"Second Elder, if someone takes a fancy to your wife, shouldn't you obediently send it up?" the First Elder glanced at him and said.

"What did you say?" The second elder was furious.

A posture of going to war with the Great Elder.

"Why are you angry?" the Great Elder sneered.

"Are you kidding my wife?"

"What's the matter? Your wife can't joke? If one day a higher-level powerhouse comes and he takes a fancy to your wife, will you give it or not?" the Great Elder asked loudly.

"I..." The Second Elder didn't know how to refute for a moment.

"Okay, now is not the time to discuss this." The suzerain Keats interrupted the quarrel, "Xiaoyu, tell me what happened next in detail."

Dongfang Xiaoyu didn't add any details this time, but briefly described the matter carefully.

And when everyone heard that Zhao Yang used a kind of flame to burn the third elder to death, the expressions of Keats and other experts became serious.

"What kind of flame is that?"

"It can easily burn to death the flames of the middle-level taboo, but I don't know if the high-level taboo can stop it?"

"It's getting tricky."

"What about this matter?"

The suzerain Keats was silent for a while before he said, "I am the only one in the East that is related to the future of the supreme sect, so nothing will happen to me alone."

At this point, Keats stood up, "Ninth elder, you sit in the sect, and the other seven elders will follow me to Yanhuangzong."

It has to be said that Keats was very cautious, he brought all the high-end combat power of the sect over.

Keats and others are taboo-level existences, so they soon came to Yanhuangzong.

Even Keats, who had a good temper, got angry when they saw the solipsus hanging on the mountain gate that had been cut off.

"Yanhuangzong is deceiving people too much." Keats was furious.

"The Yanhuang Sect doesn't take our Supreme Sect seriously." The Second Elder said with red eyes.

"Even if we were at fault in this matter, Yanhuangzong has gone too far." The fifth elder was a neutral faction before, but now he said a little angrily.

They suddenly smelled a smell of meat.

They sniffed and immediately felt a smooth feeling all over their bodies.

"What kind of food is this?"

"I am afraid that the only ingredients that can make our whole body healthy are taboo-grade ingredients."

"Could it be...?"

At this moment, Zhao Yang removed the restriction on a corner of the mountain gate, and they saw a dragon that had been cut into many pieces and was being boiled in hundreds of cauldrons.


"The Dragon of the Forbidden Realm."

"Is this guy crazy?"

All the upper echelons of the Supreme Sect were shocked.

Zhao Yang left from the mountain gate at this time

Come out, "Everyone, let me wait all the way."

Keats suppressed the anger in his heart, he glanced at the audience and said, "Why are there only six dragons here?"

"There were two dragons threatening me before, so I killed them. As for this dragon, it looked at me badly, so I chopped it off." Zhao Yang said lazily, "You belong to the supreme sect." ...?"

"Sovereign Keats."

"You disciples of the Supreme Sect clearly know that my wife has a husband, but you still come to snatch her. Do you want to give me an explanation?" Zhao Yang said here with a stern cold light in his eyes.

"Isn't this a failure?" The second elder opened his mouth and said.

"The reason why he didn't win is because I'm stronger than him." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "According to what you mean, if you don't win, you don't need to be punished?"

"That's right, I am the only young suzerain master of my supreme sect." The second elder said seriously.

"Okay, I'll put my words here today. If you don't send your wife here, then there is no need for the Supreme Sect to exist." Zhao Yang looked at the second elder coldly and said.

"Do you know what price you have to pay for saying such things?" The second elder saw a ray of flames blooming from Zhao Yang's fingertips when he said this, and the moment the ray of flames appeared, the whole world could not bear this threat. pressure, and collapsed.


The coercion of Miedi made the second elder and the others look shocked.

"Jinghuo, why do you have Jinghuo in your hand?" the suzerain Keats exclaimed.

"Sect Master, what is Jinghuo?" the Great Elder asked hastily.

"Cleaning fire means purifying the fire of the world. Not to mention the high-level taboo, even the peak taboo, they can't compete." Keats said that the faces of the high-level people present were full of panic.

The second elder was even more frightened by the news, his face paled.

"Since you know that this is Jinghuo, you should know that I can easily destroy your Supreme Sect." Zhao Yang said indifferently at this point.

"I would like to apologize to you instead of me." Keats's attitude suddenly softened, "Any other compensation you need, you can just say it."

"First, the Second Elder of your Supreme Sect needs to send his wife here." Zhao Yang glanced at the Second Elder.

The second elder's face suddenly darkened, "This is impossible."

"I'm not discussing with you." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Of course you don't have to give it away, but for your lineage, I will withdraw my soul, light the sky lantern, and torture me for thousands of years. I will not let it go. Yes. As for the supreme sect, I will burn it clean."

"You...how can you do this?" The second elder trembled angrily.

"Because I'm better than you guys, I can do whatever I want?" Zhao Yang sneered

Said, "Didn't you teach me this?"

"I...I..." The second elder knelt down with a plop, "I was wrong, please, please forgive me?"

"Second Elder, I just want to ask you a question. You said that if I knelt down and begged you just now, would you be able to expose the past and not pursue it?"

The second elder opened his mouth to say something.

He really wants to say that I won't pursue it, but even he doesn't believe it.

"Second, Dongfang Weiwo's mother wants to give it to me." Zhao Yang pointed to Dongfang Weiwo and said indifferently.

Everyone was stunned.

"You... have the guts that you killed me, why would you want to humiliate my mother?" Dongfang Weiwo's eyes were bloodshot.

"You can humiliate my wife, why can't I humiliate your mother?"

"I haven't even touched my fucking fingers." Dongfang Weiwo growled.

"Only me in the East, you definitely don't do this kind of thing once or twice. Since your parents don't care about you, and the sect doesn't care about you, then I will take care of you." Zhao Yang said loudly, "Only me in the East, now I'm Daozu, You are fish, you have no right to refuse."

"Kill me, I beg for death, but don't touch my mother?"

"When you touch other women, when others beg you, have you ever felt compassion?"

"Kill me, kill me, kill me." Dongfang Weiwo roared recklessly.

(End of this chapter)

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