zhao Yang handed Ye Mei a universe bag, "In the future, if you want to give up the sore body, then open this universe bag."

Ye Mei took a look.

There are restrictions on the Qiankun bag.

Of course, this restriction is not strong, she can completely open it.

"Let's go, see you later." Zhao Yang said and got up.

But after Zhao Yang and Piao Miao left, Ye Mei opened the brocade box after pondering again and again.

There is a divine fruit in the brocade box.

"The peak of the emperor."

You must know that the Night King is only in the middle stage of the God Emperor now, but Zhao Yang gave her a God Emperor.

The peak of the emperor.

She sighed deeply.

If she gave up her sore body, her cultivation would turn into running water.

How to protect yourself at that time?

Soon she found a battleship in the Qiankun bag.


After seeing the battleship, a ray of her divine sense entered into the battleship.

"Welcome Master." A voice came out from the battleship's system.

"What class of warship is this?"

"High-level God Emperor."

Ye Mei's pupils shrank fiercely.

High-level God Emperor?

This realm is not too high!

It can be said that with this realm, she can walk sideways in God's Domain.

With the protection of the battleship, it will take a long time to practice again.

Does she have the time?

Just when she was very tangled, she saw five crystals in the corner of the Qiankun bag.

"These crystals...?"

"Master, these spars are time spars. Each time spar has two hundred years of time. When you use it, the flow rate of time around you will drop six times. That is to say, two hundred years have passed in your outside world, and your actual I have practiced for 1000 and [-] years."

Ye Mei's eyes turned red when she heard this.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to take all her worries into consideration.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Ye Mei burst into tears as she spoke.

She decided to leave the city that never sleeps and find a place where no one was around to live in seclusion.

With the protection of this battleship, she feels that safety is not a problem.

And with these five time crystals, she can restore her previous cultivation as quickly as possible.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang took Piao Miao to indulge in mountains and rivers for three months.

Three months later, Zhao Yang sent Piao Miao back to the Soul Clan.

"I will go to Yanhuangzong after I settle the matter of the soul clan."

"it is good."

After sending Piao Miao away, Zhao Yang received a voice transmission from a mysterious girl when he was about to return to Yanhuangzong.

"A dark tribe has found a passage leading to the heavens, and they are currently digging. According to the plan, they will be able to dig through it in a few years."

"My sister sent me there."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be your opponent?"

"It's a big deal to burn them all with clean fire."

"It's time for the soldiers of Yanhuangzong to see blood."

Zhao Yang thought about it for the same reason.

So Zhao Yang turned around and returned to Yanhuangzong.

Soon he recruited a King's Legion, ten Purple and Gold Legions, and a hundred Gold Legions, a total of 110 million soldiers.

These soldiers wore battle armor and held battle swords, and rode the battle swords to Zhao Yang's small world.

Then Zhao Yang was teleported to the Dark Clan.

When Zhao Yang suddenly appeared in front of the Anzu, the monks of the Anzu were shocked.

what's the situation?

Why did the monks of the heavens appear here?

Didn't they dig through?

(End of this chapter)

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