Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1888 Do You Need to Promise

"Leave him to me, you just need to heal your wounds." Lin Caihan said here that her mental power turned into a storm and rolled towards the evil spirit.

The evil spirit avoided it between Kankan and Kankan.

" do you understand spiritual power?" The evil spirit was startled.

Immediately, his eyes showed a burning color, "You must have mastered the secret technique of tempering spiritual power in your hands, haha, I didn't expect such unexpected gains today." Speaking of this, he rushed towards Lin Caihan .

"The premise is that you have this ability." Lin Caihan said that a long whip suddenly appeared in the void.

When the long whip twitched, the whole world exploded with a bang.

Even though the evil spirit tried its best to dodge this time, it was still hit by the long whip.

One of his arms was shattered, and blood gushed out desperately.

"Her mental strength is not as good as Zhao Yang. If you don't make a move, I will turn around and leave now." The evil spirit shouted towards the dark.

After some hesitation, Zhutian Express and other six taboo powerhouses still appeared in the midair.

The aura on them was mighty, like the might of the sky, pervading in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

Lin Caihan was having a hard time coping, to be exact, she couldn't handle it at all.

She had already consumed a lot of mental power just using the whip of order.

Fortunately, at this time, the fierce beast roared and killed the old patriarch of the Hongmeng Continent


But killing the taboo strong Lin Caihan didn't make the situation any better?

Just when Lin Caihan was about to lose her hold on, two figures appeared beside her.

bright moon!

Tangyi people.

The moment these two girls appeared, they imprisoned a taboo-level existence respectively.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

After years of acting, Xu Huier finally managed to relocate the sect as a whole within 3 minutes.

"Sovereign, the teleportation array can no longer teleport." Xu Huier sent a voice transmission to Lin Caihan.

"Xu Huier, the third princess, you two take the battleship and follow us out." Lin Caihan ordered immediately.

Xu Hui'er and the third princess have also tempered their spiritual power over the years, but their advancement is not as good as Mingyue and Tang Yiren.

At this time, the entire Yanhuangzong soldiers had entered the small world of Xu Huier and the third princess.

When the two of them rushed out on the battleship, they found that the space was cut off.

"Give it to me." Xu Huier joined hands with the three princesses.

The spiritual power of the two of them merged into one, forcibly opening up a space passage.

After watching them escape, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Tang Yiren, and the fierce beast also fought and retreated, but the evil spirits and the six taboo powerhouses bit them tightly.


Yanhuangzong's half-step taboo war puppet such as

Like a moth, it rushed towards the six taboo powerhouses.

There are a total of 58 half-step taboo powerhouses of Yanhuangzong.

These taboo powerhouses detonated themselves immediately after stopping the six taboo powerhouses.

The terrifying energy fluctuations stopped the six taboo powerhouses.

Lin Caihan summoned thirteen half-step taboo warships to block the path of the evil spirits, and then ordered ten half-step taboo battleships to also detonate.

Such scenes are shocking.

Even existences such as evil spirits have to avoid the edge for the time being.

And when the energy weakened a little, Lin Caihan and others had disappeared.

"Lin Caihan used his mental power to block our search." The evil spirit said in a deep voice after searching for a while but failed to find Lin Caihan.

"This result is the worst." The patriarch of Hunyuan Continent said anxiously.

Zhao Yang is not in Yanhuangzong, he probably went out.

The problem is that they only now realize that Lin Caihan is not much inferior to Zhao Yang.

Is it possible that Yanhuangzong will not liquidate them in the future?

"Let's go to the Zhao family." The patriarch of the Hongmeng Continent said at this time, "Let's divide up the high-level members of the Zhao family, so that even if Zhao Yang wants to take revenge in the future, he will have to fight against the rat."

"That's a good idea."

"For now, it seems that this is the only plan."

"It's almost impossible for the two sides to reconcile."


Only one step at a time. "

At this time, the strong man of the six taboos was very dissatisfied.

However, it is not good for them to stimulate the evil spirits too much, after all, they are not the opponents of the evil spirits.

"What happened this time is my fault." The evil spirit said at this time, "I know you belong to two parties, so one of you will take a lotus root, but for the sake of fairness, you can divide it piece by piece. "

A lotus root can be divided into nine parts, that is to say, each of their forces can have three more half-step taboos.

But this doesn't seem to be of much use.

Let's talk about Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan and the others fled outside the territory all the way.

After arriving outside the territory, Lin Caihan breathed a sigh of relief.

Outland is too big.

It is almost as difficult to find them, not to mention climbing to the sky.

"Next we will be wandering outside the territory." Lin Caihan said leisurely, "Just in case, Mingyue and Yiren, the three of us use our mental power to isolate the battleship in order."

"Caihan, how can you contact us when your husband is back?" Yuan Jin'er asked worriedly.

"As soon as my husband comes back, there will definitely be a shocking battle." Lin Caihan said softly, "It will be difficult for us to know if we don't want to."


Zhao Yang didn't know what happened to Yanhuangzong.

He is still building his own forces in the western region at this time.

But this time Zhao Yang is familiar with the road, and he spent a lot of money.

In less than three years, the entire western region was integrated.

After integrating the western region, Zhao Yang led 500 billion monks to the southern region. It took Zhao Yang two years to flatten the southern region. By this time, the number of monks he led had reached 200 billion. .

Zhao Yang did not stop the pace of attack, he led the army towards the northern region.

It took only one year to conquer the northern region, and then he took 2000 billion monks to the central region.

When Zhao Yang's army appeared in the central region, the hearts of the Heixuan clan collapsed.

They have not yet emerged from the shadow of the last war.

As a result, Zhao Yang came here again.

The Heixuan Clan also knew that this was not something that could be avoided, so the Heixuan Clan frantically expanded their armies and prepared for war in the central region.

Two months later the two legions collided again.

There are casualties every day.

But on the whole, Zhao Yang has the upper hand. Of course, all of this is in Zhao Yang's plan.

When the two sides lost half, the old patriarch of the Heixuan clan roared at Zhao Yang, "What do you want?"

"I want to conquer your Heixuan clan." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Our Heixuan clan will not surrender to you, but if you want to practice in the central region, we can agree."

"Do you need to agree to this?" Zhao Yang sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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