"Go to the teahouse for a walk." The girl said lightly.

When I went to the teahouse and asked for a pot of tea, I heard some people talking in the teahouse.

"I heard that there will be a press conference tonight."

"It is said that this press conference was hosted by Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect."

"That's right, this news has been confirmed by the City Lord's Mansion."

"Then you have to go there no matter what. Xincheng's press conferences give away benefits every time. I don't know how many benefits will be given this time?"

The master and servant discovered that the teahouse was talking more about Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect.

So in the evening, the two of them decided to go to the auction to have a look.

Only when the auction was about to start, did the two know how hot the auction would be?People like them who don't have an appointment can't get in at all.

"Miss, the tickets for the boxes and halls have already been sold out." The old man said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if you can't get in, you can watch it outside." At this time, a woman standing beside them pointed to a huge screen and said, "The content of the auction house will be broadcast in real time."

"You didn't go in, don't you regret it?" the girl asked curiously.

"There must be some regrets, but the auction house is so big, we can't have all the monks in the city go in." The woman said with a smile, "I hope I can grab the tickets next time, so that I can make a small profit. "

"What do you mean by making a small fortune?"

"Yanhuang Zongpai

The items sold are all far below the market price, that is to say, as long as you get an item in the auction, you will definitely make a fortune when you get it on the market. This is why the Yanhuangzong Auction is so popular. "

Hearing this, both master and servant were stunned.

After the auction officially started, the two finally understood what the woman meant.

Zhao Yang auctioned thousands of items, but each item was lower than the cost price.

"If you use the materials to assemble it, it shouldn't be so expensive if you don't count the hard work of the toolmaker." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Before I suspected that he was doing a stunt, but I didn't expect that he was really giving benefits." The girl said involuntarily.

After the auction ended, when Zhao Yang was resting in the office, a wave suddenly vibrated in the air.

He couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Soon the figures of the master and the servant appeared in the office.

"Please don't take offense if you interrupt rashly." The girl looked at Zhao Yang and said apologetically.

"The visitor is a guest, please take a seat." Zhao Yang invited the two to sit down.

The girl sat down generously, but the old man stood behind her.

Zhao Yang glanced at the old man, and a storm arose in his heart.

You must know that Zhao Yang's mental power has reached the point where he can rival the high-level god emperor.

But he couldn't see through the old man's cultivation.

"We are the line of guardians." The girl began to declare her family


"Guardian of the heavens?"

The girl nodded lightly, "My lineage has been secretly guarding the heavens all these years, lest the heavens be disturbed by the dark race."

"According to what I know, the strength of the Dark Clan far exceeds that of the heavens, is your lineage so powerful?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

"There is a Divine Stone of Light in the heavens, and my lineage used the power of the Divine Stone of Light to block the Dark Race." The girl said frankly.

"There is something wrong with the Bright God Stone now?" Zhao Yang's words moved the girl a little, "How do you know?"

"If there is no problem with the Divine Stone of Light, you will not be born." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"The Divine Stone of Light can last for thousands of years." The girl said softly, "What I am worried about now is that the strength of the heavens will not improve much within a thousand years."

"how do you want to do it?"

"I want to give you a batch of resources, and then you will distribute them." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the girl would say such words.

"Aren't you worried that I'm pocketing my own money?"

"I believe in your character." The girl looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Besides, it doesn't matter if you fill your pockets. Anyway, improving someone's strength is not improving?"

Speaking of which, the girl handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang scanned with his spiritual sense and found that there are all kinds of materials here, of course there are many, many materials.

"How are these materials auctioned?"

"Does Yanhuangzong have formation masters, equipment masters, and alchemy masters?" The girl said with some embarrassment, "I also ask you to help refine."

The old man turned his head away at this time.

He felt that the girl's request was a little too much.

"Please wait a moment." Zhao Yang quickly contacted Tang Yiren of Yanhuangzong through the battleship.

It didn't take long for the Tangyi people to come to Xincheng on a taboo-class warship.

"Yi Ren, how many warships and war puppets can you refine with these materials?"

Zhao Yang said and motioned Tang Yiren to open his own small world.

There are many secrets in Zhao Yang's small world, which are inconvenient to open.

Tang Yiren understood what Zhao Yang meant.

After she opened her own small world, Zhao Yang and his party went to her small world, and then Zhao Yang poured out all the resources in the Qiankun bag given to her by the girl.

Soon these resources piled up like mountains.

Zhao Yang summoned [-] robots, and these robots allocated these resources in a very short period of time.

Tang Yiren gave a piece of data after checking the ground, "These materials can be used to refine [-] warships of the peak of the emperor, [-] puppets of the peak of the emperor; [-] high-level gods One thousand battleships of the high-level god emperor; one thousand battleships of the middle stage of the god emperor, three thousand high-level battle puppets of the god emperor..."

"Of course, besides these, there are some scraps, but they are not worth much."

Zhao Yang quickly gave the data of medicinal materials and formations.

"After the formation masters, tool masters and alchemists of Yanhuangzong have refined these, they will be put on the market." Zhao Yang said softly.

"It's time to work, but you Yanhuangzong can't let you work for nothing. In this way, you Yanhuangzong will keep [-]% of the refined battleships and so on."

"Yanhuangzong doesn't need these."

"If you don't want it, I won't be able to continue to cooperate with you in the future." The girl insisted.

"That's fine." Zhao Yang reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you." The girl said earnestly.

"It's me who should thank you. Over the years, your lineage of guardians has sacrificed so much to protect the heavens?" Zhao Yang said softly.

After the two parties exchanged polite words, the girl and the old man said goodbye and left.

"Old Wang, how about the data they gave?"

"Actually, the data they gave is inaccurate."

"What?" The girl was startled.

Could it be that Zhao Yang is lying to her?

"What I mean by imprecise is that those materials can't make so many battleships and puppets. For example, the battleships of the God Emperor's peak can be made with those materials. About 94 ships can be made from those materials, but the other party said that they can make [-] ships, Yanhuang Zong actually posted materials in it. Fortunately, miss, you said that you gave Yanhuangzong a third, otherwise I will remind you."

"Zhao Yang is truly a compassionate person." The girl murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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