Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1918 Looting the New City

Just when the monks present were trembling, a figure suddenly appeared in the field.

"How dare you loot in Xincheng?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Zhao Yang."

"not good."

"Why is Zhao Yang here?"


These guys are well aware of Zhao Yang's strength, and they are definitely not something they can provoke.

So they rushed towards the outside immediately.

But in the next moment, Zhao Yang's mental power turned into a rope that bound them all.

No matter how they struggle, it will not help.

"how is this possible?"

"How can you be so powerful?"

"It's not true?"

"It's over now."

After Zhao Yang tied up these six people, he said with a smile, "Everyone, wait a moment, these six people are not the only ones who are causing damage in the city at this moment, and they will be sent over one after another later."

When these six attacked the new city, there were six strong men who were forbidden to go out to attack the city lord's mansion.

As a result, they were imprisoned by the mountain guard formation of the City Lord's Mansion just as they were about to make a move. After finally getting rid of the imprisonment, they found that they were locked by more than a dozen divine thoughts.

A strong man was turned into scum when he moved his body, and now the remaining five dared not move again.

At the same time, hundreds of half-step taboo masters were robbing and destroying the shops in the new city at the same time, but they didn't know...

The moment they started, they were monitored by taboo-class warships.

The battleship relayed the message to nearby war puppets.

The war puppet shot instantly.

"I'm sorry, Yanhuangzong who destroyed your store will compensate according to the price." Zhan Puppet looked at the boss apologetically after cleaning up a half-step taboo master.

Soon these guys were sent to the City Lord's Mansion.

Those guys turned green when they saw their bound companions.

They didn't expect that there were so many masters in Xincheng who could catch them all in an instant.


At this moment, Zhao Yang's divine sense ruthlessly blasted into their sea of ​​consciousness.

Soon Zhao Yang got useful information from their minds.

"Yuanheng Continent, Songzhu Continent, Liniao Continent, Songyuan Continent..." Zhao Yang quickly read out 63 factions.

Every time he uttered a name, the complexion of the power turned pale.

"I thought I didn't do anything wrong to you, but in the end, you are still stabbing in the back? If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude." After Zhao Yang said this, the more than 100 monks were all shocked.

"This matter has nothing to do with our ethnic group."

"Please don't involve my ethnic group."

"Kill me, don't blame my clan."

No matter how much these guys begged, they were still escorted by Yanhuangzong to swagger through the city, and then Xincheng dispatched the 63rd army to go to the city respectively.

To the 63 forces.

Yanhuangzong did not kill them all, ordered to hand over the people who knew about this matter, and then emptied their treasury, Yanhuangzong led the army and returned.

After returning, Xincheng announced that the forces of the 63 families would not be allowed to come to Xincheng in the future. If they were caught, they would be executed.

It wasn't until the news broke that everyone saw Xincheng's domineering style.

However, they were secretly startled that the twelve early-stage taboos and one hundred half-step taboos had no choice but to get the new city.

"How rich is the background of Xincheng?"

"The City Lord's Mansion in Xincheng has a taboo formation, and the six early taboos were imprisoned by the formation as soon as they made a move."

"Shouldn't the formation be taboo middle-level?"

"Do you think Yanhuangzong will find fault on purpose?"

"Do you think Yanhuangzong needs it? And you think Yanhuangzong is not good, so you don't have to come."

After this incident was over, Zhao Yang left a mid-forbidden battleship, three mid-forbidden war puppets, three early-forbidden warships, and six early-forbidden war puppets in Xincheng, and returned to Yanhuangzong.

He believed that with so many masters, Xincheng should be impenetrable.

Yan Huangzong!

After Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he continued to comprehend and practice.

And as the middle and high levels of Yanhuangzong stepped into the early stage of the taboo realm one after another, the strength of Yanhuangzong once again ushered in a rapid development.

but god

There is a message from the domain.

The source insects in the depths of the moat have changed.

"Origin insects changed?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"The source worm recently gave birth to the high-ranking Heavenly Moat Beast of the God Emperor." A soldier in charge of guarding the Heavenly Moat said in a deep voice.

It's not normal.

You must know that the source worms in Tianchao are only in the middle stage of the taboo realm, and those in the middle stage of the taboo realm can only be born in the middle stage of the god emperor realm. Why is it that a high-level god emperor is suddenly born now?

Soon the news came from all sides.

The source worms of the three thousand continents all gave birth to high-level moat beasts.

This made everyone feel the crisis.

Fortunately, the strength of the Three Thousand Continent has improved a lot in these years, so now they can still deal with the high-level moat beasts that were born.

But what they didn't expect was that only ten years later, those source insects gave birth to higher-level moat beasts.

Such as God's Domain.

Now the Heavenly Moat Beast at the peak of the God Emperor was born.

This plunged some continents into catastrophe.

"The Scorpio Beast in the early taboo stage has appeared in the Soul Clan Continent."

"God knows what will happen in the future if this situation develops?"

"I think the root cause is the source worm."

"It would be great if we could kill the source worm."

"Can we ask powerhouses from other continents to help?"

"God is harvesting, who do you think will come?"

"Maybe you can buy high-level war puppets through the new city

Or a battleship? "

"That's a way."

Xincheng once again increased the intensity of giving benefits.

It used to be three times the delivery, but now it is five times.

"Xincheng is definitely giving benefits."

"Xincheng loses more than 500 billion yuan every month."

"Xincheng has saved countless continents?"

It’s just that the amount sent by the new city is limited after all, and some continents are still swallowed by the source insects.

Originally there were 780 continents, but in just three years the number decreased by [-].

And when the ten-year period came, the young girl and the old man came to the new city again.

The girl handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, "Can the Yanhuangzong increase production capacity?"


"Thank you."

"Do you know that there are only [-] continents left in these years?"

"The world is shuffling the cards, forcing Three Thousand Continents to move towards a stronger level."

"So a lot of resources are wasted."

"It can't be wasted." The girl shook her head and said, "Those destroyed continents will turn into new resources and appear in other continents."

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"As there are fewer and fewer continents left, you end up with those continents getting stronger."

"I understand." Zhao Yang nodded.

After the girl left, Zhao Yang said to Zhao Qingqing, "Continue to increase production capacity."

"How much production capacity is it now?"

"Ten times."

(End of this chapter)

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