Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1896 Empress Comes

Piao Miao looked into the distance.

I saw a magnificent figure falling from mid-air.

It was Diji!

Di Ji, known as the number one beauty in the heavens.

"What are you doing here?" Piao Miao looked at Di Ji with unfriendly eyes and said.

"I'm here to discuss some things with Mr. Zhao in detail." Di Ji glanced at Piao Miao.

Piao Miao looked at Di Ji with increasingly vigilant eyes.

You must know that Di Ji has not given anyone a good face these years.

Why does she favor Zhao Yang so much?

"Master Zhao, don't you invite me in?" Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said.

Her pair of deep eyes are as bright as jewels, and when she smiles at Zhao Yang, a hundred flowers are about to bloom.

This is a beautiful young girl with a bell of heaven and earth.

Zhao Yang's eyes were slightly distracted, but then returned to normal.

"Let's talk about it here." What Di Ji didn't expect was that Zhao Yang rejected Di Ji.

"The matter I want to talk to you is very important." Di Ji said in a deep voice.

This is to tell Zhao Yang in a disguised form that it is inconvenient to talk here.

Hearing that Zhao Yang's spiritual power has shrouded a mental power barrier around the two of them, "I don't think anyone can spy on the content of our chat."

Di Ji's phoenix eyes concealed a hint of shock, but she still tried her best to calm herself down.

"You are special." Di Ji said deeply

He gave Zhao Yang a serious look.

"Aren't you the same? Neither Ji Zi nor Dao Zi of the younger generation are your opponents, but you ended up being the number one beauty." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Di Ji's pupils narrowed slightly, "What do you know?"

"I've seen you fight."

Only then did Di Ji realize how Zhao Yang knew his own strength?

"Have you heard of Shoutao?" Di Ji asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang shook his head.

"There is an ancient peach tree on the taboo road. That peach tree has survived for an unknown number of years, and the longevity peaches it bears can allow monks to step into the forbidden land."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was moved.

How many peaches are there on a peach tree?

"There are three kinds of longevity peaches, first-calendar longevity peaches, second-calamity longevity peaches, and third-calendar longevity peaches." Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang and said, "The first-calendar longevity peaches can promote monks to the early stage of taboo, and the second-calendar longevity peaches can promote monks to the middle stage of taboo. The Three Tribulations Longevity Peach can elevate a monk to a taboo high level."

"Do you know where the peach tree is?"

Diji nodded slightly.

"Why are you working with me?"

"Because that peach tree is a taboo high-level existence, no matter it is the taboo road or outside the territory, there is no master of this level." Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang with deep eyes and said, "Maybe you have this ability."

"How to distribute?" Zhao Yang asked after a moment of silence.

Di Ji's eyes froze

lights up.

Since Zhao Yang asked this, it proved that he was sure.

"I need two Three Tribulations birthday peaches, and the rest are yours."

"What if there are only two Three Tribulations birthday peaches?" Zhao Yang thought it was better to ask the matter clearly.

You can't work hard, and you don't get anything in the end, right?

"If there are only two, then you have one."

"it is good."

"Get ready, and then we'll go."


Zhao Yang removed the mental power barrier, looked at Piao Miao not far away, "I still have something to do, so I won't keep you."

"Zhao Yang, why are you so alienated from me?" Piao Miao couldn't hold back anymore.

I was so infatuated, couldn't Zhao Yang see it?

"I have a wife." Zhao Yang said after hesitating for a while.

"I do not mind."

"But can you leave your Clan behind and stay with me?"

Piao Miao opened her mouth to say something, but finally fell silent.

Zhao Yang turned around and returned to Yanhuangzong, he confessed to Lin Caihan, and then came to Diji's side.

Di Ji summoned a half-step taboo battleship, and the battleship pierced the sky and headed towards the distance with lightning flashes.

The place Di Ji was going to was far away from Yanhuangzong, and the half-step taboo warship sailed for an hour, but it still hadn't arrived.

"The space in the front area is folded."

"Yes, if not

If you have coordinates, you can't find it at all. " Diji nodded.

"Then how did you know about that place?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

Diji remained silent.

Zhao Yang didn't ask any more questions.

In this way, a few more hours passed, and the half-step taboo warship landed on an isolated island.

An isolated island suspended between the nothingness of heaven and earth.

The island was surrounded by thick fog.

Zhao Yang wanted to go deep with his spiritual thoughts, but found that the dense fog was too thick, and his spiritual thoughts could not go deep at all.

"You need to use your mental strength." Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang used his mental power without hesitation, and his mental power turned into a steel knife, which fell mercilessly towards the thick fog ahead.

The thick fog was quickly broken through, and Zhao Yang and Di Ji stepped into it.

The isolated island is lush and lush, like a paradise.

After walking for a distance on the isolated island, the two soon saw a huge peach tree.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that there are two peaches hanging on this peach tree.

There are three traces of lightning on the two peaches.

"Is this the Three Tribulations Longevity Peach?" Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this peach tree would actually give birth to the Three Tribulations Longevity Peach." Di Ji said as she walked towards the peach tree.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that she cut open her wrist with a dagger, and the blood dripped down onto the peach tree along the wrist.

Zhao Yang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Di Ji, what are you doing?"

The next moment, a terrifying coercion emanated from the peach tree, and this coercion rolled towards Zhao Yang like a stormy sea.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang made preparations early, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

This coercion is really too frightening.

"This peach tree was planted by the ancestors of my lineage." Di Ji said leisurely, "But only the blood of my lineage can be activated." She paused at this point, "Zhao Yang, I don't need you anymore, you can leave now."

When Zhao Yang heard this, how could he not understand that he was being bullied by Di Ji?


Zhao Yang's mental strength condensed a thunderbolt and fell towards the peach tree.

But this peach tree has long been psychic, its branches swayed and turned into a rune, and the rune actually counteracted Zhao Yang's condensed thunder.

"Zhao Yang, your spiritual power is able to counteract or even kill taboo powerhouses. It's not because of how terrifying your spiritual power is. It's mainly because the forbidden powerhouses in the heavens don't know how to use spiritual power." Di Ji said at this time. Said, "Or they don't have a corresponding inheritance. But this situation changed quickly. This time, the heavens got a book of exercises for tempering spiritual power. After they really mastered how to use spiritual power, Zhao Yang You'll never have a chance to stand tall again."

"Really?" Zhao Yang sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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